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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 1 Pages 1 - 23 (May 1986) Literature Books Mason, C. F. and Macdonald, S. M. (1986). OTTERS: Ecology and Conservation. 236 pp. Published by Cambridge University Press, The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP, U.K. Papers Bouchardy, C. (1985). Statut de la loutre (Lutra lutra) en zone limite de repartition, dans la region Auvergne Limousin (France). Report for Groupe Loutre de la Societe Francaise d'etude et de protection des mammiferes. (Author's address: 3 Rue du Mont-Mouchet, 63800 Cournon, France). Defler, T. R. (1986). The giant river otter in El Tuparro National Park, Colombia. Oryx, .20, 87-88. (Apartado Aereo 4559, Bogota, Colombia). Ewins, P. J. (1985). Otter predation on Black Guillemots. British Birds, 78 (12), 663-664. (Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology, Dept. of Zoology, South Parks Road, Oxford). Fairley, J. S. and McCarthy, T. K. (1985). Do otters prey on breeding Natterjack Toads? Irish Naturalists Journal, 21. (no. 12), 544-545. (Dept. of Zoology, University College, Galway, Ireland). Hasse, E. (1985). Domestikation und Biorhythmik - Implikationen fur den Tierartenschutz (Domestication and biorhythms - implications for animal species conservation). Natur und Landschaft, 60 (7/8), 297-302. (Institut fur Haustierkunde der Universitat Kiel, Olshausenstrasse 40-60, D-2300 Kiel). Madsen, Aksel Bo (1986). Oddere og Aleruser. Stencil report. "Projekt Odder", Verdensnaturfonden WWF og Foreningen til Dyrenes Beskyttelse. (Address given under Denmark). Mau, H. (1985). Der Fischotter - Verhalten und Zucht. (The otter - behaviour and breeding). 30 pp. Report available from: Wildbiologische Gesellschaft Munchen, Postfach 170, 8103 Oberammergau. Nielson, Chr. Engelstoft (1935). Kortlaegning af odderens (Lutra
lutra L.) forekomst i Nordjylland og Viborg amter efteraret 1984.
(Occurrence of Lutra lutra in the North of Jutland in the autumn
of 1934. English Summary). Flora og 'Fauna 91 (3-4), 13-15. Prauser, N. (1985). Fischotter (Lutra lutra L. 1758) und Fluss-Landschaftsstruktur im Gebiet der Wumme/Niedersachsen -Stand 1984. (Otters and river/habitat structures on the River Wumme). Beiheft zur Schriftenreihe Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Niedersachsen No. 12, 60pp. Hanover. (Available from Aktion Fischotterschutz, Forsthaus Oderhaus, D-3424 St. Andreasberg, West Germany. Price: DM 8 + DM 3 -flat postal rate). Radler, K. (1986). Populationsgenetische Aspekte des Artenschutzes - Kann Inzucht eine Wiedereinburgerung gefahrden? (Population genetic aspects of species conservation - can inbreeding endanger a re-introduction?). Natur und Landschaft 61 (1), 15-17. (Institut fur Forstgenetik, Busgenweg 2, D-3400 Gottingen-Weende). Rahn, P. (1980). Zum Vorkommen des Fischotters (Lutra lutra) in West-Berlin. (Distribution of otters in West Berlin). Bongo-Zoo Report Berlin 136 (4), 77-78. Scott, H. (1985). Otters on the Somerset Levels and Moors 1983-84 - Summary of Report, 23pp. Published by The Vincent Wildlife Trust, Baltic Exchange Buildings, 21 Bury Street, London EC3A 5AU. |
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