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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 11 Pages 1 - 57 (April 1995) Literature Arnemo, J. M. (1990). Chemical immobilization of the European otter (Lutra lutra). Norsk Vet. 102: 767-770. Baranauskas, K., Mickevicius, E., Macdonald,
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86-88. Bowyer, R. T., Testa, J. W., Faro, J.
B. (1995). Habitat Selection
and Home Ranges of River Otters in a Marine Environment: Effects
of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. J. Mamm. 76:
1-11. Bowyer, R. T., Testa, J. W., Faro, J.
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in Diets of River Otters in Prince William Sound, Alaska:
Effects of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Can. J. Zool. 72:
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Scavengers. Ocean. Marine Biol. 32: 369-434.
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276-282. Butler, J. R. A., Toit, J. T. du (1994). Diet aAnd
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Medicine Vienna, 216pp. Heggberget, T. M., Christensen, H. (1994). Reproductive
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Nueva Serie 54: 1-23. Hussain, S. A. (1994). Status of the smooth-coated
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Asian Otter Specialist Group Newsletter 3:, 3-5. Kemenes, I., Demeter, A. (1994). Uni- and multivariate
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of Otters (Lutra lutra) in Hungary. Annal. Historico-Naturales
Musei Nat. Hungarici 86: 133-138 Koshcheev, V. V. (1989). On the Influence of Brown Bear on the Sea-otter Mortality in the Rookery Of Southern Kamchatka. Promyslovaya Fauna Severnoy Patsifiki, Kirov, p. 78-84. Kruuk, H., Balharry, E., Taylor, P. T.
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Khullar, P. (1991). Wildlife Special Issue. Indian Forester 117: Lanszki, J., Kormendi, S. (1993). Data on the Role
of Otter (Lutra lutra L.) in Pond Farming. Halaszat 86:
190-191. Ligthart, M. F., Nel, J. A. J., Avenant,
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S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res. 24: 38-39.
Lina, P. H. C., Ommering, G. van (1994). Rode lijst van bedreigde
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nr. 12. Loughlin, T. R. (1995). Marine Mammals and the Exxon Valdez. Academic Press, London. Melisch, R., Kusumawardhani, L., Asmoro,
P. B., Lubis, I. R. (1994). The Role of Otters (Mustelidae,
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45-46. MIller, I., Gutleb, A. C., Kranz, A.,
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Animals: Differentiation between Otter and Pheasant Blood
using Electrophoretic Methods. Electrophoresis 16:
865-868. MIller, I., Gutleb, A. C., Gemeiner,
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Contaminants in Wild Mink in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
Sci. Total Environ. 161: 473-486.
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Water Mongoose Atilax paludinosus in a Freshwater
Habitat in South Africa. Z. Säugetierkunde 59:
332-341. Reid, D. G., Code, T. E., Reid, A. C.
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J. Zool. 72: 1306-1313. Reid, D. G., Code, T. E., Reid, A. C.
H., Herrero, S. M. (1994).
Spacing, Movements, and Habitat Selection of the River Otter
in Boreal Alberta. Can. J. Zool. 72, 1314-1324.
Rock, K. R., Rock, E. S., Bowyer, R.
T., Faro, J. B. (1995). Degree of Association
and Use of Helper by Coastal River Otters, Lutra
canadensis, in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Canadian
Field Naturalist 108: 367-369. Sebastian. A. (1994). The Hairy Nosed Otter in Peninsular
Malaysia. Asian Wetland News 7: 5. 43 Serfass, T. L., Rymon, L. M., Brooks,
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from River Otters in Pennsylvania. J. Wildl. Dis. 28:
138-140. Serfass, T. L., Randall, M. S., Peper,
L., Whary, M. T., Brooks, R. P. (1993). River Otter (Lutra
canadensis) Reintroduction
in Pennsylvania: Prerelease Care and Clinical Evaluation. J.
Zoo Wildl. Med. 24: 28-40. Shevchenko, I. N., Lipilina, I. A. (1989). On the Problem of Sanitary Condemnation of Sea-Otters. Promyslovaya Fauna Severnoy Patsifiki, Kirov, p. 21-25. Shymalaw, U. T., Sidorovich, V. Y., Shymalaw,
V. U. (1993).
Helminths of Mustelidae inhabiting the Waterbodies of Belarus.
Vyestsi Akademii Navuk Byelarusi Syeryya Biyalahichnykh Navuk 0(4):
96-101. Sidorovich, V. E. (1991). Feeding and Relationships
of the Otter (Lutra lutra L.) and American Mink (Mustela
vison Schreber) in Byelorussia. Reprint of Redaction of
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk BSSR, Ser. Biol. Nauk, 98pp. Sidorovich, V. E. (1989). Peculiarities of the Otter
lutra L.) Ecology in Conditions of Anthropogenical Transformation
of the Habitat. Dinamika Zootsenozov, Problemy Okhrany i
Ratsionalnogo Ispolzovaniya Zhivotnogo Mira Byelorussia.
Abstracts of 6th Zoological Conference, Vitebsk, September
19-21, 1989. Minsk, Institute of Zoology of Acad. Sci. BSSR
Publ., 1989. p. 222-223. Silva, P. K. de (1994). A Preliminary Study on the
Food Of Lutra
Lutra inhabiting a Hill Stream in Sri Lanka. Asian
Otter Specialist Group Newsletter 3:
5-6. Smith, D., Flegal, A. R. (1995). Lead in the Biosphere:
Recent Trends. Ambio 24:, 21-23. Spelman, L. H., Summer, P. W., Levine,
J. F., Stoskopf, M. K. (1993). Field Anaesthesia in the
North American River Otter (Lutra canadensis). J.
Zoo Wildl. Medicine 24:
19-27. Spelman, L. H., Summer, P. W., Levine,
J. F., Stoskopf, M. K. (1994). Anaesthesia of North American
River Otters (Lutra
canadensis) with Medetomidine-Ketamine and Reversal by
Atipamezol. J. Zoo Wildl. Medicine 25: 214-223.
Testa, J. W., Holleman, D. F., Bowyer,
R. T., Faro, J. B. (1994). Estimating Populations of
Marine River Otters in Prince William Sound, Alaska, using
Radiotracer Implants. J. Mammal. 75:
1021-1032. Tumanov, I. L., Sidorovich, V. E. (1994). Reproductive
Features of the Otter (Lutra lutra L.). Lutreola 4:
1-4. Udevitz, M. S., Bodkin, J. L., Costa,
D. P. (1995). Detection
of Sea Otters in Boat-Based Surveys of Prince William Sound,
Alaska. Marine Mammal Sci. 11: 59-71.
Voogt, P. de, Velzen, M. J. M. van, Leonards,
P. E. G. (1994).
Patterns And Toxic Potency Of Persistent PCDD and PCDF Congeners
in Liver of Mustelids from the Netherlands. Organohalogen Compounds 21:
465-468. Wank, M. (1977). Fischotter- und Schildkrötenfunde
im Mittelmiozän von Schönweg (Lavanttal, Kärnten).
Carinthia 167./187: 153-156. Wendell, F. (1994). Relationship between Sea Otter
Range Expansion and Red Abalone Abundance and Size Distribution
in Central California. Cal. Fish Game 80:
45-56. Williams, T. D., Hymer, J. (1992). Raising Orphaned Sea Otter Pups. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 201: 688-691. Woodroffe, G. L. (1994). The Status and Distribution
of the Otter (Lutra lutra L.) in North Yorkshire.
Naturalist 119:
25-35. Zogall, A. (1992). Morphologie und topographische Anatomie der Brust-, Bauch- und Beckenhöhlenorgane des Europäischen Fischotters (Lutra lutra L. 1758). Diss., Tierärztl. Hochschule Hannover, 101pp. Seminar on the Conservation of the European Otter (Lutra lutra) The proceedings of the seminar, which was held in Leeuwarden,
The Netherlands, 7-11 June 1994 are published. On 231 pages
topics refering to status and distribution, reproduction and
ecology, pollution, habitat quality and ecological networks
are presented. A large number of contributions was presented
by participants from former east European countries. WWF Forschungsberichte In this publication serie of WWF Austria two issues on the
otter Lutra lutra were published. Aspects covered
are status of the otter in Austria, ecology, otter and fish
ponds, causes for otter mortality, etc. Bulletin Vydra The 5th issue of this bulletin covers various aspects of the
otter Lutra lutra in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia.
A total of 23 articles gives a lot of information on research
projects (status, conservation, feeding ecology, pollution,
fish fauna) in this two european countries. Furthermore articles
cover the otter in the Zabajkalski National Park, Sibiria and
its distribution in Morocco. Lutreola - Investigations of Mustelids and other Carnivorous Mammals in Russia (ed. V.V. Rozhnov) This newsletter and journal which is to be issued twice a
year, will feature the following materials:
Knesebeck Verlag, München, 1994, ISBN 3-926901-73X Russian Literature Dr. Jevgeni Shergalin is providing literature reviews for
the Russian literature on all aspects of biology. Wild Otters - Predation and Population “Despite the popularity of otters, there has been no previous attempt at a scientific description of populations and behaviour of this species, Lutra lutra, in the wild. This book has been written from direct observations of otter populations in scotland, where the animals are still abundant. There is a great need for this kind of natural history, firstly because it provides the basic for active conservation management, and secondly because of the interest and naturalists of the unque and fascinating ecology of mammals living in a very hostile environment.” (Oxford University Press) Oxford University Press, 1995, 304 pages, 67 halftones, 74 line drawings and figures, £30.00, ISBN 0-198540701 (see also the enclosed flyer) Second International Martes Symposium Edmonton, Alberta, Canada August 12 - 16, 1995 |
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