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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 12 Pages 1 - 44 (October 1995) Literature BARANAUSKAS, K., MICKEVICIUS, E. 1995. The new data on the otters in Lithuania. Lutreola, 5, 11-14. (Institute of Ecology, Academios 2, Vilnius 2600, Lithuania). BODNER, M. 1995. Der eurasische Fischotter Lutra lutra L. im nördlichen Waldviertel. Eine bedrohte Säugetierart als Nutznießer einer Kulturlandschaft? Diplomarbeit, Universität Salzburg, 85p. Auingerhof 11, 4645 Grünau, Austria BODNER, M. 1995. Forschungsbericht Fischotter und Teichwirtschaft. Unpubl. Report. 99pp. (adress see above) BRITOV, V.A. 19??. Trichinellosis in the Khabarovsk Territory and on the Shakalin Islands. (Far-Eastern Scient.-Res. Veterinary Inst.). DUFFY, D.C. 1995. Apparent river otter predation at an Aleutian tern colony. Colonial Waterbirds, 18, 91-92. (Univ. Alaska, Alaska Nat. Heritage Prog., 707 a St., Anchorage, AK 99501, USA). Engelhart, A., Mullerschwarze, D. 1995. Responses of beaver (Castor canadensis, KUHL) to predator chemicals. J.Chem.Ecol., 21, 1349-1364. (SUNY Coll. Environ. Sci. & Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA). FIEDLER, F. 1992. Beobachtungen an Querungen von Otterwechseln mit Verkehrswegen im Landkreis Bischofswerda. Veröff. d. Museums d. Westlausitz. 16, 60- 66. (Nordstraße 11, D-01877 Bischofswerda, Germany). FISCHER, R. 1994. Das Beutespektrum der Fischotters an der Waldaist. Der OÖ Jäger, 21 (64), 21-22. () JAHRL, J. (1995). Historische und aktuelle Situation des Fischotters (Lutra lutra) und seines Lebensraumes in der Nationalparkregion Hohe Tauern. Studie des Nationalparkinstitutes des Hauses der Natur. 94p. (For further information please contact Dr. Norbert Winding, Salzburg). KRANZ, A. 1995. Verbreitung der bayerisch-bähmisch-österreichischen Otterpopulation (Lutra lutra L.) 1994 in Österreich. BOKU Berichte z. Wildtierforschung u. Wildtierbewirtschaftung 9, 48pp. (Institute for Wildlife Biology and Game Management, University of Agriculture, Peter-Jordanstr. 76, A-1190 Wien, Austria). KNOLLSEISEN, M. 1995. Aspects of the feeding ecology of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra L.) in a fish pond area in Central Europe (Austria and Czech Republic). Diplomarbeit, University of Agriculture. (Institute for Wildlife Biology and Game Management, University of Agriculture, Peter-Jordanstr. 76, A-1190 Wien, Austria). Kontzimavichius, V.L. 1969. Helminthofauna of Mustelidae and ways of its forming. Nauka Publishing House, Moscow, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 428p. (In Russian) (for further information please contact V.A.Sidorovich, adress see below). MCSHANE, L.J., ESTES, J.A., RIEDMAN, M.L., STAEDLER, M.M. 1995. Repertoire, structure, and individual variation of vocalizations in the sea otter. J.Mamm., 76, 414-427. (Univ. Calif. Santa Cruz, Inst. Marine science, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA). MEY, E., Zinke, O. 1995. Ein neuer Nachweis vom Fischotter-Haarling, Lutridia exilis (Insecta, Phthiraptera). Veröff. d. Museums d. Westlausitz. 16, 67-68. (Naturhistorisches Museum im Thüringer Landesmuseum Heidecksburg Rudolstadt, Schloßbezirk 1, D-07404 Rudolstadt, Germany). Melisch, R. 1995. Zur Biologie und Erhaltung der Otter (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Westjava, Indonesien. Diplomarbeit University Hohenheim, 85p. (c/o Schwind, Matthias Grünewaldstr. 19, D-67346 Speyer, Germany). MILLER, I., GUTLEB, A.C., GEMEINER, M. 1995. Two-dimensional electrophoresis for the study of blood/serum proteins of the otter, an endangered species. Electrophoresis, 16, 1193-1198. Institute of Medical Chemistry, University of Veterinary Medicine, Linke Bahngasse 11, A-1030 Wien, Austria). MONSON, D.H., Degange, A.R. 1995. Reproduction, preweaning survival, and survival of adult sea otters at Kodiak Island, Alaska. Can.J.Zool., 73, 1161-1169. (Alaska Sci. Ctr., Natl. Biol. Serv. 1011 E Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99503, USA). RALLS, K., HATFIELD, B.B., SINIFF, D.B. 1995. Foraging patterns of California sea otters as indicated by telemetry. Can.J.Zool., 73, 523-531. (Smithsonian Inst., Natl. Zool. Pk., Dept. Zool. Res., Washington, DC 20008, USA). RENAUD, J.-C. 1994. La loutre, Lutra lutra. 63p. (Centre de Reintroduction des Cigognes et de Reproduction de la Loutre, F-68150 Hunawihr - Ribeauvillé, France). RUIZ-OLMO, J. 1994. Influènca de l´altitud sobre l´estructura de la comunitat de depredadors ictiofags. III Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d´Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici Boí (Alta Ribagorça), 26-28. d´octubre de 1994. 193-202. (Direcció General del Medi Natural, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 612, 08007 Barcelona, Spain). RUIZ-OLMO, J., ORO, D. 1994. La nutria en las zonas humedas litorales de catalunya (N.E. de la peninsula Iberica). Buttl. Parc Natural Delta de l´Ebre, 8, 36-41. (adress - see above). RUIZ-OLMO, J. 1995. Estudio bionómico de la nutria (Lutra lutra L., 1758) en aguas continentales de la Península Ibérica. Thesis, University of Barcelona, 305pp. (adress - see above). RUIZ-OLMO, J. 1995. Observations on the predation behaviour of the otter Lutra lutra in NE Spain. Acta Theriol., 40, 175-180. (adress - see above). RUIZ-OLMO, J. 1995. Reproducción y observación de grupos de nutria (Lutra lutra L.) en el norte de España. Misc.Zool., 17, 225-229. (adress - see above). RUIZ-OLMO, J. 1995. The reptiles in the diet of the otter (Lutra lutra L., Carnivora, Mammalia) in Europe. In: Llorente et al. (eds.) Scientia Herpetol., 259-264. (adress - see above). RUIZ-OLMO, J., JIMENEZ, J., LOPEZ-MARTIN, J.M. 1995. Radio-tracking of otters Lutra lutra in north-eastern Spain. Lutra, 38, 11-21. (adress - see above) Schenck, C., Staib, E., Yasseri, A.M. 1995. Unterwasserlaute bei Riesenottern (Pteronura brasiliensis). Z. Säugetierkunde 60, 310-313. (Wildbiologische Gesellschaft München, Linderhof 2, D-82488-Ettal, Germany) Sidorovich, V.A., KOZULIN, A.V. 1995. Life of water birds and animals. Minsk, Uradzhai, 169pp. (in Byelorussian) (Institute of Zoology, F. Skoriny St. 27, Minsk - 220600, Byelorussia) ST. GEORGES, M., NADEAU, S., LAMBERT, D., DECARIE, R. 1995. Winter habitat use by ptarmigan, snowshoe hares, red foxes, and river otters in the boreal forest - tundra transition zone of western Quebec. Can.J.Zool., 73, 755-764. (Grp. Res. & Etud. Biostat. & Environ. Inc., 2045 Stanley, Montreal, PQ H3A 2V4, Canada). TSCHIRCH, W. 1995. Umweltschadstoffe und ihre mögliche Wirkung auf Fischotterpopulationen. Beiträge zur Jagd und Wildtierforschung, 20, WATT, J., KRAUSSE, B., TINKER, T.M. 1995. Bald eagles kleptoparasitizing sea otters at Amchitka Island, Alaska. Condor, 97, 588-590. Univ. Aberdeen, Dept. Zool., Lighthouse Field Stn., Cromarty Firth IV11 8YJ, Ross, Scotland). WWF Forschungsberichte In this publication serie of WWF Austria two issues on the otter Lutra lutra were already published. Aspects covered are status of the otter in Austria, ecology, otter and fish ponds, causes for otter mortality, etc. The third issue is in press. Topics covered are status and distribution of the otter in Styria, otter and the problem of fish damage and PCBs and the otter in Austria. Russian Literature Dr. Jevgeni Shergalin is providing literature reviews for the Russian literature on all aspects of biology. In het spoor van de otter In this book, written in Dutch, Addy de Jongh gives an overview on the otter (Lutra lutra), on plans for its conservation in the Netherlands and on the recently opened Otterpark Aqualutra. |
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