IUCN Otter Specialist Group . . . leading global otter conservation Last Update: Thursday November 22, 2018

IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin
© IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group

Volume 13 Issue 1 Pages 1 - 55 (October 1996)

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Ansorge, H. (1995). Remarks on the age determination by growth lines in the mammalian skull. Methoden feldökol. Säugetierforsch., 1: 95-102.
(in German) (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz, PF 425, D-02806 Görlitz, Germany).

Berestov, V.A. (1971). Biochemistry and morphology of the blood of fur mammals. Petrozavodsk. 291p.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Beja, P.R. (1995). Structure and seasonal fluctuations of rocky littoral fish assemblages in south-western Portugal: implications for otter prey availability. J. Marine Biol. Assoc., 75: 833-847.
(Lab Maritimo Guia, Forte N Sr. Guia, P-2750 Cascais, Portugal).

Benz, C.T., Britton, R.L. (1995). Sea otter capture. In: Williams, T.M., Davis, R.W. (Eds.) Emergency care and rehabilitation of oiled sea otters: a guide for oil spills involving fur - bearing marine mammals, pp 23-37.
(US Fish & Wildlife Serv., 2140 Eastman Avenue, Suite 100, Ventura, CA 93003, USA).

Binner, U., Reuther, C. (1996). Verbreitung und aktuelle Situation des Fischotters in Niedersachsen. Inform. Natursch. Niedersachs. 16: 3-29.
 (Aktion Fischotterschutz, Außenstelle Schwerin, W.-Seelenbinderstr. 3, D-19059 Schwerin, Germany).

Blanke, D. (1996). Aspekte zur Fortführung des Niedersächsischen Fischotterprogramms. Inform. Natursch. Niedersachs. 16: 30-52.

Bodner, M. (1996). Fischotter und Teichwirtschaft. WWF Forschungsberichte Fischotter 3: 26-44.
(WWF, Ottakringerstr. 144-146, A-1160 Vienna, Austria).

Bogoslovskaya, L.S., Solntseva, S.N. 1(979). The auditory systems of mammals. Nauka. 223p.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Brody, A.J., Ralls, K., Siniff, D.B. (1996). Potential impact of oil spills on California sea otters: implications of the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska. Marine Mammal Science, 12: 38-53.
(Stanford University Hospital, Division Emergency Serv., Stanford, CA 94305, USA)

Carss, D.N., Parkinson, S.G. (1996). Errors associated with otter Lutra lutra faecal analysis. 1. Assessing general diet from spraints. J. Zool., 238: 301-317.
(Inst. Terrestrial Ecology, Hill Brathens, Banchory AB31 4BY, Kincardinshire, Scotland)

Carss, D.N., Elston, D.A. (1996). Errors associated with otter Lutra lutra faecal analysis. 2. Estimating prey size distribution from bones recovered in spraints. J. Zool., 238: 319-332.
(address - see above)

Clode, D., Macdonald, D.W. (1995). Evidence for food competition between mink (Mustela vison) and otter (Lutra lutra) on Scottish islands. J. Zool., 237: 435-444.
(Univ. Melbourne, Dept. Zool., Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia)

Conroy, J.W.H. (1995). Otters and oil spills - the impacts and the effects. Cahiers d´Ethologie, 15: 325-336.
(Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Banchory Research Station, Hill of Brathens, Banchory, Kincardinshire AB31 4BY, Scotland).

Conroy, J.W.H., Kruuk, H. (1995). Changes in otter numbers in Shetland between 1988 and 1993. Oryx, 29: 197-204.
(address - see above)

Cotgreave, P. (1995). Relative importance of avian groups in the diets of British and Irish predators. Bird Study, 42: 246-252.
(Univ. Oxford, Dept. Zool., Edward Grey Inst. Field Ornithol., South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, England)

Davis,R.W., Davis, C.W., (1995). Facilities for oiled sea otters. In: Williams, T.M., Davis, R.W. (Eds.) Emergency care and rehabilitation of oiled sea otters: a guide for oil spills involving fur - bearing marine mammals, pp 159-175.
(Texas A&M University, Dept. Marine Biology, 200 Sea Wolf Pk Blvd, Galveston, TX 77550, USA)

Degange, A.R., Ballachey, B.E., Bayha, K. 1995. Release strategies for rehabilitated sea otters. In: Williams, T.M., Davis, R.W. (Eds.) Emergency care and rehabilitation of oiled sea otters: a guide for oil spills involving fur - bearing marine mammals. 141-151.
(US Fish & Wildlife Service, Anchorage, AK 99503, USA).

Dobrolyubov, A.N. (1992). Otter in mountains of the Nort-Western Caucasia. Conservation and study of rare and endangered animal species in nature reserves.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Elmeros, M. (1996). Occurence of polychorinated biphenyl congeners in otters (Lutra lutra). MSc thesis, Odense University.
(Nørrevoldgade 13, DK-5000 Odense C, Denmark).

Gutleb, A.C. (1996). Polychlorierte Biphenyle (PCBs) und Fischotter in Österreich. - Eine Risikoabschätzung für Lutra lutra (L., 1758). WWF Forschungsberichte Fischotter 3: 45-52.
Institute of Medical Chemistry, University of Veterinary Medicine, Josef-Baumann-Gasse 1, A-1210 Vienna, Austria).

Gutleb, A.C. (1996). Fischotter - Lutra lutra (Linné, 1758). In: Spitzenberger, F., Gutleb, B., Zedrosser, A. (Eds.): Die Säugetiere Kärntens. Teil II. Carinthia 186/106: 265-267. (address - see above)

Hahin, G.V. (1984). Caucasian otter. Red Data Book of the USSR. Vol. 1. 2nd ed. Lesnaya Promyshlenost Publ., p. 34-35.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Hahin, G.V. (1984). Middle-Asian otter. Red Data Book of the USSR. Vol. 1. 2nd ed. Lesnaya Promyshlenost Publ., p. 35-36.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Haque, M.N., Vijayan, V.S. (1995). Food habits of the Smooth Indian Otter (Lutra perspicillata) in Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India. Mammalia, 59: 345-348.
(National Wildlife Research Center, POB 1086, Taif, Saudia Arabia).

Hauer, S. (1996). Untersuchungen zur Bewertung von Fischotterhabitaten. Diplomarbeit, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 82p.
(Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Domplatz 4, D- Halle, Germany).

Heggberget, T.M. (1995). Food resources and feeding ecology of marine feeding otters (Lutra lutra). In: Skjoldal, H.R., Hopkins, C., Erikstad, K.E., Leinas, H.P. (Eds.): Ecology of fjords and coastal waters. Elsevier, pp 609-618.
(Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Tungasletta 2, N-7005 Trondheim, Norway).

Henny, C.J., Grove, R.A., Hedstrom, O.R. (1996). A field evaluation of mink and river otter on the lower Columbia River and their influence of environmental contaminants. Final report to: The Lower Columbia River Bi-State Water Quality Program.
 (National Biological Service, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, 3080 SE Clearwater Drive, Corvallis, OR 97333, USA).

Jacobsen, L., Hansen, H.M., (1996). Analysis of otter (Lutra lutra) spraints. 1. Comparison of methods to estimate prey proportions. 2. Estimation of the size of prey fish. J. Zool., 238 167-180.
Danish Institute Fisheries Research, Dept. Inland Fisheries, Vejlsovej 39, DK 8600-Silkeborg, Denmark).

Jahrl, J. (1995). Historische und aktuelle Situation des Fischotters (Lutra lutra) und seines Lebensraumes in der Nationalparkregion Hohe Tauern. Mitt. Haus der Natur 12: 29-77.
(Bahnhofstr. 1, A-4840 Vöcklabruck, Austria).

Kranz, A. (1995). On the ecology of otters (Lutra lutra) in Central Europe. Thesis, University of Agriculture, Vienna.
(Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management, University of Agriculture, Peter Jordanstr. 76, A-1190 Vienna, Austria).

Kranz, A., Knollseisen, M., Gutleb, A.C., Elmeros M., Leonards, P.E.G., Toman, A. (1995). Aspects of the ecology of otters (Lutra lutra L.) in the Zabaikalski National Park, Siberia. Lutreola 6: 9-12.
(address see above).

Kraus, E., Baschnegger, H., Bodner, M., Jahrl, J., Seehofer, H. (1996). Fischotter-Kartierung Vorarlberg 1995.
(Schallaburg 14, A-3382 Loosdorf, Austria).

Kruuk, H., Conroy, J.W.H. (1996). Concentrations of some organochlorines in otters (Lutra lutra L.) in Scotland: implications for populations. Environ. Pollut., 92: 165-171.
(Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Banchory AB31 4BY, UK).

Kruuk, H., Carss, D.N. (1996). Costs and benefits of fishing by a semi-aquatic carnivore, the otter Lutra lutra. In: Greenstreet, S.P.R., Tasker, M.L. (Eds.): Aquatic predators and their prey. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford. pp 10-16.

Kuznetsov, G.V., Baranauskas, K.S., Pham, T.A. (1992). On the study of the ecology of the otter (Lutra lutra L.) on the Tainguen Plateau (Southern Vietnam). Materials of Zool. Studies in Vietnam. 1987-1990. Moscow, p. 7-8.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

LATVIAN SSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (1985). Red Data Book of the Latvian SSR. p. 316-317.
 (for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Lavrov, N.P. (1983). Caucasian otter. Red Data Book of the RSFSR. Vol. 1. Animals. Rossel´khozizdat Publ., p. 47-48.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Liljenström, S. (1996). Uttern - en vattenakrobat. 16p.
(Världsnaturfonden WWF, Ulriksdals Slott, 170 71 Solna, Sweden).

Lobachev, Yu.S. (1978). The Middel-Asian Otter. Red Data Book of the Kazakh SSR. Alma-Ata.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Loshbaugh, S, Bayha, K. (1995). Forms for documenting necropsy results, capture, treatments, observations, and release data for sea otters placed in rehabilitation facilities. In: Williams, T.M., Davis, R.W. (Eds.) Emergency care and rehabilitation of oiled sea otters: a guide for oil spills involving fur - bearing marine mammals. 215-234.
(64770 Pitzman Ave, Homer, AK 99603, USA).

Loughlin, T.R. (1994). Marine Mammals and the Exxon Valdez. Academic Press, London, ISBN 0-12-456160-8.

Lubis, I.R. (1995). Analisis makanan berang-berang cakar kecil (Aonyx cinerea) dan berang-berang bulu licin (Lutrogale perspicillata) berdasarkan faeces dari cagar alam Rawa Danau, hutan bakau Pamanukan, dan taman nasional Gunung Gede-Pangrango. [Food analysis of small clawed otter (Aonyx cinerea) and smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) based on their spraints in Rawa Danau Nature Reserve, Pamanukan Mangrove Forest and Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park].
Thesis, University Padjadjaran, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan alam Jurusan Biologi, Jatinangor.

Lunnon, R.M., Reynolds, J.D. (1991). Distribution of the otter Lutra lutra in Ireland, and its value as an indicator of habitat quality. In: Jeffrey, D.W., Madden, B. (Eds.): Bioindicators and environmental management. Academic Press, London, 435-443. ISBN 0-12-382590-3
(Department of Zoology, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland).

Lynch, J.M., Conroy, J.W.H., Kitchener, A.C., Jefferies, D.J., Hayden, T.J. (1996). Variation in cranial form and sexual dimorphism among five european populations of the otter Lutra lutra. J. Zool., 238: 81-96.
(Kitchener, A.C., Royal Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH1 1JF, Midlothian, Scotland).

Madsen, A.B. (1996). Odderens (Lutra lutra) økologi og forvaltning i Danmark. (The ecology end conservation of the otter (Lutra lutra) in Denmark. Thesis, Ministry of Environment and Energy, National Environmentan Research Institute
(Grenavej 12, DK-810 Rønde, Denmark).

Makarova, O.A. (1986). The otter and American mink as indicators of the state of water ecosystems of the North. Abstracts of papers of the 11th All-Union Symp. Biol. Problems of the North. 3: 50-52.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Melisch, R., Foster-Turley, P. (1996). First record of hybridisation in otters (Lutrinae: Mammalia), between smooth-coated otter, Lutrogale perspicillata (Geoffroy, 1826) and Asian small-clawed otter, Aonyx cinerea (Illiger, 1815). Zool. Garten, 66,
(WWF-Germany, Hedderichstr. 110, D-60591 Frankfurt, Germany).

Partridge, J., Jordan, M. (1995). The what, where, and how of mustelids. A review of husbandry handbook for mustelids. Zoo Books, Minneapolis, $34.95 (price subject to change). (Chapters on “Breeding the European otter Lutra lutra in captivity” and “Giant otter husbandry” are included).

Pearce, F. (1995). Otter to make a comeback in ambitious species revival. New Scientist, 148: 6.

Prenda, J., Granadolorencio, C. (1996). The relative influence of riparian habitat structure and fish availability on otter Lutra lutra L. - sprainting activity in a small Mediterranean catchment. Biol. Cons., 76: 9-15.
(Institute of Freshwater Ecology, River Laboratory, Wareham BH20 6BB, Dorset, England).

Rodriguezjamarillo, M.D., Gendron, D. (1996). Report of sea otter, Enhydra lutris, off the coast of Isla Magdalena, Beja California Sur, Mexico. Marine Mammal Science, 12: 153-156.
(Gendron, D., Ctr. Interdisciplinario Ciencias Marinas, Dept. Pesquerias & Biol Marina, Ap 592, La Paz 23000, Baja Calif Sur, Mexico).

Ruiz-Olmo, J., Delibes, M. (1995). Recherches sur la loutre (Lutra lutra) et son statut en Espagne. Cahiers d´Ethologie 15: 169-180.
(Generalitat de Catalunya, Direcció general del Medi natural, Grau Via de les Corts Catalanes 612, 08007 Barcelona, Spain).

Ryabov, L.S. (1988). The stone marten and otter in the Voronezh Region. Hunt and Hunting Industry 11: 14-16.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Sackl, P., Ilzer, W., Kolmanitsch, E. (1996). Historische und aktuelle Verbreitung des Fischotters in der Steiermark. WWF Forschungsberichte Fischotter 3: 4-25.
(Abt. f. Zoologie, Landesmuseum Johanneum, Raubergasse 10, A-8010 Graz, Austria).

Savchenko, V.V., Sidorovich, V.Y. (1994). Correlated analysis of wetland contamination and distribution of water mammals in Belarus. Problems of study, conservation and use of biological diversity of wildlife. Minsk, Navuka i tekhnika. p. 261-262.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Serfass, T.L., Whary, M.T., Peper, R.L., Brooks, R.P., Swimley, T.J., Lawrence, W.R., Rupprecht, C.E. (1995). Rabies in a river otter (Lutra canadensis) intended for reintroduction. J. Zoo Wildl. Med., 26: 311-314.
(Pennsylvania State University, Sch. Forest Resources, Forest Resources Lab., University Park, PA 16802, USA).

Serfass, T.L., Brooks, R.P., Swimley, T.J., Rymon, L.M., Hayden, A.H. (1995). Considerations for capturing, handling and translocating river otters. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 24: 25-31.
 (address - see above).

Serfass, T.L. (1995). Cooperative foraging by North American river otters, Lutra canadensis. Can. Field. Naturalist, 19: 458-459.
(address - see above).

Shilo, R.A. (1989). On breeding some species of mustelidae at Novosibirsk Zoo, Achievements of Zoos in breeding rare and endangered species of animals. Proc. Intern. Conf. Moscow. p. 8-10.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Shilo, R.A. (1989). 24-hour activity of the river otter in a zoo. Zooparks and their role in the conservation of wildlife. Alma-Ata. p. 136-143.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Søgaard, B., Madsen, A.B. (1996). Management plan for the otter (Lutra lutra) in Denmark. (in Danish, with English summary), 48pp. (ISBN 87-7279-006-7).
(The National Forest and Nature Agency, Nature and Wildlife Reserve Section, Alholtvej 1, DK-6840 Oksbøl, Denmark)

Suzuki, T., Yuasa, H., Machida, Y. (1996). Phylogenetic position of the Japanese river otter Lutra nippon inferred from the nucleotide sequence of 224 b of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Zool. Sci., 13: 621 -626.
(Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, Kochi 780 Japan).

Tadbakhsh, H. (1995). Hunting in Iran - from its beginning until today. The Museum of Natural Remains and Wildlife of Iran, pp. 199.
(Tehran, Niavaran, Darabad, Iran, Fax.: +9821-2290001).

Ternovskiy, D.V., Ternovskaya, Y.G. (1994). Ekologiya kunitseobraznykh [Ecology of Mustelids]. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ.
(Zolotodolinskaya Str. 1-7, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, 630072 Russia).

Thomas, T. (1995). Hematology and blood chemistry of oiled sea otters. In: Williams, T.M., Davis, R.W. (eds.) Emergency care and rehabilitation of oiled sea otters: a guide for oil spills involving fur - bearing marine mammals. 235-243.
(Vet Associates PC, 2036 E No Lights Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99508, USA).

Tschirch, W. (1978). B1-Avitaminose beim europäischen Fischotter (Lutra lutra L.). Verhandlungsberichte des XX. Internationalen Symposiums über die Erkrankungen deer Zootiere. Dvur Králové 1978, Akademie Verlag Berlin, 299-300.
(Weststraße 10, D-02991 Lauta, Germany).

Tschirch, W. (1986). Zum Fischotterschutz im Lausitzer Teichgebiet. Beiträge zur Jagd- und Wildtierforschung, 14: 210-214.
(address - see above).

Tschirch, W. (1992). Immunprophylaxe bei Fischottern (Lutra lutra). Verh. Ber. Erkr. Zootiere, 34: 97-102.
(address - see above).

Tschirch, W. (1993). Der Nachweis der Fäkalsteroide als Mittel der biomedizinischen Forschung - dargestellt am Beispiel des Europäischen Fischotters (Lutra lutra). Verh. Ber. Erkr. Zootiere, 35: 317-320.
(address - see above).

Tschirch, W. (1995). Umweltschadstoffe und ihre mögliche Wirkung auf Fischotterpopulationen. Beiträge zur Jagd- und Wildtierforschung, 20: 141-154. (address - see above).

Tschirch, W. (1995). New biomedical methods for field research - represented by example of the otter (Lutra lutra). Methoden feldökol. Säugetierforsch. 1: 203-210.
(address - see above).

Tuomi, P.A., Williams, T.M., (1995). Rehabilitation of pregnant sea otters and females with newborn pups. In: Williams, T.M., Davis, R.W. (Eds.) Emergency care and rehabilitation of oiled sea otters: a guide for oil spills involving fur - bearing marine mammals. Pp 121-132.
(Vet Associates PC, 2036 E No Lights Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99508, USA).

Tyurkin, B.N. (1990). The feeding of the river otter in the ASSR. Bull. of Zoology 1: 55-58.
(for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia).

Vshivtsev, V.P. (1968). About the age variability of the otter´s bacculum. Coll. Scient.-Techn. Inform. VNIIZhP, issue 23, Kirov.
 (for further information please contact: J. Shergalin, Merktrans, Vaike Ameerika 8, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia)

Watt, J. (1995). Seasonal and area-related variations in the diet of otters Lutra lutra on Mull. J. Zool., 237: 179-194.
(Univ. Aberdeen, Dept. Zool., Culterty Field Station, Newburgh AB 41 0AA, Scotland).

Williams, T.M., O`Connor, D.J., Nielsen, S.W. (1995). The effects of oil on sea otters: Histopathology, toxicology and clinical history. In: Williams, T.M., Davis, R.W. (Eds.) Emergency care and rehabilitation of oiled sea otters: a guide for oil spills involving fur - bearing marine mammals. 3-22.
(Univ. California Santa Cruz, Dept. Biology, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA).

Williams, T.M., Davis, R.W. (1995). Average values for physiological, hematological, and morphological parameters for sea otters, polar bears, northern fur seals, and harbour seals. In: Williams, T.M., Davis, R.W. (Eds.) Emergency care and rehabilitation of oiled sea otters: a guide for oil spills involving fur - bearing marine mammals. Pp 213-214.
(University Alaska, Gruening Bldg. 1st Floor, POB 756240, Fairbanks, AK-99775-6240, USA).

Williams, T.M., Davis, R.W., McBain, J.F., Tuomi, P.A., Wilson, R.K., McCormick, C.R., Donoghue, S. (1995). Diagnosing and treating common clinical disorders of oiled sea ottters.. In: Williams, T.M., Davis, R.W. (Eds.) Emergency care and rehabilitation of oiled sea otters: a guide for oil spills involving fur - bearing marine mammals. 59-94. (adress - see above).

Williams, T.D., Styers, D., Hymer, J., Rainville, S., McCormick, C.R. (1995). Care of sea otters pups. In: Williams, T.M., Davis, R.W. (Eds.) Emergency care and rehabilitation of oiled sea otters: a guide for oil spills involving fur - bearing marine mammals. Pp 133-140.
(Aquajito Hospital, 121 10th Street, Monterey, CA 93940, USA).

Biology and Conservation of Mustelids

Mustelids can be considered as key species to outline strategies for the conservation of habitats. This Symposium contributes to fill the knowledge gaps about these carnivores which are very often neglected within environmental management plans.
The Symposium makes the point on the current knowledge of mustelids and gives indications for a correct management of the species and their habitats. Particular attention is addressed to the otter, a very representative species of riverine habitat which is particularly endangered in Italy.
The Symposium is divided in two sessions: the first one mainly includes communications on the behavioural ecology of small mustelids, the second one is devoted to the Otter and in particular to the research in captivity which aims to collect useful information for field studies. For this species the methods to assess habitat suitability and the problems linked to its reintroduction are also discussed.


Ecology And Conservation Of Small Mustelids
ERLINGE, S. - Social organization in European small mustelids
MASSETI, M. - Quaternary biogeography of the Mustelidae family on the Mediterranean islands
ROMANOWSKI, J. - Reading into lesser bibliography of rare mustelids (Eastern Europe)
PEDRINI, P., PRIGIONI C. & VOLCAN, G. - Distribution of mustelids in Adamello-Brenta Park and surrounding areas (Central Italian Alps)
PRIGIONI, C. & BORIA, A. - Damage caused by Skrjabingylus nasicola (Leuckart, 1842), Metastrongylidae, to weasels (Mustela nivalis L.) in North-Western Italy
BOUNOUS, E., ORECCHIA, G. & DORE, B. - Population study on Mustela erminea in Northwest Italy (Valle d’Aosta region): captures, morphometric data, diet
DE MARINIS, A. - Craniometric variability of polecat Mustela putorius L. 1758 from North-Central Italy
PRIGIONI, C. & DE MARINIS, A. - Diet of the polecat Mustela putorius L. in riverine habitats (Northern Italy)
MASSETI, M. - Presence and distribution of the stone marten, Martes foina Erxleben, 1777, on the island of Crete (Greece)
POSILLICO, M., SERAFINI, P. & LOVARI, S. - Activity patterns of the stone marten Martes foina Erxleben, 1777, in relation to some environmental factors
SACCHI, O. & MERIGGI, A. - Habitat requirements of the stone marten (Martes foina) on the Tyrrhenian slopes of the northern Apennines
BERTOLINO, S. & DORE, B. - Food habits of the stone marten Martes foina in "La Mandria" Regional Park (Piedmont Region, North-Western Italy)
BRANGI, A. - Seasonal changes of trophic niche overlap in the stone marten (Martes foina) and the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in a mountainous area of the Northern Apennines (N-Italy)
DE MARINIS, A. & PANDOLFI M. - Morphometric variation in stone marten Martes foina in Western Alps in relation to climate
PEDRINI, P., PRIGIONI, C. & VOLCAN, G. - Use of trophic resources and of forest habitats by the genus Martes in Adamello-Brenta Park (Central Italian Alps)
MARTINOLI, A. & PREATONI, D.G. - Food habits of the stone marten (Martes foina) in the upper Aveto Valley (Northern Apennines, Italy)
DE MARINIS, A.M. & MASSETI, M. - Feeding habits of the pine marten Martes martes L., 1758, in Europe: a review [
MURGIA, C., SECCI, E. & DEIANA, A.M. - Preliminary research on some ecological and biometric aspects of the Sardinian pine marten (Martes martes)
AGNELLI, P. & DE MARINIS A.M. - Notes on winter feeding habits of the pine marten Martes martes in Val Gressoney (Western Italian Alps)
GENOVESI, P. & BOITANI, L. - Preliminary data on the social ecology of the stone marten (Martes foina Erxleben 1777) in Tuscany (Central Italy)
LUCHERINI, M. & CREMA G. - Seasonal variation in the food habits of badgers in an alpine Valley
TAVECCHIA, G. - Data on urban badger activity in south Wales: a brief study

Ethology, Conservation And Reintroduction Of The Otter
CARSS, D.N. - Foraging behaviour and feeding ecology of the otter Lutra lutra: a selective review
MASON, C.F. - Habitat quality, water quality and otter distribution
KEMENES, I. & DEMETER, A. - A predictive model of the effect of environmental factors on the occurrence of otters (Lutra lutra L.) in Hungary
GRÉMILLET, X. - Proposals for the conservation of otters Lutra lutra L. on Corfu island (Ionian Sea, Greece)
BODNER, M. - Otters and fish-farming: preliminary experiences of a WWF project in Austria
REUTHER, C. - Habitat networking: a new chance for the otter in Europe?
CARUGATI, C., ROWE-ROWE, D.T. & PERRIN, M.R. - Habitat use by Aonyx capensis and Lutra maculicollis in the Natal Drakensberg (South Africa): preliminary results
FASANO, R. & MAGLIO, G. - Otter (Lutra lutra) presence in Lattari mountains (Campania Region, Southern Italy)
VOGT, P. - The European Breeding Program (EEP) for Lutra lutra: its chances and problems
PRIGIONI, C. - Guidelines for the feasibility study of reintroduction of the otter Lutra lutra in Italy: the Project of the Ticino Valley (North-Western Italy)
OTTINO, P., PRIGIONI, C. & VIGNA TAGLIANTI, A. - Habitat suitability for the otter (Lutra lutra) of some rivers of Abruzzo Region (Central Italy)
FUMAGALLI, R., PRIGIONI, C. & CARUGATI C. - Behavioural ecology of captive otters Lutra lutra in the Breeding Centre of the Natural Park of Ticino Valley (Piemonte Region, Northern Italy)
POLOTTI, P., PRIGIONI C. & FUMAGALLI R. - Preliminary data on the ontogeny of some behavioural activities of captive otter cubs
FERRARIO, E, PRIGIONI, C. & FUMAGALLI R. - Feeding tests on captive otters Lutra lutra
GNOLI, C. & PRIGIONI, C. - Preliminary study on the acoustic communication of captive otters (Lutra lutra)
PRIGIONI, C., FUMAGALLI, R., SCHIRRU, L. & CARUGATI, C. - Sprainting activity of captive otters: its relationship with breeding cycle and number of animals
Copies of the Proceeding are available:
Claudio Prigioni - Dipartimento di Biologia Animale - Università di Pavia - Piazza Botta 9 - 27100 Pavia - Italia.

Reuther, C., Rowe-Rowe, D. (Eds.): Habitat 11: 1 - 140.

60 scientists and experts in nature conservation representing 22 countries met from 6 to 10 September in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa to discuss and exchange their experiences and research results at the VI. International Otter Colloquium. .......The theme selected for the Sixth Colloquium was “Otter conservation is not just about otters”. So the contributions centred around this theme, covering distribution and status, conservation of species and habitats, conservation education and public awareness, socio-economic issues, biology and behaviour, captive breeding, genetics, mortality and pollution. ........(from the back-cover).
For further information contact:
Claus Reuther, Aktion Fischotterschutz, Sudendorfer Allee 1, D-29386 Hankensbüttel, Germany


The 4th issue of this newsletter (12 pages) was recently published. Articles cover different aspects of otters in Thailand, Nepal and India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and Korea.
For further information please contact:
Padma K. de Silva, Department of Zoology, University of Peradenyia, Peradenyia, Sri Lanka. Fax.: +94-8-88779

Wwf Forschungsberichte

In this publication serie of WWF Austria the third issue on the otter Lutra lutra is now published. Aspects covered are status of the otter in Styria, the problem of otters at fish-farms, and pollution of otters with PCBs. All articles are in German with an English summary.
The three reports on the otter published by WWF Austria are sold for the price of 30US$ + postage.
For further information please contact:
Hannes Seehofer, WWF Österreich, Ottakringerstr. 116, A-1160 Wien, Austria


In this booklet (70 pages) contributions on topics like “Present status of wildlife conservation milieu in Japan”, “Present status of wildlife conservation milieu in Korea”, “History of river otters in Japan”, “Decline of the Japanese otter and its conservation in Kochi Prefecture”, “The status of otters and otter research in peninsular Malaysia”, “Conservation and management of the river otter in North America”, Deterioration of otter habitats in Korea during past ten years: comparison with Japan´s case”, “Freshwater fishes as food items of otters”, “Coastal organochlorine pollution in Korea”, “Taxonomic position of the Japanese river otter Lutra nippon”, “Close-to-nature river improvement method considering the coexistence with wild living species” and “Otter conservation in Indonesia” are included.
For further information please contact:
Hiroshi Sasaki, Chikushi Jogakuen Junior College, 2-12-1. Ishizaka, Dazaifu, Fukuoka 818-01, Japan.

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