IUCN Otter Specialist Group . . . leading global otter conservation Last Update: Thursday November 22, 2018

IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin
© IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group

Volume 13 Issue 1 Pages 1 - 55 (October 1996)

Last Minute Notes
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Zoo Animal Behaviour and Welfare
A Summer School, 15. - 26. July 1996, Edinburgh Zoo

Designed for all those involved in the management and husbandry of captive animal populations, whether these be in zoos, safari parks, wildlife centres or rear-and-release schemes, ZOO ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR AND WELFARE will update participants with the latest scientific theory in the areas of behaviour and welfare, showing how this theory can be practically implemented back home in the participant´s place of work.

For further information please contact:
Hamish Macandrew
UnivEd Technologies Ltd
Abden House
1 Marchhall Crescent
Edinburgh EH 165 HP
Tel.: 0131-650-3475; Fax.: 0131-650-3474

 Otter Watching in Ireland

Come for a day Otterwatching in Clew Bay, County Mayo, on the West Coast of Ireland. Clew Bay Island shores are hoe for An Madra Uisce, the Water Dor, or European Otter Lutra lutra. Join naturalist Shay Fennely for a relaxing walk and learn how to watch for otters. Unlike otters in rivers the coastal otter can often be seen in daylight providing a rare opportunity to watch wild otters. Support otter conservation efforts by coming otterwatching and helping to discover more about otters in Clew Bay, County Mayo. Cost per fieldtrip is £ 15 per person.
For further details contact:
Island Otterwatch, Claggan, Kilmeena Westport, County Mayo, Ireland
Tel.: ++353-98-41048

yaqu pacha e.V.

Gesellschaft zum Schutz wasserlebender Säugetierearten Südamerikas
The organisation tries to help organisations in South America to develop and implement protection plans for aquatic mammals like the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), the amazonas dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) and the manati (Trichechus inunguis). Stefan Wiessmeyer produced a serie of bracelets like tropical fish, dolphins, sharks and turtles. All models may be obtained in gold (585), silver (925) or silver (925) gilded. Prices are between 200 and 380 DM for the gold version and 85 up to 135 DM for the silver models. 10% of the money will be given as a gift to yaqu pacha.
For further information please contact:
Stefan Wiessmeyer, Münchener Str. 4, D-82131 Gauting, Germany
Fax.: +49-89-8505764

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