IUCN Otter Specialist Group . . . leading global otter conservation Last Update: Thursday November 22, 2018

IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin
©IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group

Volume 14 Issue 1 (April 1997)

Last Minute Notes
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 IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, ENVI Trebon, Aktion Fischotterschutz

 The VII International Otter Colloquium has to be rescheduled and now will be held in Trebon, Czech Republic (Central Europe), on March 13-20, 1998. The organsation of the Colloquium will be a joint effort of the IUCN Otter Specialist Group, The Czech environmental organisation ENVI and the German Aktion Fischotterschutz.

As to the region where the conference will take place, the Trebon Biosphere Reserve harbours a strong Eurasian otter population which survives due to the presence of 500 fish ponds (7000 ha) in the Reserve, with an average annual harvest of fish (mainly carp) of 2800 tonnes. Most of the fish ponds of Trebon originate from the 14-16 century and the complex of ponds is now listed as a Ramsar Site.

The Colloquium will be organised as a series of lecture sessions during the day and workshops on some of the evenings, covering as wide as possible an array of items concerning the different otter species. Registration fee will be US$ 150,-- (students 100,--). Accommodation will be provided in the conference building, with prices ranging from 27.50 - 47.50 US$ per day, all meals included. The deadline for submissions of contributions, papers and registration is October 31, 1997. Contributions received after the deadline cannot be accepted. Fees for registration after October 31 will be US$ 200,--.

For more information concerning the program or registration forms, please contact the Organising Committee, preferably using e-mail or Fax.

On behalf of the Organising Committee

Robert Dulfer
PB 53
CZ-37901 Trebon
Czech Republic
For information: Phone/Fax.: ++420-333-4297
e-mail: dulfer@envi.cz


The international NGO Europe Conservation offers a project named European Voluntary Service - Ecoguide International Project to all members of the Otter Specialist Group.

Europe Conservation was founded in 1989 in Italy. it now acts for the protection of our natural heritage all over Europe. The basis for this non-profit organisation refers to the world strategy of conservation stated by IUCN.

The aims of the project European Voluntary Service are as follows:

  • to sift through the knowledge necessary for action for conservation of endangered species
  • to develop actions (research, information, habitat management)
  • to provide human and financial means for the researchers to develop programmes of research applied to the conservation of nature.

For this project, Europe Conservation recruits volunteers to participate to a specific research or conservation program (e.g. collect data, radio-telemetry,...) during a short period (generally between two and four weeks, it depends on the needs of the researchers). It is possible to organise several periods in order to have a volunteers succession during the summer for example (it is easier to recruit during the holidays, but it is possible to have volunteer programmes on other periods of the year, too). The number of volunteers per period is variable but it is better to manage a small team (Between 2 and 8 volunteers).

In former projects 70% of the volunteers were women aged from 18 to 40. Most of them are students or professional workers, 16 % are manual workers, technicians or supervisors. The volunteers take part in the programmes in order to act for the conservation of the living world. It is therefore important for them to perceive the usefulness of their personal action and the interest of the program undertaken. They wish to know the peculiarities of the species or habitats on which they are working. Their interest is focused on the biology of the species, the dangers which threaten it, the programme of research or conservation as a whole and understanding of the work to be carried out. They are generally high motivated and there is no limit to the knowledge that they seek.

The volunteers physically support the research or conservation programme. They take part and contribute financially to it. The total participation has to be discussed between the researcher and Europe Conservation. It always includes the accommodation, the contribution to the project and sometimes the food. All volunteers are insured by Europe Conservation.

The ecovolunteers programmes are open to every people, from all countries but they have to speak English (or the language of the country where they work) and to be 18 years old at the minimum. Their recruitment is realised by Europe Conservation. The candidates have to send a Curriculum Vitae and a letter of motivation. No specific formation is required to participate but people have to be very motivated.

Members of the Otter Specialist Group who are interested in this programme and want to offer otter research or conservation projects to volunteers should contact for detailed information:

Europe Conservation
BP 44
F-41260 La Chausse Saint Victor
Tel.: ++33-2-545822-22
Fax.: ++33-2-545822-20
e-mail: eco@europeconservation.org

The editor thanks Claus Reuther for submission of this information.

Date: Sat, 21 Jun 1997 10:15:13 +1200
From: GONZALO MEDINA-VOGEL <MEDINAG@tui.lincoln.ac.nz>
Subject: Help for marine otters
To: Arno Gutleb <Arno.Gutleb@vu-wien.ac.at>
Organization: Lincoln University
Priority: normal

Dear Arno

I had receive an urgency fax from Valdivia, Chile.

The owners of a land that have been the only stop between

industrial development and a healthy population of the endangered

marine otter (Lutra felina), have decide definitively to sell their

land. If CODEFF, an NGO environmental organization does no get the

US$19.000 to buy the land, an other person most probably with ideas

to exploit their forest and marine resources will do, and this will

be the end of the otters. Do you know any person or organization that

could be interested in donate money or be owner or co-owner of the

land with real compromise to protect the land, forest and otters.

Please send me an Email, I will contact them with more information.


Gonzalo Medina

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