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Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 68 - 127 (October 1998) Citation: Ruether, C (1998) Re-Introduction Of Otters - Support Or Risk For Otter Conservation? IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull. 15(2): 71 -79 Re-Introduction Of Otters - Support Or Risk For Otter Conservation? Claus Reuther1 1Aktion Fischotterschutz e.V., OTTER-ZENTRUM, D-29386 Hankensbüttel, Germany
One of the most intensively disputed questions at the VII. International Otter Colloquium (IOC) in Trebon 1998 was the sense (or the nonsense) of otter re-introductions in Europe. It resulted in recommendation II.1 saying that the IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group (OSG) and the participants of VII. IOC "are deeply concerned about the increasing number of otter re-introduction projects in Europe that do not follow IUCN re-introduction guidelines" (IUCN/SSC OSG 1998). Having dealt with otter conservation matters for 25 years I know this, sometimes tiresome, discussion in detail. So far, it has been a mainly theoretical discussion. However, it now gets a new quality because, in some European countries, re-introduction projects have either been started, or are planned to start soon. Many members of the Otter Specialist Group are deeply concerned about this development and this ongoing discussion. They consider it necessary that the group will define a clear position to this topic. To support this process there was an agreement in Trebon to publish the statements of two antipodes in this discussion as a "viewpoint" in the OSG Bulletin. All members of OSG are asked to contribute to this discussion. It might also help the "Re-introduction Advisory Committee", founded in Trebon, to develop specific criteria for the evaluation of otter re-introduction projects. I would like to underline that the following statement is limited to the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) and the European situation, nevertheless, the central point of my arguments should also reflect the situation of other otter species or other regions. However, a serious discussion requires a detailed knowledge of the ecology of a species and of the specific regional preconditions. When discussing the complex issue of releasing we first have to define what we are talking about. Clear definitions are given in the "IUCN Guidelines for Re-introductions" (IUCN 1998) as follows:
It might be undisputed that the last-named aspect is insignificant for otter conservation. "Translocation", however, is an aspect that is advancing more and more to the foreground, particularly in connection with discussions about the conflict between otters and fish production. Its value or importance, therefore, has to be discussed in connection with other issues. This is also partly true for the aspect "re-enforcement / supplementation", although I am sure that many of my arguments regarding re-introductions will also meet this point. However, if it is requested, I am prepared to expand on and continue discussion on these aspects. The other points that have to be clarified when discussing the need for re-introductions are the aims and objectives for such a measure. For these questions, the IUCN Guidelines offer the following definitions: The principal aim of any re-introduction should be to establish a viable, free-ranging population in the wild, of a species, subspecies or race, which has become globally or locally extinct, or extirpated, in the wild. It should be re-introduced within the species' former natural habitat and range and should require minimal long-term management. The objectives of a re-introduction may include: to enhance the long-term survival of a species; to re-establish a keystone species (in the ecological or cultural sense) in an ecosystem; to maintain and/or restore natural biodiversity; to provide long-term economic benefits to the local and/or national economy; to promote conservation awareness, or a combination of these. I am sure there will be little dispute of the aims. It might be discussed how the term "minimal long-term management" could be interpreted, however, in general, it should be possible to agree on this principal aim. Looking at the objectives, there might also be an immediate consensus that "providing of long-term economic benefits to the local and/or national economy" is of less importance for a re-introduction of otters (Just the opposite might be expected by interest groups like anglers or fishermen!). However, what about the other objectives? Is there really a risk of extinction for the species L. lutra as a whole which needs actions like re-introductions "to enhance the long-term survival" of the species? I would accept this argument for a species that is reduced to a population of some dozen or of some hundred specimens. Though we do not have detailed numbers, a look at the distribution map of L. lutra should be sufficient to realise that its population cannot be counted in hundreds or even thousands of individuals. In fact, I am sure that tens of thousands of Eurasian otters still live in the distribution range of this species. If we talk about the risk of extinction for the Eurasian otter, and if we argue seriously, we have to admit that this risk has to be evaluated on a regional level. It is, for instance, obvious that in parts of Central Europe, such as the Benelux countries, parts of Germany and France, Switzerland and the northern parts of Italy, the otter population is already reduced to a level which involves a high risk of complete extinction (in this region!). However, if we look at areas like the eastern parts of Germany and Poland, or to Ireland and Scotland, with survey results indicating more than 80 % of the country with otters present, any argument claiming the otter is near to extinction (in this region!) would be hard to understand. Therefore, the enhancement of the long-term survival of the species is unsuitable as a serious reason for re-introductions – irrespective of the region were it is planned. But what about the other objectives, such as re-establishment of a key-stone species, maintenance or restoration of natural biodiversity, or promotion of conservation awareness? Everybody who deals with terms like keystone-, flagship-, umbrella-, indicator- or target-species knows how hard it is to define which species, or why a species, should represent specific habitats or structures. Such definitions should also withstand scientific evaluation. This is not only because many other species may fulfil such functions in the same manner, but also because it is difficult to determine limits which are acceptable for a species or to weight the importance of single impacts, especially in such a plastic species as L. lutra. To give some examples: Who can seriously declare the Eurasian otter can only survive in clear waters, inhabited by (special species of) fish, with banks covered with (special species of) trees and undisturbed by human activities? Moreover, if someone really should argue this way: what are the limits? What visibility is necessary to define water "clear"? How much fish biomass of which species (in which seasons) has to be available for the otter? How many trees of which species and size are needed per kilometre of riverbank? What kind and which level of human disturbance are acceptable for the otter? If we are honest, we must state that, for most of these (simple!) questions, we do not have an answer. Further, we no very little of the net of interrelations between all these (and the many other) factors representing an otter habitat and the problem to weight which factor can compensate another. Does this mean that our argumentation is wrong making the otter a representative of ("healthy") wetlands? I am sure it is not. "Naturally" the otter belongs to all kinds of habitats which are influenced by water. And because of his large-spatial way of life he is an excellent symbol for large-spatial, diverse wetlands. But he is a symbol only – not more and not less. What is the function of such a "symbol"? It has to transfer a message or – from a technical point of view – it is a tool. The message standing behind otter conservation is: We need large-spatial, diverse wetlands – as a living room for otters as well as a drinking water resource for man or as a contribution to biodiversity. And otter conservation as a tool means to establish a lobby for a sustainable management of habitats or natural resources. Because of his high sympathy valence the otter is a much better tool than many other species (although this argumentation includes the risk that we divide fauna in valuable and valueless species – on the base of their level of popularity). It is surprisingly enough that a species with such a hidden way of life enjoys such a public awareness. And because we are living in a world where decisions are made mainly on an emotional level (that's why some people call this a manipulation society) it seems to be legal to use the otter as a tool - the "other side" (those people who do not act sustainable) are using the same "soft" arguments (like the argument that nature conservation hinders the development of new jobs – of which in many cases nothing is left when the aim is reached). One of the often used arguments of this "other side" says: it does not matter if we dry our wetlands, if we canalise our rivers, if we pollute our water or if we urbanise our sea shores – we can handle all the negative effects technically and turn them to a positive result. We can clean our water in sewage purification plants - and it will be much more healthy than "natural" water. We can built artificial pools and lakes which are much better to use for recreation activities than all the swamps and wetland areas. We can construct new (meandering!) rivers which are much nicer and of a lower risk of flooding than "natural" rivers are. And to show people how an undisturbed sea shore looks like we can establish a national park – guiding tourists to the most beautiful places by boat or by helicopter. This argumentation is not only a proof for the unclouded belief that all problems of this world can be solved by technical measures. It also shows that people arguing this way are not prepared to go to the roots of the problems – they are dealing with the symptoms only. And this is exactly the problem I see with re-introductions (of the otter in Europe): They support those arguments, strengthen the position of the "other side" and weaken the position of otter (habitat) protection. What is our counter-argument to the argumentation: You don't want us to canalise this river or to drain this wetland because it is an otter habitat? Don't worry, we will release new otters – as has been done elsewhere (and was described by "otter conservationists" as very successful). What is our counter-argument to an argumentation like: You don't want us to build a road through this wetland area because you fear it will isolate otter populations? Don't worry, we will construct an "otter friendly" bridge and compensate the losses of specimen by releasing others. These are no examples from my fantasia, I have heard them several times (as I also heard the argument: if our resident otters or the Eurasian otter as species are not able to survive in our canalised and polluted rivers we have to breed as long as we have animals which can survive or we have to replace them by North American river otters). This might sound absolutely crazy to the ears of ecologists or conservationists. But we have to accept that on the "other side" many people are placed who never understood (and most of them will not do so in the future) the principles of ecology or sustainability. And this is not a minority. Looking on the results of evaluations of the so called public "environmental consciousness" we have to realise that there is a great difference between verbal statements and real behaviour (KUCKARTZ, 1998, REUTHER and JANSSEN, 1993). It is a fact that the majority of the European societies has a deeply rooted anthropocentric position and that it will need generations to re-implement a feeling which I would call "awe for non-human nature". Now I hear the counter-argument that all this might be true for areas where otters still exist, but that my argumentation is no help for areas where the otter is already extinct and where people are prepared to support habitat management and restoration. These people, so is argued in many cases, need a target and a proof that their efforts are suggestive and successful. I do understand this psychological problem. But is this argumentation not exactly what I described above? It says: Well we did wrong in the past, but meanwhile we found technical solutions to overcome the symptoms (in some "show areas") and now we want our reward. Who argues that a re-introduction of otters is needed as a reward or a proof for (successful?) habitat management did the wrong job in his education or public awareness work. If we use the otter as a symbol for ecosystems, saying that all conservation measures in the name of the otter will benefit many other species of animals and plants, it is not really necessary to have the otter back soon. There are many other elements of flora and fauna which could be used as a reward or a proof for first successful steps towards a sustainable management of wetlands. The otter is on the top (of the food chain, of the ecosystem or of the symbols for intact wetlands). And if he comes back by natural recovery we will have a real proof for a successful management of wetlands. But if he is brought back by artificial measures like re-introductions this is – from a scientific point of view – only a proof that the otter can survive in this kind of habitat (saying nothing if this is an optimal or a sub-optimal habitat and if the artificially founded population is a long-term viable one) and it is – from the educational view – teaching people that they have done enough for wetland conservation and everything is fine. I am sure this is not the intention of the objectives of the IUCN Guidelines "to promote conservation awareness". Public relation for re-introductions (as a necessary part of serious program) includes the risk to produce the impression to the public that animal releases are the "pinnacle of conservation", instead of making clear that this is the absolute last "prosthesis of nature conservation". If I summarise my arguments so far I come to the conclusion that re-introductions of otters in Europe do not meet the basic objectives of the IUCN Guidelines: they are not necessary to contribute to the enhancement of a long-term survival of the species L. lutra, they do not support the otter's function as a "symbol" (what might be the sense of the term "keystone species in a cultural sense" as used in the IUCN Guidelines), their contribution to a restoration of natural biodiversity is low, they do not provide long-term economic benefits to the local and/or national economy, and they reverse the efforts to promote conservation awareness in the sense of an ecological consciousness and sustainable acting. Remains the question: Does the countries or regions where the otter is already extinct have to accept this fact and should they forget about the otter? My clear answer is: No. Looking on the results of the surveys done in the last decade it is clear that there is an obvious trend towards recovery by the otter of much of its former distribution ranges (REUTHER, in press). In Great Britain for instance, STRACHAN and JEFFERIES (1996) calculated an approximate otter population recovery curve for England from which it appears possible that the otter will recover to 75 % of its former range (site occupation) by the year 2025 – starting with a 5.8 % as shown in a 1977 to 1979 survey. I am sure, some people will answer: 45 years what a long time. But what do 45 years really mean in the cycle of nature? This is less than the half of the age of a tree. And in many areas in Europe the otter is already extinct since such a period – without causing a complete ecological disaster in the areas. And we have to be aware that many (sustainable!) habitat management measures and most of the alterations in consciousness, attitudes and behaviour of the human society will need such a period before they can benefit the otter. But they can fulfil this function only if they are kept in a vital position. That's why the protection and strengthening of the core areas of the otter's distribution in Europe needs top priority. For this purpose an important part of the available personal and financial resources in otter conservation is needed. The other part is necessary for the re-vitalisation of former otter habitats. In view of the limited personal and financial resources in nature conservation each person and each penny invested for re-introductions means a weakening of the two priority aims. Using personal and financial resources for re-introductions of otters might result in an artificial re-colonisation of some areas in Europe. But what kind of logic is this, when at the same time the natural populations of otters decrease because of a lack of personal and financial resources for their protection? Because of limited space I have concentrated my argumentation to the fundamental aspects of conservation policy for otters related to re-introductions. There are many technical aspects, which have to be surmounted before a re-introduction can take place. Some of them have been described earlier (MASON, 1991, 1992; REUTHER, 1992). I am sure most of them are soluble. I am also sure that some of the re-introductions planned so far will be more or less successful – as long as enough specimen were "pumped" into an area. The question remains if this will be the right signal for otter conservation and if it will support otter research and conservation. I completely agree to Hans KRUUK (1995) who said at the end of the last chapter of his book where he described technical measures to improve otter habitats: "All these points do not detract from the fact that what is required, most of all, is a conservation policy for whole wetlands. The above comments are merely suggestions to pursue the restricted aim of maximising numbers of otters – probably, we now have a substantial proportion of the knowledge required to follow such a course." And he ended up: "Because of the size of areas used by top predators such as the one I am discussing here (up to 80 km of stream for one individual otter), a strong human influence, including agriculture or fishing, will almost necessarily have to be included in any management plan. It is possible, however, to accommodate this next to an impressive diversity of wild fauna, and I believe that it is one of our more important duties as research scientists to advice on how this can be done. Questions need to be addressed such as how many fish one can harvest before affecting numbers of top predators, how nutrient input from agriculture and forestry affects fish populations (through plankton and invertebrates), how organochlorines, mercury, and other pollutants affect the food web. One needs to know much more about these problems and several others before we can feel some confidence that we are managing rationally. I hope that at least some of the conservation agencies in Europe will direct funding towards these ends, because rational management of the European wetlands is vitally important." Acknowledgements - I would like to thank Oskar Kölsch, Hans-Heinrich Krüger and Roland Melisch for their constructive comments. REFERENCES IUCN (1998). IUCN Guidelines for Re-introductions. Prepared by the IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, 20 pp. Resúmen: Reintroducción de nutrias: ¿contribución o riesgo para la conservación de las nutrias? |
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