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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 68 - 127 (October 1998) Note from the Editor The publication of this issue of the IUCN OSG Bulletin has, unfortunately, been delayed by at least 2 months. There are several reasons for this delay. As some of you may know, I presently work in the Netherlands, where my position has recently changed such that I have no time at all to edit the Bulletin in my working hours. In addition, my private computer has crashed. As a result, I can only work for the Bulletin at the weekends or in the evening. However, it must be said, the main problem has been caused by the authors of manuscripts. I have to state that the accuracy of the manuscripts received over past months has dropped considerably. It is not the scientific quality of the manuscripts that bothers me but the general slovenly habits of some of the authors. It costs a lot of time to check whether all references are in the text or reference list. Further, I need all tables on a floppy disk, I am not ready to retype tables. In the future, manuscripts that do not fulfil a basic level of accuracy will not be sent to reviewers nor will they be considered for publication. In Trebon, it was decided that in the near future, those of you who could afford it should contribute to the Bulletin (see Recommendations IUCN OSG Bull. 15). In the past, cheques from overseas were very expensive to cash, were not accepted or the bank wanted to charge 15 US$ for any cheque. However, the IUCN OSG Bulletin now has a contract with VISA and you should find a leaflet in this issue with which you can pay for the Bulletin. The costs for printing and postage of the two issues that are published annually are approx. 12 EURO or 15 US$. I hope that those who can afford it decide to contribute to the costs for issues 16/1 and 16/2, published in 1999. The leaflet should be sent back anyway, as I want to reduce the mailing list to active and interested members. NO RESPONSE - NO BULLETIN!! Claudio Gnoli, Hillary Marshall, Roland Melisch, Vincent Wildlife Trust, Werner Tschirch, and Addy de Jongh provided several new additions for the list of references. Last Minute Change! I had to remove the list of references at the end of the Bulletin in order to keep the total weight lower than 100 gram. Otherwise the costs for the postage would have been doubled!! I will send the list upon request! Beginning with this issue, all articles and reports will have a Spanish abstract. Alvaro Soutullo/Uruguay will translate the abstracts. Kevin Roche/Czech Republic once again functions as a reader for those contributions, which are not reviewed by at least one native speaker. I have to thank the “Otter Bulletin Team” - Barbara Gutleb-Rainer (Oosterbeek), Hans van den Berg (Wageningen) and Els Hoogsteede-Veens (Grafisch Service Centrum Van Gils, Wageningen) - for their continuing help. My son Tobias did all the work with the envelopes. |
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