IUCN Otter Specialist Group . . . leading global otter conservation Last Update: Thursday November 22, 2018

Volume 16 Issue 2 Pages 58 - 110 (October 1999)

Citation: Green, R. (1999) Otter Speed on Land IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull. 16(2): 102 - 103

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Otter Speed on Land

Rosemarie Green

Barjarg, Barrhill, Girvan, Ayrshire KA26 ORB, United Kingdom

There have been several experimental recordings of otters' aquatic movements and swimming speeds (WAYRE, 1977; EGGERS, 1985; de JONGH 1986) and GREEN et al., (1984) gave figures for aquatic travel recorded by radio tracking wild otters, but there has been less work on locomotion on land. WAGENFÜHRER (1984) analysed the gaits, foot sequences and speeds of captive otters, but so far as is known there is no record of the speeds, which wild otters can attain over measured distances. On August 5th 1999 at 21:50 on a minor road in Dumfries and Galloway, south west Scotland an otter was followed by car in such a way that the distance and time covered by the sighting could be measured and the animal's varying speed could be measured on the speedometer. The otter covered a distance, later measured with a surveyor's tape measure, of 670m in 111 seconds, giving an average speed of 6.036 m/sec or 21.73 km/hr. The road runs over a rise of about 5m and round several sharp bends; the otter chose a course, which took it from side to side of the road to shorten the distance on the bends. Speeds recorded on the speedometer, by driving at a regular distance behind the otter, ranged from 16-38.6 km/h. Slower speeds were noted on the uphill slope and the top speed was just touched on the downhill slope. For most of the sighting speed was in the range of 19-24 km/h. Otters have been seen on this stretch of road many times, crossing from one loch to another, but this was the first time the whole route was observed. It is of interest that the animal took a route along a small burn to the road, along the road and then onto another tiny burn flowing into the second loch, involving a distance of 1370m, rather than the shortest overland crossing of 250m. The road never has much traffic and on this occasion there were no other cars about. The animal completely disregarded the observer's car, appearing from the culvert right in front of it, necessitating sharp braking, and setting off along the road without a backward look. The otter could have left the road at any point, but gave the impression of knowing exactly where it was going and of travelling at its chosen speed.


de Jongh, A.W.J.J. (1986}. The underwater locomotion of the European otter (Lutra lutra L.). Msc. Thesis State University of Groningen, 98pp.
Eggers, R. (1985). Locomotion des Fischotters (Lutra lutra L.) im Wasser. Msc. Thesis, Zoological Institute, University of Braunschweig, 67pp.
Green, J., Green, R. & Jefferies, D.J. (1984). A radio-tracking survey of otters on a Perthshire river system. Lutra 27: 84-145.
Wagenführer, K. (1984). Lokomotion des Fischotters (Lutra lutra L.) an Land. Msc. Thesis, Zoological Institute, University of Braunschweig, 112pp.
Wayre, P. (1976). The River People. Collins and Harvill Press, London, 198pp.

Resumen: Velocidad de las nutrias sobre la tierra.
Ha habido varios registros experimentales de los movimientos acuáticos y la velocidad de nado de las nutrias. Pero ha habido menos trabajo sobre la locomoción en tierra. Wagenfuhrer analizó el andar, la secuencia de las patas y la velocidad de nutrias en cautiverio, pero hasta donde se sabe no hay registros de la velocidad que las nutrias pueden alcanzar a lo largo de distancias medidas. En agosto de 1999 se siguió en auto a una nutria en una ruta menor en el SO de Escocia. Esto se realizó de una manera en que fue posible medir la distancia y el tiempo cubierto durante el avistaje, y registrar con el cuentakilómetros la velocidad variable del animal. La nutria cubrió una distancia de 670 m en 111 segundos, lo que da una velocidad promedio de 6.036 m/s o 21.73 km/h. Las velocidades registradas con el cuentakilómetros, manejando a una distancia regular detrás de la nutria, fluctuó entre 16 y 38.6 km/h. Se notaron menores velocidades en la pendiente de subida y la velocidad máxima se alcanzó en la pendiente de bajada. La mayor parte del tiempo la velocidad se encontró entre 19 y 24 km/h. En ese trecho han sido vistas nutrias varias veces, cruzando de un lago a otro, pero esta fue la primer vez que se observó todo el trayecto. Es interesante que el animal haya tomado un trayecto a lo largo de un pequeño riachuelo hacia la ruta, a lo largo de la ruta y luego hacia otro riachuelo que fluye hacia el segundo lago, totalizando una distancia de 1370 m, en vez de recorrer los 250 m del cruce por tierra. La ruta nunca tiene mucho trafico y en este caso no había otros autos. El animal desatendió por completo el auto. La nutria pudo haber abandonado la ruta en cualquier punto, pero dio la impresión de saber exactamente hacia dónde iba y de estar viajando a la velocidad deseada.
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