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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 18 Issue 1 Pages 1 - 53 (April 2001) New Books NORTH AMERICAN RIVER OTTER HUSBANDRY
NOTEBOOK The 2nd Edition of the North American River Otter Husbandry Notebook is now available. This updated and expanded 283 page volume contains contributions from several authors. Information is divided into 17 chapters on: Taxonomy; Distribution; Status; Identification & Description; Behavior, Social Organization & Natural History; Reproduction; Captive Management; Hand-Rearing; Feeding & Nutrition; Health Care; Behavioral & Environmental Enrichment; Training or Behavioral Modification; North American River Otters in European Institutions; Rehabilitators and Otter Resources; Websites, On-Line Education and Useful Addresses; Otter Tales and Legends; General Bibliography. This volume is available at a cost of $20.00 plus $2.50 shipping (U.S.), $5.00 (Canada), $12.00 (overseas). All payment must be in U.S. dollars. All funds raised will be contributed to the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums' (AZA) Otter SSP. For additional information contact: Jan Reed-Smith, jrsotter@iserv.net or send a check made payable to John Ball Zoo Society, Attn. Otter Husbandry Notebook, John Ball Zoo, 1300 W. Fulton, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. For information on credit card purchase contact above e-mail address. THE OTTER AMONG US The Otter Among Us is the distillation of James Willias' lifetime's study and observation of this evocative animal intially in Westmorland and more recently in the West Country. Illustrations - Bruce Pearsons. Hardback, 231xl60mm, 150 pages, 18 colour plates and black and white illustrations. Price £26.00 plus p&p. Orders to: HOW TO IMPLEMENT THE OTTER ACTION PLAN ? 41 scientists and conservationists representing 18 countries met from 4 to 7 November 2000 at the Otter Centre in Hankensbüttel, Germany to discuss possibilities for an efficient implementation of the second edition of the IUCN/SCC Otter Action Plan. In 1999 the IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group started to revise the global Otter Action Plan which was first published in 1990. Action plans are an important tool for conservation. How much they can contribute to the protection of species and habitats will depend on the quality of their contents. Their implementation is most important. Experience with the 1990 Otter Action Plan has shown that it did not reach many decision makers on the national level, the scientific community, management authority or the media. Therefore it was found to be necessary to develop a strategy for an efficient implementation of the new Otter Action Plan as early as possible. This was the main objective of this workshop. The proceedings contain all the presentations given by invited speakers and the recommendations prepared by the participants. They contain the introductory lectures by some of the well-known experts on international protocols, national conservation issues, scientific research, communication and awareness campaigns. Reports of the intense discussions, founded on these introductions, and of the recommendations prepared by the participants complete this documentation. The contributions and recommendations published in these proceedings will not only assist in the preparation of the new Otter Action Plan but more importantly, help implement it as well. Undoubtedly they will also advance the work of the Otter Specialist Group and of the numerous national otter conservation initiatives. Last but not least, the experience and the ideas summarised in this report will become useful to the conservationists involved in the preparation and implementation of Action Plans for other species. The book is available at
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