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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 18 Issue 1 Pages 1 - 53 (April 2001) Virtual Otters The idea is that this website becomes a tool for Giant Otter information dissemination and conservation. The emphasis of the site is on Peru and the work of the Frankfurt Zoological Society Giant Otter Project, but we would very much like the site to be useful for Giant Otter enthusiasts, researchers and conservationists from all over the world. With this objective in mind we would be very grateful if you could look at the site and let us know what parts you like, dislike, should be changed, should be added, are unclear, etc, etc. We are currently also working on a twin Spanish site, as reaching South American people is a priority. Frank and Jessica, Web site with information about DNA fingerprinting of otters. I will add additional information as it becomes available but would welcome ideas from anyone else in terms of content, links, references etc. It would be helpful to have a list of who is doing what but since I can't put up any personal information without express permission (data protection laws) I have only given a list of names so far. If you wish to be removed please let me know. If you want to stay, please provide enough information for other people to know what you are doing, who you are and how to contact you. Thanks Three years ago, I wrote a manuscript summarizing my findings on the behavioral development of otters. The manuscript was entitled: "Ontogeny of behavior and self sufficiency in free-ranging otters." I have uploaded the text of this paper to my website. Although the manuscript was not accepted for formal publication, it contains a great deal of information relevant to the conservation and management of otters. The article also corrects a misquoting of my findings that appeared in the ASM Mammalian Species account for Lontra canadensis. Comments and criticisms are welcomed. |
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