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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 18 Issue 2 Pages 54 - 101 (October 2001) Literature BAITCHMAN, E.J. & KOLLIAS, G.V. 2000. Clinical anatomy of the North
American river otter (Lontra canadensis). J. Zoo Wildl.
D. & MANTECA-VILANOVA, X. 2001. Reversible immobilization of Eurasian otters GARSHELIS, D.L. & JOHNSON, C.B., 2001. Sea otter population dynamics and the
Exxon Valdez oil spill: disentangling the confounding effects. J.
Appl. Ecol. 38,
19-35. GERA, P. 2001. Summary of Hungarian otter surveys (Lutra
lutra) 1995-2001.
Foundation for Otters. 25pp. GORBICS, C.S. & BODKIN, J.L. 2001, Stock structure of sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni)
in Alaska. Marine Mamm. Science 17, 632-647. JEDRZSEJEWSKA, B., SIDOROVICH, V., PIKULIK, M.M. &
JEDRZEJEWSKI, W. 2001. Feeding habits of the otter and the American mink in Bialowieza Primeval
Forest (Poland) compared to other Eurasian populations. Ecography
24, 165-180. LAFONTAINE, L. & de ALENCASTRO, L.F. 1999. Statut de la loutre d'Europe
(Lutra lutra) et contamination des poisons par les polychlorobiphényles
(PCBs): elements de synthése et perspectives. Actes 23é Coll. Franc. Mammal, SFEPM, Maisons-
Alfort. LANSZKI J. & KÖRMENDI, S. 2000. Diet of a carnivore community in the Boronka
Nature Conservation Area, in Somogy County. Somogyi Múzeumok Közleményei
XIV, 375-381. LARIVIÈRE, S. 2001. Aonyx congicus. Mammalian Species 650, 1-3. LARIVIÈRE, S. 2001. Aonyx capensis. Mammalian Species
671, 1-6. LINDSAY, D.S., THOMAS, N.J., ROSYPAL, A.C. & DUBEY, J.P.
2001. Dual
Sarcocystis neurona and Toxoplasma gondii infection in a Northern sea otter from NIKOLOVA, S., TZETKOV, Y., NAJDENSKI, H. & VESSELINOVA, A. 2001.
Isolation of Yersiniae from wild animals in Bulgaria. J. Vet. Med. B
48, 203-209.
MADSEN, A.B. & PRANG, A. 2001. Habitat factors and the presence or absence of
otters Lutra lutra in Denmark. Acta Theriol. 46, 171-179. MASON, C.F. & STEPHENSON, A. 2001, Metals in tissues of European otters
(Lutra lutra) from Denmark, Great Britain and Ireland. Chemosphere
44, 351-353. PEICHL, L., BEHRMANN, G. & KROGER, R.H.H. 2001. For whales and seals the
ocean is not blue: a visual pigment loss in marine mammals. Europ. J.
Neurosci. 13, 1520-1528. PERTOLDI, C., HANSEN, M.M., LOESCHKE, V., MADSEN, A.B., JACOBSEN,
L. & BAAGOE, H. 2001. Genetic consequences of population decline in the
European otter (Lutra lutra): an assessment of microsatellite DNA variation in
Danish otters from 1883 to 1993. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B,
268, 1-7. QUADROS, J. & MONTEIRO, E.L.A. 2001. Diet of the neotropical otter,
Lontra longicaudis, in an Atlantic Forest area, Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil.
Studies Neotrop. Fauna Environ. 36, 15-21. RAYL, A.J.S. 2001. Researchers focus on sea otter deaths.
Scientist 15, 17-18. REUTHER, C. 2001. Otter Specialists met for the VIII International Otter Colloquium in Chile. Species - Newsletter of the Species Survival Commission 15, 23. REUTHER, C. 2001. Increased Efforts for Conservation of African Otters. Species Newsletter of the Species Survival Commission 35, 23-24. RUIZ-OLMO, J., LÓPEZ-MARTIN, J. & PALAZÓN, S. 2001.
The influence of fish abundance on the otter (Lutra lutra) populations in
Iberian Mediterranean habitats. J. Zool. 254, 325-336. RUIZ-OLMO, J., SAAVEDRA, D &, JIMENEZ, J. 2001. Testing the surveys and visual
and track census of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra). J. Zool.
253, 359-369. SHORT, M.J. & REYNOLDS, J.C., 2001, Physical exclusion of non-target species in
tunnel-trapping of mammalian pests. Biol. Cons. 98, 139-147 SIDOROVICH, V. & MACDONALD, D.W. 2001. Density dynamics and changes in habitat
use by the European mink and other native mustelids in connection with the
American mink expansion in Belarus. Neth. J. Zool. 51,
Hematology and serum biochemistry parameters of North American river otters
(Lontra canadensis). J. Zoo Wildl. Med. 31, 484-490.
WHITE, P.C.L., BENNET, A.C. & HAYES, E.J.V. 2001. The use of
approaches in mammal conservation. Mamm. Rev.
31, 151-167.
WILLITZKAT, F.R. 1999. Anreicherung von chlororganischen Verbindungen und
URYU, Y., MALM, O., THORNTON, I., PAYNE, I. & CLEARY, D. 2001. Mercury
contamination of fish and its implications for other wildlife of the Tapajos Basin,
Brazilian Amazon. Cons. Biol. 15, 438-446.
ZINKE, O. 2000. Die Todesursachen der im Museum der Westlausitz Kamenz von
1992-1998 eingelieferten Fischotter Lutra lutra (L., 1758).
Veröff. Mus.
Westlausitz Kamenz 22, 87-92. [in German]
O.N. 2000. Otters (Lutra lutra) and fish farms in Denmark.
Flora og Fauna, 106,
78-89. [in Danish]. |
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