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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin
Day 0 (Friday, January 19, 2001) |
05:00-08:00 pm | Arriving and transport to the hotels. Registration Colloquium Secretariat: Campus Isla Teja Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
Day 1 (Saturday January 20, 2001) |
08:00-09:30 am | Registration Colloquium Secretariat: Campus Isla Teja Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
09:30 am | Meeting Otter Specialist Group part one (open for guests) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile Chairperson: Claus Reuther Main Topics: |
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Organisational structure of OSG | |
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Fundraising and public relations | |
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Implementation of the Otter Action Plan | |
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IOC IX | |
11:00 | Coffee break (1) Registration Colloquium Secretariat: Campus Isla Teja Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
11:30 | Meeting Otter Specialist Group part two Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
1:00 pm | Lunch Hotel Isla Teja |
3:00 | Plenary session I Part One: Continental Reports Chairperson:Tom Serfass (3 lectures of 25 minutes each, 5 minutes for questions) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
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Africa: Jan Nel (Not confirmed) | |
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Asia: | |
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Europe: Claus Reuther or Michaela Bodner | |
4:30 | Coffee break (2) Registration Colloquium Secretariat: Campus Isla Teja Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
5:00 | Plenary session I Part Two : Continental Reports Chairperson: Frank Hajek (3 lectures of 25 minutes each, 5 minutes for questions) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
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Latin America: Gonzalo Medina (Chile) | |
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North America: Tom Serfass (USA) | |
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Sea Otter: | |
6:30 | Coffee break (3) |
7:00 | Official Opening Chairpersons: Gonzalo Medina as representative of local organizers Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile Welcome addresses of |
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Chair local organization committee | |
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Chair OSG | |
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Delegate Regional Authority | |
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Delegate University | |
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Introductory Talk: "Importance of Wetlands for Biodiversity, the Case of Chile" Dr. Roberto Schlatter, former Chilean representative to RAMSAR. |
8:30 pm | Welcome Party (Get-together, Icebreaker) |
Day 2 (Sunday, January 21, 2001) |
8:30 am | Plenary session II: Anatomy and veterinary aspects |
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Blood parameters on wild Eurasian otters during captivity: stress and the effect of neuroleptics. Fernaández-Morán., Manteca-Vilanova, X. and Saavedra, D. |
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Responses of river otters to oil contamination: a controlled study of biological stress markers. Merav Ben-David, R.T. Bowyer, and L. K. Duffy. |
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Strongyloidiosis in European otters, Lutra lutra (L.) from the Iberian Peninsula. Fernaández-Morán., Manteca-Vilanova, X. and Saavedra, D. |
10:00 | Coffee break (4) Late Registration Colloquium Secretariat: Campus Isla Teja Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
10:30 | Plenary session III: Behaviour and Diet Chairperson: Hugh Jansman (3 lectures of 25 minutes each, 5 minutes for questions) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
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Sociality in Coastal river otters (Lontra canadensis): Kinship or cooperative foraging. Blundell, g. M., Ben-David, M., Bowyer, R.T., Groves, p., and Geffen, E. |
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Social behavior and ecosystem process: river otter latrines and nutrient dynamics of terrestrial vegetation. Merav Ben-David, R.T. Bowyer, L.K. Duffy, D.D. Roby, and D. M. Schell. |
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Diet of otters (Lutra lutra) in the upper Hornád river catchment,Slovakia. Hájkova, P. |
12:00 | Lunch Hotel Isla Teja |
2:00 pm | Poster Presentations | |
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Size and weight of Neotropical river otter, Lontra longuicaudis annectens, in México. Gallo-Reynoso, J.P., and M.S. Guerrero-Martínez. |
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Capturing river otters: a comparison of Hancock and leg-hold traps. Blundell, G. M., Kern, J. W., Bowyer, R. T., and Duffy, L. K. |
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Do European otters (Lutra lutra) avoid each other? Bradshaw, A.V., Beckmann, M., Stevens, R. and Slater, F. M. |
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Trophic Ecology of Lutra lutra in Intermittent Streams of SW Protugal. Matos, H. & Santos-Reis, M. |
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Analysis of diet, relative abundance and habitat characterization of the Neotropical Otter Lontra longuicaudis (Carnívora: Mustelidae) on the buffer zone of Cotacachi.Cayapas Ecological Reserve. eovana del Rocío Lasso González. |
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Effects of food resources on the spacing behaviour of river otters: does forage abundance control home-range size? Blundell, G.M., Bowyer, R.T., Ben-David, M., Dean, T.A., Jewett, S.C. |
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Patterns of habitat use in Mediterranean populations of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). Jiménez, J. and Ruiz-Olmo, J. |
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Use of rivers by southern river otter (Lontra provocax) and it's relation with habitat type, resources and human activity. Kaufman, V.,and G. Medina-Vogel. |
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Habitat and resources selection by marine otter (Lontra felina Molina 1782) in an exposed rocky sea shore of southern Chile. Alvarez P. R., and G. Medina-Vogel. |
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Diet of Marine Otter (Lontra felina) in rocky shorelines in Southern Chile, by direct observation. |
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Habitat use and territoriality of marine otter (Lontra felina) in a exposed rocky seashore in Southern Chile. Bartheld, J., L., G. Medina-Vogel |
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Assessing the importance of southern river otters (Lontra provocax) and their habitat to children and land owners living adjacent to the Queule and Toltén river basins. Gonzalez, S., and G. Medina-Vogel |
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Heavy metal concentration in spraints of the neotropical river otter (Lontra longuicaudis) in a conservation unit and an area with high anthropic influence. Waldemarin, H. F., Colares, E. P. and Rodriguez, M. T. R. |
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Diet of Giant Otter Pteronura brasiliensis through analysis of hard parts in scats. Madre de Dios, Peru. Quispe, Ch. R./td> | |
• | Current Situation of Lutra lutra in northeastern China. Piao Ren-zhu and Sung-Yong,Han |
4:30 | Coffee break (5) Late registration Colloquium Secretariat: Campus Isla Teja Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
5:00 | Video and Slide Presentation: Otters of Chile Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
7:30 pm | Dinner Hotel Isla Teja |
Day 3 (Monday, January 22, 2001) |
8:30 am | Plenary session IV: Pollution Chairperson: Kevin Roche (3 lectures of 25 minutes each, 5 minutes for questions) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
• | The concentration of ΣDDT and total PCB in otters (Lutra lutra) from Sweden during 1968-1994 Roos, A., Greyerz, E., Olsson, M. and Sandegren, F. Abstract |
• | North American river otters (Lontra canadensis) as watershed indicators of mercury and PCB contamination. Organ, J. F., and Griffin, C. R. |
• | Open for a plenary session | |
10:00 | Coffee break (6) | |
10:30 | Plenary session V: Conservation Strategies Chairperson: Jessica Groenedijk (3 lectures of 25 minutes each, 5 minutes for questions) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
• | Conservation of otters in Mexico, actions and perspectives. Gallo-Reynoso, J. P. |
• | Nature tourism and Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) habitat management in Southeastern Perú. Hajek, F., Groenendijk, J. |
• | The Strategy to recover the southern river otter (Lontra provocax) population at the Toltén and Queule river basins, southern Chile. Putting people, authorities, landowners and otters together. Medina-Vogel, G. |
12:00 | Lunch Hotel Isla Teja |
2:00 pm | Workshop Session A: Preparation and implementation of the Otter Action Plan (Part 1) Chairperson: Claus Reuther Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
• | Presentation and discussion of the results of the OSG workshop held in November 2000 in Hankensbüttel. | |
3:30 | Coffee break (7) | |
4:00 | Workshop Session A: Preparation and implementation of the Otter Action Plan (Part 2) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
6:30 | • |
Open to videos and slide presentations |
7:30 | Dinner Hotel Isla Teja |
Day 4 (Tuesday, January 23, 2001) | ||
8:30 am | Plenary session VI: Distribution and population Trends (Part 1) Chairperson: Claudio Chehébar (3 lectures of 25 minutes each, 5 minutes for questions) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
• | Current distribution range of the Giant Otter, Pteronura brasiliensis (Gmelin, 1788), in Colombia. Díaz, H.J. |
• | Giant Otters in French Guiana: A first report. Jacques, H., Pelsy, C. and Thoisy, B. Abstract |
• | A Decade of Giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) population dynamics in the Manu Biosphere Reserve, Perú. Groenedijk, J., Hajek, F., Schenck, C. and Staib, E. |
9:30 | Coffee break (8) | |
10:00 | Plenary session VI: Distribution and population Trends (Part 2) Chairperson: Marcela Kuèerová (3 lectures of 25 minutes each, 5 minutes for questions) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
• | Population trend for otter (Lutra lutra) in Sweden during 1970-2000. Roos, A., Bignert., Olsson, M. and Sandegren, F. Abstract |
• | Monitoring of Lutra lutra in the Predicted Inundation Area of the Largest Dam in Europe (Alqueva, SE Portugal). Sales-Luís, T., Pedroso, N.M., Grilo, C. And Santos-Reis, M. |
• | Open for late applications for presentation | |
12:00 | Lunch Hotel Isla Teja |
2:00 pm | Plenary session VI: Survey Methods Chairperson: Juan Pablo Gallo Reynoso (3 lectures of 25 minutes each, 5 minutes for questions) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
• | Molecular Scatology. Monitoring of Otters Lutra lutra by analyses from Spraints. Jansman, H.A.H., Niewold, F. J.J., van Dam, B. C., Kuiters, A. T., Bosveld, A.T.C. |
• | Track and other signs of the hairy nosed otter (Lutra sumatrana). Kanchanasaka, B. |
• | Road mortality as a monitoring tool for otter (Lutra lutra) health Bradshaw, A. V. and F. M. Slater. |
3:30 | Coffee break (9) | |
4:00 | Workshop Session B: How to standardise survey methods and establish GIS related data banks (Part 1) Chairperson: Claus Reuther Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
• | Introduction: The Standard Method for surveying Lutra lutra in Europe and the Information System for Otter Surveys (ISOS) Claus Reuther |
• | Discussion: How to establish similar methods for other otter species | |
5:30 | Coffee break (10) | |
6:00 | Workshop Session B: How to standardise survey methods and establish GIS related data banks (Part 2) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
7:30 | Dinner Hotel Isla Teja |
Day 5 (Wednesday, January 24 2001) | ||
One day trip to a marine otter habitat | ||
Day 6 (Thursday, January 26, 2001) | ||
8:30 | Plenary session VII: Habitat Structures and Habitat Assessments (Part 1) Chairperson: Deli Savedra (3 lectures of 25 minutes each, 5 minutes for questions) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
• | Dens of the Neotropical otter, Lontra longicaudis, in low Iguasu River, Paraná State, southern Brazil. Quadors, J. |
• | Drought effect on habitat use by Mediterranean otters. Jiménez, J. and Ruiz-Olmo, J. |
• | Preliminary evaluation of Lontra longicaudis and habitat suitability in the Andean foothill. Ildemaro González |
10:00 | Coffee break (11) | |
Plenary session VII: Habitat Structures and Habitat Assessments (Part 2) Chairperson: Merav Ben-David (3 lectures of 25 minutes each, 5 minutes for questions) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
• | A framework for identifying high priority areas and actions for the conservation of giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) in the wild. Olson, D. M., Isola, S., Thieme, M., Cogliano, M., Mobley, M. |
• | Riparia: Integrating wetland and stream conservation at a watershed scale using hydrogeomorphic (HGM) models and measures of biological integrity. Brooks, Robert, P. |
• | GIS related habitat assessment as a basis for a Otter Habitat Network Europe (OHNE) Claus Reuther |
12:00 | Lunch Hotel Isla Teja |
2:00 | Plenary session VIII: Reintroduction and Release (Part 1) Chairperson: Tom Serfass (3 lectures of 25 minutes each, 5 minutes for questions) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
• | Trout anglers' attitudes regarding river otter reintroduction in Pennsylvania. Serfass, T, T. L., Tzilkowski, W. M., and Brooks, R. P. |
• | River otter reintroduction in a human-dominated landscape. Spinola, R. M., Serfass, T. L. and Brooks, R. P. |
• | Trapping, handling and medical management of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) during a reintroduction project. Fernaández-Morán, Manteca-Vilanova, X. and Saavedra, D. |
3:30 | Coffee break (12) | |
4:00 | Plenary session VIII: Reintroduction and Release (Part 2) (3 lectures of 25 minutes each, 5 minutes for questions) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
• | Post-release survival of river otters: effects of exposure to crude oil and captivity. Merav Ben-David, Gail M. Blundell, and John E. Blake. |
• | Eurasian Otter reintroduction in Northeast Spain: movements, use of the space and post-release mortality. Saavedra, D., Fernández, J. and Ruiz-Olmo, J. |
• | Open for one more presentation and discussion. | |
4:30 | Open for video and slide presentations Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
7:30 | Dinner Hotel Isla Teja |
8:00 | Meetings of continental groups Chairpersons: Europe: Michaela Bodner Latin America: Gonzalo Medina North America: Tom Serfass Hotel Isla Teja, Isla Teja, Valdivia |
Day 7 (Friday, January 26, 2001) | ||
8:30 | Workshop Session C: Preparation of Recommendations (in working groups) Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile Chairpersons for specific topics will be appointed during the conference by OSG Chair |
10:00 | Coffee break (13) | |
10:30 | Plenary session IX: Recommendations of the VII. International Otter Colloquium Chairperson: Claus Reuther Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
12:00 | Lunch Hotel Isla Teja |
2:00 pm | Workshop Session D: Optional Workshops Suggested by Participants Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile |
3:30 | Coffee break (14) | |
7:00 | Official closing ceremony Sala Paraninfo Universidad Austral de Chile Farewell addresses of |
• | Representative Government of Chile and/or local authority | |
• | Representative local organizing committee | |
• | Chair OSG | |
7:30 | Banquet (Good Bye Party) Fundo Teja Norte |
Day 8 (Saturday, January 27, 2001) | ||
Options: | • | Departure and transport from hotels to bus station and airport |
• | Departure of post colloquium tours (interested people please contact independent travel agents) | |
• | One day field trip to visit a Southern river otter habitat use monitoring and habitat restoration study site (Previous registration and payment is necessary). Notice that those who will take the day field trip, will need to book the extra night in their hotels. Departure from Hotel Isla Teja 7:30 AM; Return after 8:00 PM. |
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