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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 19 Issue 1 Pages 1 - 61 (April 2002) Congress Announcements International Otter Conference, Isle of Skye The International Otter Survival Fund plans to hold a conference entitled 'The Ecology and Status of the Eurasian otter on the Isle of Skye from 30 June to 4 July 2003. The aim of the conference is to present data from new and innovate research on the species. The conference will have a number of themes, including: 1. Status of the otter in Europe: A number of scientists have been invited to present key-note talks. Should you wish to present a paper at the meeting, it should fall into one of the nine topics listed above. Abstracts of papers should be sent to the IOSF, for discussion by the Conference Committee. Further information on the meeting can also be obtained from the IOSF offices Jim Conroy It is planned to hold a meeting of the European Section of the Otter Specialist Group (OSG) in connection with the 4th European Congress of Mammalogy; to be held on July 27 - August 1, 2003, at Brno in the Czech Republic. For further information on the OSG Meeting please contact Michaela Bodner (address -see below) First call for contributions for the Symposium 'Conservation and Biology of the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra)' We would like to invite you to participate on the symposium 'Conservation and Biology of the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra)' as part of the 4th European Congress of Mammalogy. Please note: this is a separate session to the OSG European Group meeting! Contributions should concentrate on new research projects, methods, or approaches to conservation and the biology of the Eurasian Otter. We will also provide an area to present poster contributions. Please contact either Marcela or Michaela at one of the addresses below for more information. For more detailed information on the 4th European Congress of Mammalogy, please contact the web site at www.ivb.cz. On behalf of the Scientific Committee of the 4th European Congress of Mammalogy,
IX International Otter Colloquium |
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