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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 25 pages 75 - 123 (October 2008) Literature ADÁMEK, Z., KORTAN, D., LEPIČ, P. and ANDREJI, J. (2008). Impacts of otter (Lutra lutra L.) predation on fishponds: A study of fish remains at ponds in the Czech Republic. Aquaculture International 11: 389–396 DIMITROVA, Z.M., TZVETKOV, Y AND TODEV, I. (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.)
(Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans
recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45 (1): 41 – 47 GALLANT, D., VASSEUR, L. and BÉRUBÉ, C.H. (2008). Evaluating bridge survey ability to detect river otter Lontra canadensis presence: a comparative study. Wildlife Biology 14: 61–69. GRUBER, B., REINEKING, B., CALABRESE, J.M., KRANZ, A., POLEDNÍKOVÁ, K., POLEDNÍK, L., KLENKE, R., VALENTIN, A. and HENLE, K. (2008). A new method for estimating visitation rates of cryptic animals via repeated surveys of indirect signs. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45: 728–735 LAMPA, S., GRUBER, B., HENLE, K. and HOEHN. M. (2008). An optimisation approach to increase DNA amplification success of otter faeces. Conserv Genet 9: 201–210 RUIZ-OLMO, J. and JIMÉNEZ, J. (2008). Diet diversity and breeding of top predators are determined by habitat stability and structure: a case study with the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra L.). Eur J Wildl Res SCHIPPER, J., HOFFMANN, M., DUCKWORTH, J.W. and CONROY, J. (2008). The
2008 IUCN red listings of the world’s small carnivores. Small Carnivore Conservation, 39: 29 - 34 SCHMIDT, G., L’HOSTE, L., DOHET, A., BOSCHER, A., CAUCHIE, H.-M., and HOFFMANN, L. (2008). Riverbank assessment and management for the Eurasian otter in the north of Luxembourg. Animal Biology 58: 473–490 SWENSON, J., CARPENTER, J.W., JANARDHAN, K.S., KETZ-RILEY, C. and BRINKMAN, E. (2008). Paresis in an Asian Small-Clawed Otter (Aonyx cinereus) associated with Vertebral and Ischial Osteolysis caused by a Malignant Lymphangiosarcoma. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 39(2): 236–243 |
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