IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin
©IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group
Volume 26 Issue 1 pages 1 - 62 (April 2009)
Note from the Editor
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Dear Friends and Colleagues!
We have just closed issue 25/2 and opened issue 26/1. The
fact that we had two issues on 2008 after three intermediate
years where we had only one seems to me as the proof that the
online version is finally fully accepted. I really hope that
this positive trend continues and Lesley and I will do our
best to make the IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin into
a flourishing way to publish your results. The fact that all
manuscripts are also uploaded to the Directory of Open Access
Journals (http://www.doaj.org)
will further contribute to the visibility of your results.
Thanks to Michael Belanger, Mark Bowler, Elisabeth Chadwick,
Paul Chanin, Claudio Chehebar, Syed Hussain, Anna Loy, Claudio
Soto Azat, Maximiliano Sepulveda, and Vania Carolina Fonseca
da Silva who put efforts into improving the submitted manuscripts
by doing an excellent job as reviewers. On the other hand it
is also interesting for me to see who, after invitation to
perform a review, does not even answer that this is not possible
at the moment, something that would be perfectly fine with
me. Be sure that I will not bother this small group of persons
in the future with any request.
I depend completely on the help of the people who translate
the French and Spanish abstracts of all articles and I want
to express my sincere thanks to Núria Martínez
Carreras, Fabrice Capber, Alain Dohet, Frederic Giraud, Laurent
Mercier, Gerard Schmidt, Mauricio Montaño Garces, and
Daniel Scognamillo, who recently translated abstracts.
Congratulations to Dilian Georgiev, who recently finished
his PhD on Eurasian otters in Bulgaria. Unfortunately the thesis
itself is only available in Bulgarian but some excerpts of
his work have already been published in the past and another
piece of work can be found in this issue.
I want to remind you also on the excellent work Lesley does.
Probably only I know how much work and efforts she puts in
publishing the Bulletin online, how fast she changes tiny errors,
last minute requests etc. and it is a great pleasure for me
to do this together with her.
With regards,

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