IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin

©IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group

Volume 29 Issue 1 Pages 1 - 67 (January 2012)

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1st Workshop for Latin American Otter Research & Conservation
Corumbá, MS, Brazil
24 - 25 June 2012

Logo of the Latin American Otter Workshop

This Workshop aims to discuss in a deeper way the conservation status of each otter species in their distribution range and to improve the efficiency in collecting new data and the practical application of this information.
We also have the specific objectives of:

  1. To evaluate the conservation status of all Latin-American otters in all countries of their original distribution range;
  2. To define common, specific and national threats  for all species;
  3. To propose standard methodologies for studying Latin America otters, applicable, if possible, generally to all of them, in order to generate comparable estimates among regions and species.  

For more information please visit:


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