©IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group
Volume 31 Issue 2 (October 2014)
OSG Group Members News
From 1st October 2014, Nisarg Prakash has been appointed Species Coordinator for the Asian Small-Clawed Otter. Nathan Roberts is now the OSG Webmaster. We look forward to a long and happy association!
Since the last issue, we have welcomed 6 new members to the OSG: you can read more about them on the Members-Only pages.
M Gopakumar, India: The work of The Nityata Foundation, which I run, is along the Cauvery River in Karnataka, which has both the Small Clawed Otter (in the headwaters area of Kodagu district) and the Smooth Coated Otter (downstream). Our work is focused on building conservation measures for both species and involving the fishermen at selected points along the river in otter protection.
Mário Madureira, Portugal: I’m a veterinarian at Zoo Santo Inácio, and I have particular interest in nutrition and nutrition related pathology. I am currently working on nutrition and reproduction in Aonyx cinereus.
Manoel Muanis, Brazil: I joined the Ecolontras Project in 2002, and since then have worked on both the Neotropical Otter (Lontra longicaudis) and the Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis). I have presented work at the colloquia in Frostburg and Korea, I am currently an appointed member of thye Strategic Advisory Group of the National Action Plan for Giant Otter Conservation (ICMBio/MMA) that covers both species of otters.
Alexey Oleynikov, Russia: I have worked on otters since my undergraduate degree in 2002. I am particularly interested in biocenotic communications between native species (otters) and introduced species such as American mink, European beaver, Canadian beaver and muskrat. I am currently participating in the project to reintroduce otters in Siretoko National Park, Hokkaido Island, Japan.
Luciana Pacca, Brazil: I am studying Pteronura brasiliensis potential distribution, considering the threats for its conservation in South America. I have been collecting occurrence records in Roraima, north Amazon, Brazil, where there is not much information about it and selecting environmental variables that may influence on its distribution, in order to achieve better potential distributions models.
Nathan Roberts, United Kingdom: I have worked with carnivores including Asian small-clawed otters in a UK zoo, studied the ecology of the Neotropical otter in Costa Rica and am conducting a methodological investigation at present using camera traps. I am committed to conservation across the spectrum of research, education and engagement.
Ilka Tramm, Germany: I did my MSc on communication in Asian Small-Clawed Otters, and recently surveyed Giant Otters in Peru for "Chances for Nature" e.V. I have also worked on social behaviour in breeding dingoes, and surveyed game species in South Africa.
Dear family, friends, colleagues, and fellow nature/travel lovers,
I hope this finds you all fighting fit and contented with life.
I’m sorry to write to you en masse and I think some of you may have seen this new development on my Facebook page but I would like take this opportunity to shamelessly plug my new website – www.jsgroenendijk.com – which is dedicated to sharing my writing efforts and publications. Writing is something I’ve dabbled in since I was a teenager and I find myself wanting to take it more seriously at this stage in life. I am extremely fortunate to have had an unusual and adventurous childhood and working career, both of which have led me to unique places and memorable experiences – excellent fodder for my tales!
I hope you will enjoy browsing the website and reading some of the stories; I would love to hear any comments, suggestions, even criticisms ;-)
If you would like me to e-mail you when I post a new publication, please let me know!
Many thanks and best wishes,