IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin

©IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group

Volume 36 Issue 2 (April 2019)

Note from the Editor
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Arno Gutleb, EditorDear Friends, Colleagues and Otter Enthusiasts!

This is the first editorial after coming home from the very successful 14th International Otter Colloquium. I am sure that all participants of the meeting in Tangjiahe had overweight in their mental suitcase! We had very interesting presentations from all continents with otters on a variety of topics. The Red List authorities had their meeting and so had the Management Team an evening meeting. The nature around the conference site is magnificent and we saw many animals from otters (Lutra lutra) to takins (Budorcas taxicolor) and golden pheasants (Chrysolophus pictus). We also learned that takins are ready to defend themselves which resulted that one participant and three rangers were chased by a takin into the river while being on a hike during day time.

We experienced excellent Chinese food and Chinese hospitality and I want to express my sincere thanks to the whole organising team lead by Bosco Chan for their efforts to make it a perfect experience. We had local music at one evening and a conference dinner in a local community. It was very nice to meet many old friends again and make new ones. Especially the enthusiasm of the younger scientists for their was infectious.

As already announced on site a special issue of the IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 36A is foreseen and information was send out to all participants. Bosco Chan, Nicole Duplaix, Syed Ainul Hussain and N. Sivasothi will serve as guest editors. Manuscripts will go online as soon as they are reviewed, revised and finally accepted.

My sincere thanks to Lesley as the increasing number of manuscripts is also leading to an increase of last minute requests by authors and thereby to an increase of work.


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