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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 4 Pages 1 - 45 (March 1989) Literature Anon (1988). The effects of otter guards on the fishing
efficiency of eel fyke nets. Report of a steering committee. Vincent
Wildlife Trust. (Author's address: Baltic Exchange Buildings, 21 Bury
Street, London EC3A 5AU). Bouchardy, C. (1987) La Loutre. Editions-Sang de la terre, Paris. 174pp. Broekhuizen, S. and Ruiter-Dijkman, E.M. de, (1988). Otters Lutra lutra met PCBs : de zeehondjes van het zoete water? Lutra 31 :~68-78. (Rijksinstituut voor Natuurbeheer, Postbus 9201, 6800 HB Arnhem, The Netherlands). Brownell, R.L. and Rathbun, G.B. (1988). California Sea Otter Translocation : A status Report. Endangered Species Technical Bulletin XIII No.4 : 1 and 6. (National Ecology Research Center, San Simeon, California 93452, USA). Conroy, J.W.H. and French, D.D. (1987). The use of spraints to monitor populations of otters (Lutra lutra L.). Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond. 58 : 247-262. (Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Banchory, Scotland). Halbrook, R.S. and Jenkins, J.H. (1988). Cesium-137 levels detected in Georgia otters. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 41: 765-769. (Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VA 24061, USA). Heggberget, T.M. (1988). Reproduction in the female European otter in central and northern Norway. J. Mamm. 69 (1) : 164-167. (Norwegian Institute for Nature Research.! Section: Vitenskapsmuseet, N- 7004 Trondheim, Norway). Heidemann, G. and Riecken, U. (1988). Zur Situation des Bestandes und der Lebensraume des Fischotters (Lutra lutra L.) in Schleswig Holstein. Natur und Landschaft 63 (7/8) : 318-322. (Forschungsstelle Wildbiologie am lnstitut fur Haustierkunde der Universität Kiel, Olshausenstr. 40-60, 2300 Kiel, W. Germany). Jefferies, D.J. (1988). Dimensions and weights of some known-aged otters Lutra lutra, with notes on continuous growth during maturity, the largest weights achieved and a possible recent reproduction in longevity. Otters, Journal of the Otter Trust 1987 2 (1) : 10-18. (The Nature Conservancy Council, Northminster House. Peterborough, PE.l 1UA, U.K.). Jefferies, D.J. and Hanson, H.M. (1988). The Minsmere otter release and information gained from a detailed examination and analysis of the two casualties. Otters, Journal of the Otter Trust 1987 2 (1) : 19-29. (Address as above). Jonge Poerink, B. and Huls, R. (1987). Organische
microverontreinigingen en zware metalen in Friese otterhabitats.
Stichting Otterstation Nederland & Provincie Friesland, Hoofdgroep
Waterstaat en Milieu. Jongh, A.W.J.J. de (1988) The lack of toad remains in otter Lutra lutra sparints. Lutra 31: 79-81. Kadlecik, J. (1988). Distribution and protection of the otter (Lutra lutra L.) in the protected territories Mala Fatra and Vel'ka Fatra. (In Czech with English summary). Ochrana Prirody 9: 47-67. (Sprava CHKO Vel'ka Fatra, The Vel'ka Fatra Mts. Protected Landscape Area Office, Cachovsky rad 7, 036 07 Martin 7, Czechoslovakia). Kraus, E. (1988). Der Fischotter im Muhlviertel. In: Das Muhlviertel. Natur-Kultur-Leben. OÖ Landesausstellung 1988. Teil Beitrage, Amt der OÖ Landesregierung (Hg), Linz, 484 S. : 179-187. (WWF Österreich, Ottakringer Straße 114-116, A-1162 Wien, Postfach 1, Austria.). Kruuk, H., Conroy, J.W.H. and Moorhouse, A. (1987). Seasonal reproduction, mortality and food of otters (Lutra lutra L. ) in Shetland. Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond. No.58: 263-278.(Address as for Conroy). Ladd, W.N. and Riedman, M.L. (1987). The Southern Sea Otter. Audubon Wildlife Report 1987. Academic Press : 457-477. (Address for Riedman : Research Division, Monterey Bay Aquarium, 886 Cannery Row, Honterey CA 93940. USA). Lubina, J.A. and Levin, S.A. (1988). The spread of a reinvading species; range expansion in the California sea otter. The American Naturalist 131 No.4: 526-543. (Section of Ecology and Systematics, Ecosystems Research Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853). Macdonald, S.M. and Mason, C.F. (1987).Seasonal marking in an otter population. Acta Theriol. 32, 27: 449-461. (Dept. Biology, University of Essex, Colchester, UK). Mason, C.F. (1988). Concentrations of organochlorine residues and metals in tissues of otters Lutra lutra from the British Isles, 1986-1986. Lutra 31. 62-67. (Address as above). Mason, C.F. and Macdonald, S.M. (1988). Metal contamination in mosses and otter distribution in a rural Welsh river receiving mine drainage. Chemosphere 17 No.6 : 1159-1166. (Address as above). Mason, C.F. and Macdonald, S.M. (1988). Radioactivity in otter scats in Britain following the Chernobyl reactor accident. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 217 : 131-137. (Address as above). Mason, C.F. and Reynolds, P. (1988). Organochlorine residues and metals in otters from the Orkney Islands. Marine Pollution Bulletin 19 No.2 : 80-81. (Address as above). Metsu, I. and Berge, K. van den (1987). De otter in Vlaanderen. Nationale Campagne Rescherming Roofdieren. 140pp. (Nationale Campagne Rescherming Roofdieren, Postbus 10, B-9740 Gavere. Belgium). Riedman, M.L. and Estes, J.A. (1988). Predation on seabirds by sea otters. Can. J. Zool. 66 : 1396-1402. (Address as Ladd above) Scottish Wildlife and Countryside Link (1988). Marine Fishfarming in Scotland. 70pp. (The Secretary, SWCL, Southesk Bank, St. Magdalene's Lane, Perth, Scotland. Price £4.50) Skaren, U. (1988) Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, PCBs and cesium isotopes in otters (Lutra lutra L.) from central Finland. Ann. Zool. 25: 271-276 (kp 2/32, SF-74300, Sonkajärui, Finland). Skaren, U. and Jaderholm. K. (1987). Otter (Lutra lutra) count in Central Finland in 1986-1987. Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 63: 101-104. Somers, J.D., Goski, B.C. and Barrett, M.W. Organochlorine residues in northeastern Alberta otters. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 39: 783-790. (Wildlife Biology Group. Alberta Environmental Centre, Postal Bag 4000, Ulgrevike, Alberta, Canada TOB 410). Stenson, G.B. (1988). Oestrus and the vaginal smear cycle of the river otter, Lutra canadensis. J. Reprod. Fert. 83 : 605-610. (Fisheries Research Branch. Dept. Fisheries and Oceans, P.O. Box 5667, St. Johns, Newfoundland, A1C 5X1, CANADA.) Taylor, I.R.. Jeffries, M.J., Abbott, S.G., Hulbert, I.A.R. and Virdee, S.R.K. (1988). Distribution, Habitat and diet of the otter Lutra lutra in the Drina catchment, Yugoslavia. Biol. Conserv. 45 : 109-119. (Dept. Forestry & Natural Resources, Diversity of Edinburgh, Darwin Building, The King's Buildings, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, U.K.) VanBlaricom, G.R. and Estes, J.A. (editors) (1988). The community ecology of sea otters. Ecological Studies, volume 65. Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. xvi + 247pp. (eds. address : U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz. California 95064, U.S.A.) Vincent Wildlife Trust (1988). Report 1987. (Author's address: Baltic Exchange Buildings, 21 Bury Street, London EC3A 5AU) Wren, C.D., Fischer, KA. and Stokes, P.M. (1988). Levels of lead, cadmium and other elements in mink and otter from Ontario, Canada. Environ. Pollut. 52 : 193-202. (B.A.R. Environmental , Nicholas Beaver Park, Brock Road, R.R.3, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6H9). Zyll de Jong, C.G. van (1987). A phylogenetic study of the Lutrinae (Carnivora; Mustelidae) using morphological data. Can. J. Zool. 65 : 2536-2544. (National Museum of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1A OM8) Note: All publications on otters (or references thereto) will be gratefully received for future issues of the Bulletin to maintain this section as complete as possible - Editor. |
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