IUCN Otter Specialist Group . . . leading global otter conservation Last Update: Friday November 23, 2018

IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin
© IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group

Volume 5 Pages 1 - 83 (March 1990)

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Andrews, E. (1989). Assessment of the value of rivers for otters (Lutra lutra). Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 4: 199-202. (Author's address: Vincent Wildlife Trust, 21 Bury St. . London EC3A SAC) .

Ballard. K.A., Sivak, J G. and Howland, H.C. (1989). Intraocular muscles of the Canadian river otter and Canadian beaver and their optical function. Can. J. Zool. 67: 469-474. (School of Optometry and Dept. of Biology. University of Waterloo. Waterloo. Ont.. Canada N2L 3GI).

Chehébar. C. and Benoit. I. (1988). Transfererencia de conocimientos para la Identification de Signos de Actvidad y Habitats del Huillin o Nutria del Rio, Lutra provocax. Officina Regional de la FAO para America Latina y el Cariba. (Administration de Parques Nacionales, Santa Fe 690, 1059- Buenos Aires, Argentina).

De Levende Natuur (1989). (Journal of field ecology and nature management). 90 No. 2 pp.32-65. Issue devoted to Lutra lutra with 11 articles. (De Levende Natuur, Noordereinde 60. 1243 JJ 's-Graveland. The Netherlands)

Durbin. L. (1989). Some responses of otters Lutra lutra to strange and familiar spraints. Lutra 32: 132-138. (Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Hill of Brathens, Banchory. Scotland AB3 4BY).

Estes, J.A. and Jameson, R.J. (1988). A double-survey estimat for sighting probability of sea otters in California. J. Wildl. Manage. 52 (1): 70-76. (U.S. Plan and Wildlife Service. Institute of Marine Sciences. University of California, Santa Cruz. CA 95064).

Estes, J.A. and Steinberg, P.D. (1988). Predation, herbivory and kelp evolution. Paleobiology 14 (1): 19-36. (Address as above).

Estes. J.A. (1989). Adaptations for aquatic living by carnivores. In: Carnivore Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution pp 242-282. Ed. J.L. Gittleman, Chapman and Hall, London.

Fairley. J.S. and Murdoch. B. (1989). Summer food of otters in the lakes of Killarney. Ir. Nat. J. 23 No.2:38-41. (Dept. Zoology. University College, Galway,  Ireland).

Ferrand de Almeida, F. (1987). A propos de la distribution de la loutre an Portugal. Ciênc. Biol. Ecol. Syst (Portugal) 7 (1/2): 11-15. (Centro de Sistemática e Ecologia - INIC, Museo e Laboratorio Zoologico, Universidade de Coimbra, 3049 Coimbra Codex, Portugal).

Gorman, M.L. and Trowbridge, B J (1989) The role of odour in the social lives of carnivores . In: Carnivore Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution pp. 57-88. Ed. J.L. Gittleman. Chapman and Hall, London.

Hancox. M. (1987). Some observations on the ecology of coastal otters in western Scotland. The Scottish Naturalist 1987 : 111-118. (Animal Ecology Research Group. University of Oxford, South Parks Road. Oxford, UK.).

Jefferies. D.J. (1989). The changing otter population of Britain 1700-1989. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 38: 61-69. (Nature Conservancy Council, Northminster House, Peterborough, PE1 1UA, U.K.).

Jefferies, D.J., Hanson. H.M. and Lyle. C.H.C. (1989). A further record of Lutridia exilis (Nitzsch) (Phthiraptera, Trichodectidae) in Britain, with notes on the presence and absence of lice on otters. Entomologist's mon. Mag. 125: 245-250. (Address as above).

Kruuk, H., Nolet, B. and French, D. (1988). Fluctuations in numbers and activity of inshore demersal fishes in Shetland. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 68: 601-617. (Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. Banchory AB3 4BY. Scotland).

Kruuk, H., Moorhouse. A., Conroy. J.W.H., Durbin. L. and Frears, S. (1989). An estimate of numbers and habitat preferences of otters Lutra lutra in Shetland, U.K. Biol. Conserv, 49: 241-254. (Address as above).

Kyne, M.J., Smal, C.M. and Fairley. J.S. (1989). The food of otters Lutra lutra in the Irish midlands and a comparison with that of mink Mustela vison in the same region. Proc. R. Ir. Acad. 89 B: 33-46. (Address as Fairley).

Lejeune. A. (1989). Ethologie des loutres (Hydrictis maculicollis) au lac Muhazi, Rwanda. Mammalia 53(2): 191-202. (P.B. 1303 Kigali, Rwanda).

Lejeune, A. (1989). Les loutres, Lutra (Hydrictis) maculicollis Lichtenstein. et la pêche artisanale. Revue Zool afr. - J. Afr. Zool. 103: 215-223. (Address as above).

Macdonald, S.M. and Mason, C.F. (1988). Observations on an otter population in decline. Acta Theriol. 33: 415-434. (Dept. Biology, University of Essex. Colchester, U.K.).

Madsen, A.B. (1989). Bevar odderen. En handbog i odderbeskyttelse . 40pp. (Skov-og Naturstyrelsen.
Slotsmarken 13, 2970 Hørsholm. Denmark)

Madsen, A.B (1989) Odderen. Natur og Museum 28 argang nr.l, 1989 31pp. (Naturhistorisk Museum, Bygning 210. Universitetsparken, 8000 Arhus C., Denmark).

Mason. C.F. (1989). Water pollution and otter distribution : a review. Lutra 32: 97-131. (Address as Macdonald).

Mason, C.F. (1989). Relationships between organochlorine concentrations in liver and muscle of otters. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 43: 548-549. (Address as above).

Mason. C.F. and Macdonald, S.M. (1989). Acidification and otter (Lutra lutra) distribution in Scotland. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 43: 365-374. (Address as above).

Moll, G C.M. van and Christoffels, A.M.P.M. (1989). De otter. Lutra lutra L., in Nederland sterfgevallen en verspreiding van 1965 tot 1988. 63pp. (Vereniging Das & Boom. Rijksstraatweg 174, 65 73 DG Beek-Ubbergen, The Netherlands)

Nolet, B.A. and Kruuk. H. (1989). Grooming and resting of otters Lutra lutra in a marine habitat. J. Zool. Lond. 218: 433-440. (Zoological Laboratory, University of Groningen. PO Box 14, NL- 9750, AA Haren, The Netherlands).

Ostfeld, R.S., Ebensperger, L., Klosterman, L.L. and Castilla, J.C. (1989). Foraging, activity budget and social behavior of the South American Marine Otter Lutra felina (Molina 1782). National Geographic Research 3(4): 422-438. (Biology Dept., Boston University. Boston, MA 02215,U.S.A )

Riedman, M.L. and Estes, J.A. (1988). Predation on seabirds by sea otters. Can J. Zool. 66; 1398-1402. (Monterey Bay Aquarium. 886 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93940. U.S.A.)

Rowe-Rowe, D.T. (1985; reprinted 1989). Facts about otters. Wildl. Mgmt. Tech. Guides for Farmers. 10 : 2pp. (Natal Parks Board, P.O. Box 662. Pietermaritzburg. 3200 South Africa).

Ruiz-Olmo. J. and Gosalbez, J.(1988). Distribution of the otter, Lutra lutra L. 1758, in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula. P. Dept. Zool. Barcelona. 14; 121-132. (Servei de Protecció de la Natura. Direcció General de Política Forestal. Corsega, 329. 5è; 08037 Barcelona, Spain).

Sostoa, A. de and Lobon-Cerva. J. (1989). Observations on feeding relationships between fish predators and fish assemblages in a Mediterranean stream. Regulated Rivers 4: 157-163. (Dept. Animal Biology. University of Barcelona, Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona. Spain).

Spiridonov. G. and Spassov. N. (1989). The otter (Lutra lutra L., 1758) in Bulgaria, its state and conservation. Historia naturalis bulgarica 1: 57-63. (Research & Co-ordination Centre of Ecology & Environmental Protection, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 2 Gagarin Str. Sofia. Bulgaria).

Wells,  G.A.H., Keymer. I.F. and Barnett, K.C. (1989). Suspected Aleutian disease in a wild otter (Lutra lutra). Veterinary Record 125: 232-235. (Pathology Dept., Central Veterinary Laboratory, New Haw, Weybridge, Surrey. U.K.).

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