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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 6 Pages 1 - 35 (February 1991) Literature Compiled by Sheila Macdonald Carss, D.N., Kruuk, H. & Conroy, J.W.H. 1990. Predation on adult Atlantic salmon,
Salmo salar L, by otters, Lutra lutra (L), within the River Dee system, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Delibes, M. (ed.) 1990. La nutria (Lutra lutra) en EspaƱa, 198 pp. Serie Technica. Institute Nacional para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza, Gran Via de San Francisco 35, 28005 Madrid, Spain. Estes, J.A. (1990). Growth and equilibrium in sea otter populations. Journal of Animal Ecology, 59, 385-401. Forschungshericht Fischotter i. 1990. 24pp. (A collection of articles on the otter in Austria.) WWF Austria, Ottakringerstr. 114-116, 1160 Wien, Austria. Foster-Turley, P., Macdonald, S. & Mason, C. (eds.) 1990. Otters : An Action Plan for their Conservation. 126 pp. IUCN/SSC, Switzerland. Geraci, J.R. & St. Aubin, D.J. (eds.) 1990. Sea Mammals and Oil : Confronting the Risks. Academic Press, Inc. Lejuene, A. 1990. Ecologie alimentaire de la loutre (Hydrictis
maculicollis) au lac Muhazi, Rwanda. Mammalia 54 : 33-46. Libois, R.M. & Rosoux, R. 1989. Ecologie de la loutre (Lutra
lutra) dans le Marais Poitevin. 1. Etude de la cosommation
d'Anguilles. Vie Millieu, 39 (3/4): 191-197. Libois, R.M &, Rosoux, R., 1989. Dietary ecology of the European otter in western France. Quantitative aspects. 5th. Int. Theriol. Congress, Rome, 1989. Abstracts p. 330-331. Lode, T. 1989. La loutre en Loire Atlantique. Bull.
Soc. Nat. Ouest de la France, nouvelle serie, 11 (2):
69-76. Lode T. 1989. La Loutre: evolution recente des populations en
Pays de Loire. Erminea Assocation Pays de Loire pour l'Etude
de Mammiferes. 17pp. Love, J.A. 1990. Sea Otters. Whittett. Madsen, A.B. 1990. Oddere Lutra lutra og trafik. Flora og Fauna 96(2), 39 - 46. (Miljoministeriets Vildforvaltning, Grenavej 14, Kalo, 8410 Ronde, Denmark). Mason. C.F. & Madsen, A.B. 1990. Mortality and condition in otters Lutra lutra from Denmark and Great Britain. Natura Jutlandica. 22, 217-220. Jefferies. D.J. 1989 Otters crossing watersheds. Otters, J.
of the Otter Trust 1988, 2(2), 17-19. Jefferies, D.J. 1989. Fragmentation of the English otter population and
its effect on viability. Otters, Journal of the Otter Trust 1988, 2(2), 20-22. Jefferies, D.J. 1989. Further records of fyke net and creel deaths in British otters
(Lutra lutra) with a discussion on the use of guards. Otters, J. Otter
Trust, 2(3). 13-20. Jefferies, D.J. 1989. The Asian short-clawed otter Amblonyx cinerea (Illiger) living wild in Britain. Otters, J. Otter Trust, 2(3), 21-25. Jefferies, D.J., Hanson, H.M. & Harris, E.A. 1990. The prevalence of
Pseudoterranova decipiens (Nematoda) and Corynosoma strumosum (Acanthocephala) in otters Lutra lutra from coastal sites
in Britain. J. Zool. Lond., 221, 316-321. Jefferies, D.J., Johnson, A., Green. R. & Hanson, H.M. 1989. Entanglement with monolilament nylon fishing net: a hazard to otters. Otters, J. of the Otter Trust 1988, 2(2), 11 - 16. Jessop, R.M. & Maguire, F. 1989. Norfolk otter survey 1988/89: implications for the status of the otter. Otters, J. Otter Trust 2(3), 9-12. Kruuk, H. 1990. Mammals. In: Cannell, M.G.R. & Hooper, M.D. 1990. The greenhouse effect and terrestrial ecosystems of the U.K. pp. 43-45. HMSO, London. Kruuk, H. & Balharry, D. 1990. Effects of sea water on thermal insulation of the otter, Lutra lutra. J. Zool. Lond., 220. 405-415. Kruuk, H. & Moorhouse, A. 1990. Seasonal and spacial differences in food selection by otters (Lutra
lutra) in Shetland. J. Zool. Lond. 221, 621-637. Kruuk, H., Wansink, D. & Moorhouse. A. 1990. Feeding patches and diving success
of otters, Lutra lutra, in Shetland. Oikos 57:
68-72. Kyne, M.J., Kyne, M.J. & Fairley, J.S. 1990. A summer survey of otter sign on Roundstone Bog, South Connemara. Irish Naturalists Journal 230 (7): 237-292. Ruiz-Olmo, J., Jordan, G & Gosalbez, J. 1989. Alimentacion de la nutria (Lutra lutra L , 1750) en el Nordests de la Peninsula Iberica. Donana, Acta Vertebrata, 16(2): 227-237. Stubbe, M. (ed). 1989. Populationsokologie Marderartiger Saugetiere. 2 volumes, 647 pp.Martin
Luther-Universitat, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. Taylor. P.S. & Kruuk, H. 1990. A record of an otter natal den. J. Zool., Lond. 222: 689-692 Verwoerd, D.J. 1987. Observations on the food and status of the Cape clawless otter Aonyx capensis at Betty's Bay, South Africa. S. Afr. J. Zool. 22: 33-39. Wayre, P. 1989. History and known results of the Otter Trust re-introduction programme in England 1983-1989. Otters, Journal of the Otter Trust 2(3), 26-27. Weber, D. 1990. La fin de la Loutre en Suisse. Rapport final du "Groupe Loutre Suisse", 1984-1990. Cahier de
l'environement no. 128. Published by L'Office federal de
l'environment, des forets et du paysage, Berne. Weber, J.-M. 1990. Seasonal exploitation of amphibians by otters
(Lutra lutra) in north-east Scotland. J. Zool. Lond.,220: 641-651. |
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