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IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 9 Pages 1 - 16 (March 1994) Literature Compiled by Sheila Macdonald Andrews, E., Howell, P. & Johnson, K. (1993). Otter survey of Wales 1991. 92pp. Baron, X., Bouchardy. C., Labrid, M., Libois, R. & Rosoux, R. (1993). Bibliographic descriptive sur la loutre (Lutra lutra) en Europe et les lutrines dans le monde. 84 pp. Breathnach, S. & Fairley, J.S. (1993). The diet of otters Lutra lutra (L.) in the Clare River system. Biology and Environment, 93B (3): 151-158. Brzezinski, M. Jedrzekewski, W. & Jedrzejewska, B. (1993). Diet of otters (Lutra lutra) inhabiting small rivers in the Bialowieza National Park, eastern Poland. J. Zool., Lond., 230: 495-501. Chanin, P. (1993). Otters. 128pp. Whittet Books, U.K. (£7.99). Conroy, J.W.H., Watt, J. Webb, J.B. & Jones, A. .(1993). A guide to the identification of prey remains in otter spraint. 52 pp. Davis, H.G., Richard, B.S., Aulerich, J., Bursian, S.J., Sikarskie, J.G. & Stuht, J.N. (1992). Feed consumption and food transit time in northern river otters (Lutra canadensis). J. of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 23(2): 241-244. Davis. H.G., Aulerich, R.J., Bursian, S.J., Sikarskie, J.G. & Stuht, J.N. (1992). Haematologic and blood chemistry values of the northern river otter (Lutra canadensis). Scientifur, 16 (4): 267-271. Dolloff, C.A. (1993). Predation by river otters (Lutra canadensis) on juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Dolly Varden (Salve/inus ma/ma) in southeast Alaska. Can. J. Fish. Aquat., 50: 312-315. Harna, G. (1993). Diet composition of the otter Lutra lutra in the Bieszcdady Mountains, southeast Poland. ActaTheriol., 38: 167-174. Jefferies, D.J. (1992). Polecats (Mustelaputorius) and pollutants in Wales. Lutra 35(1): 28-39. Kvitek, R.G. & Oliver, J.S. (1992). Influence of sea otters on soft-bottom communities in southeast Alaska. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 82: 103-113. Lodé, T. (1993). The decline of otter Lutra lutra populations in the region of the Pays de Loire, western France. Biol. Conserv. 65: 9-13. Lynch, J.M. & O'Sullivan, W.M. (1993). Cranial form and sexual dimorphism in the Irish otter Lutra lutra L. Biology and Environment, 93B (2): 97-105. Mason, C.F. (1993). PCS and organochlorine pesticide residues in a sample of otter (Lutra lutra) spraints from Northern Ireland. Biology and Environment, 93B (2): 111-112. Mason, C.F. (1993). Regional trends in PCB and pesticide contamination in northern Britain as determined in otter (Lutra lutra) scats. Chemosphere, 26 (5): 941-944 Mason, C.F. & Lodé. T. (1992). Analyse de la concentration des résidus de pesticides
organochlorés et PCBs dans les féces de la loutre Lutra lutra dans le région des Pays de Loire.
Bull. Soc. Sc. Nat. Ouest de la France, 14(4). 109-113. Mason. C.F. & Macdonald. S.M. (1993). Impact of organochlorine pesticide residues and PCBs on otters (Lutra lutra):a study from western Britain. Sci. Total Environ., 138: 127-145. Mason, C.F. & Macdonald. S.M. (1993). PCBs and organochlorine pesticide residues in otter (Lutra lutra) spraints from Welsh catchments and their significance to otter conservation
strategies. Aquat. Conserv., 3: 43-51. Mason, C.F. & Macdonald, S.M. (1993). Impact of organochlorine pesticide residues and PCBs
on otters (Lutra lutra) in eastern England. Sci. Total Environ., 138: 147-160. Mason, C.F. & Madsen, A.B. (1993). Organochlorine pesticide residues and PCBs in Danish
otters (Lutra lutra). Sci. Total Environ., 133: 73-81. Mason. C.F. & O'Sullivan, W.M. (1993). Further observations on PCS and organochlorine
pesticide residues in Irish otters Lutra lutra. Biology and Environment, 93B (3): 187-188. McCarthy, T.K. & Hassett, D.J. (1993). Cryptocotyle lingua (Creplin) (Digenea: Heterophyidae)
and other parasites of a coastal otter Lutra lutra (L.). Irish Nat. J., 24: 280-282. Morris, P. (ed.) (1993). Proceedings of the National Otter Conference, Cambridge, 1992. 48pp. Nolet, B.A., Wansink, D.E.H. & Kruuk, H. (1993). Diving of otters (Lutra lutra) in a marine
habitat: use of depths by a single-prey loader. J. Animal Ecol., 62: 22-32. O'Sullivan. W.M. (1993). Efficiency and limitations of the standard otter (Lutra lutra) survey
technique in Ireland. Biology and Environment, 93B (1): 49-53. O'Sullivan, W.M. (1993). The nature and distribution of otter resting sites on part of the River
Blackwater catchment, southern Ireland. Biology and Environment, 93B (3): 159-162. O'Sullivan, W.M., Macdonald, S.M. & Mason. C.F. (1993). Organochlorine pesticide residues and
PCBs in otter spraints from southern Ireland. Biology and Environment, 93B (1): 55-57. O'Sullivan, W.M., Sleemand, D.P. & Murphy, D.M. (1992). Otters Lutra lutra feeding on carrion.
Ir. Nat. J., 24 (4): 140-143. Reuther, C. (1993). Kann man Fischotter zahlen? Natur und Landschaft, 68 (4): 160-164 Ropek, R.M. & Neely, R.K. (1993). Mercury levels in Michigan river otters. Lutra canadensis. J.
Freshwater Ecol., 8 (2): 141-147 Ryazanov, D.A. (1991). Contribution to a quantitative method for estimating diet from scat
analysis in the sea otter Enhydra lutris. Biologiya Morya Vladivostok, 6: 23-32 Schmidt, G. & Adam, S. (1992). La loutre (Lutra lutra) au Luxembourg. Bull. Soc. Nat. Luxemb.
93: 41-58 Serfass, T.L., Rymon, L.M. & Brooks, R.P. (1992). Ectoparasites from river otters in
Pennsylvania. J. Wildl. Dis., 28: 138-140 Smiddy, P. (1993). The status of the otter in east Cork and west Waterford. Ir. Nat. J., 6:
236-240 Stubbe, M. (ed.) (1993). Monitoring Fischotter 1985-1991. Tiere im Konflikt, 84 pp. Williams. T.D., Allen, D.D., Groff. J.M. & Glass, R.L. (1992). An analysis of California sea otter (Enhydra lutris) pelage and integument. Mar. Mammal Sci, 8: 1-18. Zagrebel'nyi, S.V. (1993). Pelage of sea otter Enhydra lutris (Carnivora, Mustelidae): hair structure, topography and some adaptive features. Zool. Zh., 72: 129-140. |
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