IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin

©IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group

Volume 37 Issue 2 (April 2020)

Note from the Editor
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Arno Gutleb, EditorDear Friends, Colleagues and Otter Enthusiasts!

I am writing this editorial note in a very special situation. Many of us work from home due to the current pandemic. I hope that you and your families and friends are all fine and that you find good ways to organise your daily life and your work. As we are all engaged in wildlife many of the lessons to be learned from the current situation are not really a surprise for us. I do hope that we may find your ways and channels to inform the general public on important steps to be taken in the future to protect wildlife and the human society we all live in.

 The current situation also should allow us all to step a bit back, lower our shoulders and see what is really important for us. All the restrictions also give some time to reconsider our way of living, the use of resources and the related carbon footprint.

 As always I want to express my sincere thanks to Lesley. Despite all the extra work that the current situation caused to all of us Lesley managed to publish the last issue very fast and we can already start issue two of this year. Thank you so much for all your efforts and patience with me and authors.


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