IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin


IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin
©IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group

Volume 39(D) Special Issue (|December 2022)

Citation: Camp, V.L. (2022). A Bibliography on the Sea Otter Enhydra lutris . 2nd Edition. IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull. 39 (D): 3 - 39

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A Bibliography on the Sea Otter Enhydra lutris. 2nd Edition

Victor L. Camp 1

1The Water School, Department of Ecology and Environmental Studies , Florida Gulf Coast University, Ft. Myers, FL USA.
e-mail: vcamp@fgcu.edu or victorcamp300@gmail.com

Originally published December 2021 as IUCN OSG Bull. 38(|D), 2021 (First Edition)


Compilation of this bibliography is intended to be a contributing resource in support of the “North American Otter Chronicles”. The Chronicles provide information on current and ongoing conservation and research initiatives on the three species of otters inhabiting North America.  These three species are the sea otter (Enhydra lutris), North American river otter (Lontra canadensis), and the neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis). Like the bibliographies compiled by this author on the North American river otter and the neotropical otter this bibliography was also compiled for (1) those undergraduates and graduates students searching for publications relative to a potential research project on the sea otter (Enhydra lutris),  (2) independent scientists, with an interest in the sea otters, who do not have access to a library at a major university, and (3) those scientists planning to expand their scientific investigations on the sea otter.

The citations for this bibliography were acquired from many sources. These sources include key word internet searches plus the year of interest, e.g., “Enhydra lutris 2010” or “Enhydra lutris 2020”. Many citations were located in the literature cited/reference sections of publications on the sea otter. The seaotters.org website provided numerous citations from 2001 onward. Another valuable resource was the IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin (IUCN OSG Bull) publications from 1986-2021. I personally feel each citation does not need to be accompanied by a “link”. Just copy and paste the title on your browser.

This literature search ended on 13 November 2022.

A Bibliography on the Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris )
Compiled by
Victor L. Camp

(as of 24 Sep 2021)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

- A -

Adell, A.D., G. McBride, S. Wuertz, P.A. Conrad, W.A. Smith. (2016). Comparison of human and southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) health risks for infection with protozoa in nearshore waters. Water Research, 104: 220-230.
Aguilar, A., D.A. Jessup, J. Estes, and J.C. Garza. (2008). The distribution of nuclear generation variation and historical demography of sea otters. The Zoological Society of London, 11(2008): 35-45.
Allen, M.L. and S.M. Crimmins, SM (2019). Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris) from the Northern and Southern Populations may find each other in Humboldt County, California. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 36 (2):88-92 https://www.iucnosgbull.org/Volume36/Allen_Crimmins_2019.html
Ames , J.A., J. J. Geibel, F. E. Wendell, and C. A. Pattison.(1996). White shark ­inflicted wounds of sea otters in California 1968-1992. pp 309-316. In: A. P. Klimley, A.P. and D.G. Ainley (eds). Great White Sharks, San Diego: Academic Press.
Ames, J.A. (1990). Impetus for capturing, cleaning, and rehabilitating oiled or potentially oiled sea otters after the T/V Exxon Valdez oil spill. pp 137-141. In: Bayha, K. and J. Kormendy (eds.). Sea otter symposium: Proceedings of a symposium to evaluate the response effort on behalf of sea otters after the T/V Exxon Valdez oil spill into Prince William Sound, Anchorage, Alaska. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Report, 90(12). 126 pp.
Ames, J.A., R.A. Hardy, and F.E. Wendell. (1986a). A simulated translocation of sea otters (Enhydra lutris) with review of capture, transport, and holding techniques. Marine Resources Technical Report, California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California. 17 pp
Ames, J.A. R.A. Hardy, and F.E. Wendell. (1986b). Tagging materials and methods for sea otters (Enhydra lutris). California Fish and Game, 69: 243-252.
Ames, J.A., R.A. Hardy, and F.E. Wendell. (1983). Tagging materials and methods for sea otters.
Ames, J.A., R.A. Hardy, F.E. Wendell, and J.J. Geibel. (1983). Sea otter mortality in California. Report of the Marine Resources Division, California Department of Fish and Game, Monterey, California. 49 pp.
Ames, J.A. and G.V. Morejohn. (1980). Evidence of white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) attacks on sea otters (Enhydra lutris). California Fish and Game, 66(4): 196-209.
Anderson, C.G., J.L. Gittleman, K-P. Koepfi, and R.K. Wayne. (1996). Biology and status of the southern sea otter: Sea otter systematics and conservation: Which are critical subspecies? Endangered Species UPDATE Special Issue. 13(12): 6-10.
Anonymous. (2003). Suspected cat link to sea otter disease. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46: 272-272.
Antonelis Jr., G.A, S. Leatherwood, L.H. Cornell, and J.G. Antrim. (1981). Activity cycle and food selection of captive sea otters. The Murrelet, 62: 6-9.
Anthony, R. G., J.A. Estes, M.A. Ricca, A.K. Miles, and E.D. Forsman. (2008). Bald eagles and sea otters in the Aleutian archipelago: Indirect effects of trophic cascades. Ecology, 89(10): 2725-2735.
Antrim, J.E. and L.H. Cornell. (1980). Reproduction of the sea otter (Enhydra lutris) in captivity. International Zoo Yearbook, 20: 76-80.
Antwiler, M.L. (2021). An analysis of behavior in captive southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis). An Undergraduate Research Scholars Thesis. Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas.
Armwood, A.R, C.E. Anderson, T. Clauss, and A.C. Camus. (2020). Primary intracranial fibrosarcoma in a southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 138: 207-213.
Arzi, B., J.N. Winer, P.H. Kass, and F.J. Verstraete. (2013). Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis). Journal of Comparative Pathology,149(4): 486-494.

- B -

Bacon, C.E., W.M. Jarman, J.A. Estes, M. Simon, and R.J. Norstrom. (1999). Comparison of organochlorine contaminants among sea otter (Enhyra lutris) populations in California and Alaska. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18: 452-458.
Bacon, C.E. (1994). An ecotoxicological comparison of organic contaminants in sea otters among populations in California and Alaska. M.S. Thesis, University of California. Santa Cruz.
Ballachey, B.E., D.H. Monson, K.A. Kloecker, G.G. Esslinger, F.C. Mohr, T.P. Lipscomb, M.J. Murray, and S. Howlin. (2014). Synthesis of nearshore recovery following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill: Sea otter liver pathology and survival in western Prince William Sound, 2001–2008. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration Project Final Report (Restoration Projects 070808 and 070808a). U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska. February 2014.
Ballachey, B. (2013). Update on sea otter studies to assess recovery from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill., Prince William Sound, Alaska. US Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2014–1030.
Ballachey, B.E., J.L. Bodkin, S. Howlin, A.M. Doroff, and A.H. Rebar. (2003). Correlates to survival of juvenile sea otters in Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1992-1993. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 81(9): 1494-1510.
Ballachey, B.E. (1995). Biomarkers of damage to sea otters in Prince William Sound, Alaska, following potential exposure to oil spilled from the Exxon Valdez. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill State/Federal Natural Damage Assessment Final Report (Marine Mammal Study 6-1). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage, Alaska. 20 pp.
Ballachey, B.E., J.L. Bodkin, and A.R. DeGange. (1994). An overview of sea otter studies. pp 47-59. In: Loughlin, T.R. (ed.). Marine Mammals and the Exxon Valdez. Academic Press. San Diego, California. 395 pp.
Barabash-Nikifmv, I.I. (1947). Kalan. Pages 1-174 in Soviet Minzstroz RSFSR Glavnoe upravlenie po zapovednikam.[The sea otter. Translated from Russian by A Birron and Z.S. Cole for the National Science Foundation by the Israel Program for Scientific Translation, Jeruselem, Israel. 1962.227 pp.]
Barnewitz, M. (2021). Sea otter resource depression? Analysis of Enhydra lutris remains from Yerba Buena Shellmound, San Francisco, California. Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research. University of Utah.
Barrett, E.H. (2019). The energetic cost of human disturbance on the southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis). M.S Thesis. San Jose State University.
Bartlett, G, C. Smith, F. Dominik, F. Batac, E. Dodd, B.A. Byrne, S. Jang, D. Jessup, J. Chantrey, and M.J. Miller. (2016). prevalence, pathology, and risk factors associated with Streptococcus phocae infection in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 52(1): 1-9.
Baskaran, M., G.H. Hong, S. Dayton, J.L. Bodkin, and J.J. Kelley. (2003). Temporal variations of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in sea otter skull tissue in the North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 64(1): 1-18.
Batac, F.I., M.A. Miller, M.E. Moriarty, Z. Shen, J.G. Fox, and K.M. Ottemann, (2020). Helicobacter spp. in Necropsied Southern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) Is Associated With Gastric Ulcers and Sensitive to Multiple Antibiotics. Frontiers in Marine Science.
Batten, B.T. (1990). Press interest in sea otters affected by the T/V Exxon Valdez oil spill: A star is born. pp 31-40. In: Bayha, K. and J. Kormendy (eds.). Sea otter symposium: Proceedings of a symposium to evaluate the response effort on behalf of sea otters after the T/V Exxon Valdez oil spill into Prince William Sound, Anchorage, Alaska April 17-19, 1990. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Report, 90(12). 126 pp.
Baur, D.C., A.M. Meade, and L.M. Rotterman. (1996). Recovery under the marine mammal protection act and beyond: The Law Governing Sea Otter Conservation. Endangered Species UPDATE Special Issue. 13(12): 73-78.
Beatty, W.S., M. St. Martin, and R. Wilson. (2021). Evaluating the current condition of a threatened marine mammal population: Estimating northern sea otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) abundance in southwest Alaska. Marine Mammal Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/mms.12807
Beichman, A.C., K.P. Koepfli, G. Li, W. Murphy, P. Dobrynin, S. Kliver, M.T. Tinker, M.J. Murray, J. Johnson, K. Lindblad-Toh, E.K. Karlsson, K.E. Lohmueller, and R.K.Wayne. (2019). Aquatic Adaptation and Depleted Diversity: A Deep Dive into the Genomes of the Sea Otter and Giant Otter. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 36(12): 2631-2655.
Benech, S.V. (1979). Sea otter (Enhydra lutris) activities within the vicinity of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, 1973-1978. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society, 15: 33 – 44. https://www.wildlifeprofessional.org/western/transactions/transactions_1979_5.pdf
Bentall, G.B., B.H. Rosen, J.M. Kunz, M.A. Miller, M.A., G.W. Saunders, and N.L. LaRoche. (2016). Characterization of the putatively introduced red alga Acrochaetium secundatum (Acrochaetiales, Rhodophyta) growing epizoically on the pelage of southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis). Marine Mammal Science, 32(2): 753-764.
Bentall, G.B. (2005). Morphological and behavioral correlates of population status in the southern sea otter: A comparative study between California and St. Nicolas Island. M.S. Thesis, University of California. Santa Cruz. Unpublished.
Benz, C. (1996). Evaluating the attempts to reintroduce sea otters along the California coast line. Endangered Species UPDATE Special Issue, 13(12): 31-35.
Benz, C. (1996). Recovery under the endangered species act: The second sea otter recovery plan. Endangered Species UPDATE Special Issue. 13(12): 36-37.
Bigg, M.A. and I.B. MacAskie. (1978). Sea otters re-established in British Columbia. Journal of Mammalogy, 59(4): 874-876.
Bissell, H. and F. Hubbard. (1968). Reports on the sea otter, abalone and kelp resources in San Luis Obispo and Monterey counties and proposals for reducing the conflict between the commercial abalone industry and the sea otter. California Fish and Game Report requested by Senate Concurrent Resolution 74 of 1967 Legislative Session.
Bodkin, J.L. (2015). Historic and contemporary status of sea otters in the north Pacific.pp.43-61. In: (Larson, S.E.B., J.L.,G.R. van Blaricom, G.R.(eds). Sea Otter Conservation. Academic Press, London, UK.
Bodkin, J. L., B.E. Ballachey, H.A. Coletti, G.G. Esslinger, K.A. Kloecker, S.D. Rice, J.A. Reed, and D. H. Monson. (2012). Long-term effects of the ‘Exxon Valdez’ oil spill: Sea otter foraging in the intertidal as a pathway of exposure to lingering oil. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 447: 273- 287.
Bodkin, J.L. (2004). Alaska Sea Otter Research Workshop: Addressing the decline of the southwestern Alaska sea otter population (Seward: Alaska Sea Grant College Program, 2004). P12.
Bodkin, J.L., G.G. Esslinger, and D.H. Monson. (2004). Foraging depths of sea otters and implications to coastal marine communities. Marine Mammal Science, 20: 305-321.
Bodkin, J.L., and D.H. Monson. (2003). Sea otter population structures and ecology in Alaska. Arctic Research of the United States, 16: 31-36.
Bodkin, J.L., B.E. Ballachey, T.A. Dean, A.K.Fukuyama, S.C. Jewett, L. McDonald, D.H. Monson, C. E. O’Clair, and G.R. VanBlaricom. (2002). Sea otter population status and the process of recovery from the 1989 ‘Exxon Valdez’ oil spill. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 241: 237-253.
Bodkin, J.L., B.E. Ballachey, M.A. Cronin and, M.K. & K.T. Scribner. (1999). Population demographics and genetic diversity in remnant and translocated populations of sea otter. Conservation Biology, 13(6): 1378-1385.
Bodkin, J.L., J.A. Ames, R.J. Jameson, A.M. Johnson, and G.M. Matson. (1997). Estimating age of sea otters with cementum layers in the first premolar. Journal of Wildlife Management, 61(3): 967-973.
Bodkin, J.L. and B.E. Ballachey. (1996). Biology and status of the southern sea otter: Monitoring the status of the wild sea otter population-Field Studies and Techniques. Endangered Species UPDATE Special Issue. 13(12): 14-19.
Bodkin, J.L. and M.S. Udevitz. (1996). 1993 trial aerial survey of sea otters in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Exxon Valdez oil spill restoration project final report (restoration project 93043-2), National Biological Service, Anchorage, Alaska. 35 pp.
Bodkin, J.L., D.M. Mulcahy, and C.J. Lensink. (1993). Age specific reproduction in female sea otters (Enhydra lutris) in south central Alaska: Analysis of reproductive tracts. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 71: 1811-1815.
Bonnell, M.L., R.G. Ford, and A.J. Brody. (1996). Recovery under the endangered species act: Assessing the threat of oil spills to southern sea otters. Endangered Species UPDATE Special Issue. 13(12): 38-42.
Boolotian, R.A. (1958). The playful sea otter. Outdoor California, August: 12-14.
Boessenecker, R.W. (2018). A Middle Pleistocene sea otter from northern California and the antiquity of Enhydra in the Pacific Basin. Journal of Mammal Evolution, 25: 27-35.
Bolin, R.L. (1938). Reappearance of the southern sea otter along the California coast. Journal of Mammalogy, 19: 301-303.
Bowen, L., B.E. Ballachey, J.L. Bodkin, A.K. Miles, D. Esler, and K.A. Kloecker. (2017). Sea otter gene transcription data from Kodiak, the Alaska Peninsula and Prince William Sound, Alaska, 2005-2012: U.S. Geological Survey data release. https://doi.org/10.5066/F789141P .
Bowen, L., A. Miles, B. Ballachey, S. Waters, and J. Bodkin. (2016). Gene transcript profiling in sea otters post-Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: A tool for marine ecosystem health assessment. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 4(2): 39.
Bowen L., A.K. Miles, C.A. Kolden, J.A. Saarinen, J.L. Bodkin, and M.J. & M.T. Tinker. (2014). Effects of wildfire on sea otter (Enhydra lutris) on gene transcript profiles. Marine Mammal Science, 3(1): 192-201.
Bowen, L., A.K. Miles, M. Murray M. Haulena, J. Tuttle, W. Van Bonn, L. Adams, J.L. Bodkin, B. Ballachey, J. Estes, M.T. Tinker, R. Keister, and J.L. Stott. (2012). Gene transcription in sea otters (Enhydra lutris): Development of a diagnostic tool for sea otter and ecosystem health. Molecular Ecology Resources, 12(1): 67-74.
Bowen, L., B.M. Aldridge, A.K. Miles, and J.L. Stott. (2006). Expressed MHC class II genes in sea otters (Enhydra lutris) from geographically disparate populations. Tissue Antigens, 67(5): 402-408.
Brancato, M. S., L. Milonas, C. E. Bowlby, R. Jameson, and J. W. Davis. (2009). Chemical contaminants, pathogen exposure and general health status of live and beach-cast Washington sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni). Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS 08-08. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of National Marine Sancturaies, Silver Springs, Maryland, 181 pp.
Brennan. E.J. and J. Houck. (1996). The role of rehabilitation and captive management in sea otter conservation: Sea otters in captivity-The need for coordinated management as a conservation
Strategy. Endangered Species UPDATE, Special Issue, 13(12): 61-67.
Brody, A. J., K. Ralls, and R. B. Siniff. (1996). Potential impact of oil spills on California sea otters: Implications of the Exxon Valdez Spill in Alaska. Marine Mammal Science, 12(1): 38-53.
Brosseau, C., M.L. Johnson, and K.W. Kenyon. (1975). Breeding the sea otter (Enhydra lutris) at the Tacoma Aquarium. International Zoo Yearbook, 15: 144-147.
Brown, A.C., E. Elias. (2008). Extralimital records of the sea otter (Enhydra lutris) in northern California. Northwest. Naturalist, 89: 54-56.
Brown, K.L., S. Atkinson, C.G. Furin, F.J. Mueter, and R. Gerlach. (2021). Metals in the stomach contents and brain, gonad, kidney, and liver tissues of subsistence-harvested northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) from Icy Strait, Alaska. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 166:112183. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112183 .
Brown, S.R., M. Glenn, and S.R. Libra. (1994). Case report: Perivular uroliths in the Alaska sea otter. Proceedings 25th International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM) Conference, Vallejo, California. Pages 16-20.
Brownstein, D., M.A. Miller, S.C. Oates, B.A. Byrne, S. Jang, M.J. Murray, V.A. Gill, and D.A. Jessup. (2011). Antimicrobial susceptibility of bacterial isolates from sea otters (Enhydra lutris). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 47: 278-292.
Bryant, H.C. (1915). Sea otters near Point Sur. California Fish and Game Bulletin, 1: 134-135.
Burek-Huntington, K.A., V.A. Gill, A.M. Berrian, T. Goldstein, P. Tuomi, B.A. Byrne, K. Worman, and J. Mazet. (2021). Causes of mortality of northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) in Alaska from 2002 to 2012. Frontiers in Marine Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.630582
Burek-Huntington, K.A., V. Gill, and D.S. Bradway. (2014). Locally acquired disseminated histoplasmosis in a northern sea otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) in Alaska, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 50(2): 389-392.
Burek-Huntington, K.A., D.M. Mulcahy, A.M. Doroff, and T.O. Johnson, (2012). Sarcomas in three free-ranging northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) in Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48(2):483-487.
Burek, K.A., V.A. Gill, N. Bronson, and P. Tuomi. (2005). A pictorial guide to sea otter anatomy and necropsy findings. USFWS unpublished report. 44pp.
Burgess, T.L., M.T. Tinker, M.A. Miller, J. Bodkin, M.J. Murray, J. A. Saarinen, L.M. Nichol, S. Larson, P.A. Conrad, and C.K. Johnson. (2018). Defining the risk landscape in the context of pathogen pollution: Toxoplasma gondii in sea otters along the Pacific Rim. Royal Society Open Science, 5: 171-178.
Burgess, T.L., C. Kreuder Johnson, A. Burdin , V.A. Gill, A.M. Doroff, P. Tuomi, W.A. Smith, and T. Goldstein, (2017). Brucella infection in Asian sea otters (Enhydra lutris lutris) on Bering Island, Russia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 53(4): 864-868.
Burn, D.M. and A.M. Doroff. (2005). Decline in sea otter (Enhydra lutris) populations along the Alaska Peninsula, 1986-2001. NOAA: National Marine Fisheries Service, 103(2): 270-279.
Burton, G.J. (1982). Placental uptake of maternal erythrocytes: A comparative study. Placenta, 3: 407-434.

- C -

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (2015). Natural Diversity Database: Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris). California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Sacramento, USA.
California Department of Fish and Game. (1976a). A proposal for sea otter protection and research, and request for the return of management to the State of California. Unpublished 2 volume report.
California Department of Fish and Game. (1976b). Comments on the Friends of the Sea Otter's critique of the State of California's Sea Otter Proposal. 44 pp.
Calkins, D. G. (1978). Feeding behavior and major prey species of the sea otter (Enhydra lutris) in Montague Strait, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Fishery Bulletin.
Calkins, D. and P.C. Lent. (1975). Territoriality and mating behavior in Prince William Sound sea otters. Journal of Mammalogy, 56: 528-529
Campbell, K.M. and S.E. Santana. (2017). Do differences in skull morphology and bite performance explain dietary specialization in sea otters? Journal of Mammalogy, 98(5): 1408-1416.
Capuano, A.M., M. Miller, D.E. Stallknecht, M. Moriarty, M. Plancarte, E. Dodd, F. Batac, and W.M. Boyce. (2017). Serologic detection of subtype-specific antibodies to Influenza A Viruses in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 53(4): 906-910.
Carrasco, S.E., B.B. Chomel, V.A. Gill, R.W. Kasten, R.G. Maggi, E.B. Breitschwerdt, B.A. Byrne, K.A. Burek-Huntington, M.A. Miller, T. Goldstein, and J.A. Mazet. (2014). Novel Bartonella infection in northern and southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni and Enhydra lutris nereis). Veterinary Microbiology, 170(3-4): 325-34.
Carrasco, S.E., B.B. Chomel, V.A. Gill, A.M. Doroff, M.A. Miller, K.A. Burek-Huntington, R.W. Kasten, B.A. Byrne, T. Goldstein T, J.A. Mazet. (2014). Bartonella spp. exposure in northern and southern sea otters in Alaska and California. Vector Borne Zoonotic Diseases, 14(12):831-837.
Casson, C.J. (1990). Administering oral medications to captive sea otters (Enhydra lutris). Proceedings 18th International Marine Animal Trainers Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois. pp. 12-19.
Casson. C.J., B. Anderson, and J.W. Nightingale. (1987). A descriptive analysis of nursing in captive born Alaskan sea otters. Proceedings American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums Conference, Portland, Oregon. pp. 490-500.
Carter, N.H, M.A. Miller, M.E. Moriarty, M.T. Tinker, R.B. Gagne, C.K. Johnson, M.J. Murray, M.M. Staedler, B. Bangoura, S. Larson, and H.B. Ernest HB. (2022). Investigating associations among relatedness, genetic diversity, and causes of mortality in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 58(1): 63-75.
Carter, S.K., G.R. VanBlaricom, and B.L. Allen, B.L. (2007). Testing the generality of the trophic cascade paradigm for sea otters: A case study with kelp forests in northern Washington, USA. Hydrobiologia, 579: 233-249.
Cheney, L.C. (1995). An assessment of genetic variation within and between sea otter (Enhydra lutris) populations off Alaska and California. M.S. thesis. San Jose State University, Moss Landing, California. 49 pp.
Chinn, S.M., D.H. Monson, M.T. Tinker, M.M. Staedler, and D.E. Crocker. (2018). Lactation and resource limitation affect stress responses, thyroid hormones, immune function, and antioxidant capacity of sea otters (Enhydra lutris). Ecology and Evolution, 8(16): 8433-8447.
Chinn, S.M., M.A. Miller, M.T. Tinker, M.M. Staedler, F.I. Batac, E.M. Dodd, and L.A. Henkel. (2016). The high cost of motherhood: End-lactation syndrome in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) on the central California coast, U.S.A. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 52(2): 307-318.
Clark, J.R. (1996). Recovery under the endangered species act: Overview of the legislative mandates and the agencies the agencies responsible for implementation of southern sea otter protection under the endangered species act. Endangered Species UPDATE Special Issue, 13(12): 28-30.
Cohn, J. (1998). Understanding Sea Otters. Bioscience, 48: 151-155.
Cole, R.A., D.S. Lindsay, D.K Howe, C.L. Roderick, J.P. Dubey, N.J. Thomas, and L.A. Baeten. (2000). Biological and molecular characterizations of Toxoplasma gondii strains obtained from southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis). Journal of Parasitology, 86(3): 526-530.
Comell, L.H., K.G. Osborn, and J.E. Antrim, Jr. (1979). Coccidioidomycosis in a California sea otter (Enhydra lutris). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 15: 373-378.
Conrad PA, Miller, M.A., C. Kreuder, E.R. James, J. Mazet, H. Dabritz, D.A. Jessup, F. Gulland, and M.E. Grigg. (2005). Transmission of Toxoplasma: Clues from the study of sea otters as sentinels of Toxoplasma gondii flow into the marine environment. International Journal of Parasitology. 35(11-12): 1155-68
Constantino, P.J., J.J. Lee, D. Morris, and P.W. Lucas, A. Hartstone-Rose, W.K. Lee, N.J. Dominy, A. Cunningham, M. Wagner, and B.R. Lawn. (2011). Adaptation to hard-object feeding in sea otters and hominins. Journal of Human Evolution, 61(1): 89-96.
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