IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin

©IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group

Volume 41 Issue 5 (December 2024)

Note from the Editor
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Arno GutlebDear Friends, Colleagues and Otter Enthusiasts!

So, we have recently closed issue 41/4 of this year and open the last issue 41/5 which soon will be complete online. It will take a few weeks into 2025 to get this last issue online. We decided to keep the originally communicated issue number so as not to create issues for the authors that were already informed about this delay.

I want to again address one problem I have observed: once or twice every year, it seems that some manuscript submissions never reach me. They are not in the spam folder and not in my inbox. Therefore, I had already for some time adopted the habit of always sending a confirmation mail once I see a submission. I am online almost every day, checking the Bulletin e-mails. Please keep in mind that if you do not get a confirmation from me, please send a second mail without any attachment and ask me about the status. In the few days, we had a case in which the authors waited almost two months before they asked about their paper. I know that we all want our publications to go online as soon as possible, so please ask within a week maximum.

It is no surprise that I end my editorial by thanking Lesley for all the time and efforts she invests into this project, which is still growing and asks more and more time and dedication. We have the 5th issue this year so you can all imagine how much work this is.

As we will have 5 issues this year, I really think Lesley deserves an extra thank you in 2024! Thanks Lesley from my side for all your dedication.


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