©IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Volume 33(B) Special Issue (April 2016) Citation: Camp, V.L. (2016). A Bibliography On The North American River Otter Lontra canadensis. Third Edition Addendum. IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull. 33 (B): 47 - 46
A Bibliography On The North American River Otter Lontra canadensis. Victor L. Camp 1 1Bonita Springs, Florida, USA. e-mail: victorcamp300@gmail.com |
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Originally published August 2013; revised February 2014 as IUCN OSG Bull. 30(A), 2013 |
In preparing this third revision new and recently discovered publications have been added to the full bibliography, but are here also presented as an addendum, allowing anyone who has created a hardcopy of the bibliography to simply print out the addendum and add it to their hardcopy.A Bibliography on the North American River Otter (Lontra canadensis)
3rd Edition
Addendum to 2nd Edition
Compiled by
Victor L. Camp
Journal Articles | Web Articles | Watch List
Ben-David, M., L.K. Duffy, G.M. Blundell, and R.T. Bowyer. (2001). Natural exposure of coastal river otters to mercury:
Relation to age, diet, and survival . Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 20: 1986-1992.
Bowman, J., A.G. Kidd, L.A. Nituch, C. Sadowski, and A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. (2014). Testing for Aleutian Mink Disease Virus in the river otter (Lontra canadensis) in sympatry with infected American mink (Neovison vison). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 50
(3): 689-693.
Evans, R.D. and E.M. Addison. (1996). Spatial variation in total and methyl mercury concentrations in otter (Lutra canadensis) in central Ontario, Canada. Proceedings: 4th International Conference: Mercury as a Global Pollutant. Hamburg, 4: 406.
Polechla, P.J., Jr. and E. Carrillo-Rubio. (2009). Historic and current distributions of river otters (Lontra canadensis) and (Lontra longicaudis) in the Río Grande or Río Bravo del Norte Drainage of Colorado and New Mexico, USA and of Chihuahua, Mexico and adjacent areas. IUCN Otter Specialists Group Bulletin, 26(2): 82-96.
2016, 3rd EDITION
Baldwin, E. (2013). Activity patterns, behaviors, and population status of the North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) in a northeast coastal environment, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. M.S.
Thesis, Antioch University New England. Kenne, New Hampshire.
Barding, E.E and M.J. Lacki. (2015). Occurrence of nematodes (Dracunculus spp.) in reintroduced river otters in Kentucky.
Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science, 75(1-2): 94-96
Bouley, P., M. Isadore, and T. Carroll. (2015). Return of North American river otters (Lontra canadensis) to coastal
habitats of the San Francisco Bay Area, California. Northwestern Naturalist, 96(1): 1-12
Crait, J. R., A.D. McIntosh, E.C. Greiner, and M. Ben-David. (2015). The influence of changing prey availability on the
prevalence of Diphyllobothrium in river otters from Yellowstone National Park. The Journal of Parasitology, 101(2):
Day, C.C., M.D. Westover, and C. Schenck. (2015). Seasonal diet of the northern river otter (Lontra canadensis): What
drives prey selection? Canadian Journal of Zoology, 93: 197-205.
Feltrop, P. D. (2015). The role of silver carp in the trophic position and diet of river otters in Illinois. M.S. Thesis,
Southern Illinois University. Carbondale, Illinois.
Fimrite, P. (2015). San Francisco: Otter becomes a Bay Area sensation. Houston Chronicle, January 9.
Forman, N.S. (2015). River otter population monitoring in northeastern Pennsylvania using non-invasive genetic sampling and
spatial capture-recapture models. M.S. Thesis, Pennsylvania State University, Old Main, State College, Pennsylvania.
Fretueg, G. R., T.J. Martin, C. Widga, and D.R. Ruez Jr, D. R. (2015). Summer diet characteristics of North American river otters
(Lontra canadensis) in central Illinois. The American Midland Naturalist, 173(2): 294-304.
Gilbert, B. (1982). The Utterly delightful otter. Sports Illustrated, December 13, 57(25): 72
Godwin, B. L., S.E. Albeke, H.L. Bergman, A. Walters, and M. Ben-David. (2015). Density of river otters (Lontra canadensis)
in relation to energy development in the Green River Basin, Wyoming. Science of The Total Environment, 532: 780-790.
Green, M. L., K. Monick, M.B. Manjerovic, J. Novakofski, and N. Mateus-Pinilla. (2015). Communication stations: cameras reveal
river otter (Lontra canadensis) behavior and activity patterns at latrines. Journal of Ethology, 33: 225-234.
Kimber, K., G.V. Kollias, and E.J. Dubovi. (2000). Serological survey of selected viral agents in recently captured wild river
otters (Lontra canadensis). pp. 443-448. In: Fowler, M.E. and R.E. Miller, (eds.). Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, W.B.
Saunders, Philadelphia.
Kuhn, R.A. and W. Meyer. (2010). Comparative hair structure in the Lutrinae (Carnivora: Mustelidae). Mammalia, 74:
Meronk, S.E., C.C. Day, E. Flaherty, and P.A. Zollner. (2015). Investigating the impact of invasive Asian carp on river otter
diet and the native fish communities of Indiana. The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Symposium. Paper 102. Purdue
University. West Lafayette, Indiana.
Moss, M.L. (2015). An ethnozooarchaelogical study of land otters and people at Kit’n’Kaboodle, (49-DIX-46). Dall Island, Alaska.
BC Studies, 186: 21-55.
Mowry, R. A., T.M. Schneider, E.K. Latch, M.E. Gompper, J. Beringer, and L.S. Eggert. (2015). Genetics and the successful
reintroduction of the Missouri river otter. Animal Conservation, 18(2): 196-206.
Ruez Jr., D. R. (2015). Summer diet characteristics of North American river otters (Lontra canadensis) in central
Illinois. The American Midland Naturalist, 173(2): 294-304.
Russell, A. (2015). Dietary patterns of Lontra canadensis in the Lower Snohomish River Estuary, Washington. Northwest
Science, 89(2): 182-187.
Savage, M. and L. Klingel. (2015). Citizen monitoring after an otter restoration (Lontra canadensis) in New Mexico,
USA. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 32 (1): 21-24
Stokes, A.N., A.M. Ray, M.W. Buktenica, B.G. Gall, E.D. Paulson, and E.D. Brodie Jr. (2015). Otter predation on Taricha
granulosa and variation in Tetrodotoxin levels with elevation. Northwestern Naturalist, 96(1): 13-21.
(as of 15 March 2016)
Publications in Preparation, Press, or Review
Fike, J.A., T.L. Serfass, and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. Assessment of genetic structure of river otter populations in Eastern North America.
Cannot confirm a publication as of 15 April 2016 (VLC).
Fike, J,A., E.K. Latch, O.E. Rhodes, Jr., and T.L. Serfass. Influence of time and temperature on amplification and genotyping error of DNA derived from river otter fecal material.
Cannot confirm a publication as of 15 April 2016 (VLC).
Fike, J.A., T.L. Serfass, A.S. Beheler, and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. Evaluation of preservation methods for DNA analysis of river otter scat: Probability of amplification and genotyping accuracy. Proceedings of the XI International Otter Colloquium.
Cannot confirm article is in this publication (VLC).
Latch, E.K. D.G. Scognamillo, J.A. Fike, and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. Fine scale population structure of coastal and upland populations of river otters in Louisiana.
Cannot confirm a publication as of 15 April 2016 (VLC).
Electronic Publications (ahead of journal publication)
Albeke, S.E., N.P. Nibbelink, and M. Ben-David, (2015). Modeling behavior of coastal river otter (Lontra canadensis) in response to prey availability in Prince William Sound, Alaska: A spatially-explicit individual-based approach. PLoS ONE 10, e0126208.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0126208.Publications on Websites
Friis-Bastaad, E. (2015). Keeping Yukon’s river otters in the swim. Your Yukon, Yukon Research Center, Access:
Kolba, Nikolai. (2015). Babesia spp in North American river otter (Lontra canadensis), Beavers (Castor
canadensis), muskrats (Odontra zibethicus), and mink (Neovison vison) in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Northeast Wildlife
DNA Lab.
Melquist, W., S. Kempema, and E.D. Stukel. (2014?). Determination of River Otter (Lontra canadensis ) Distribution and Evaluation of Potential Sites for Population Expansion in South Dakota. The Wildlife Society, South Dakota Chapter, Annual Meeting, 24-26 February 2014.
Mowry, R., Schneider, T., Latch, E., Gompper, M., Beringer, J., and L.S. Eggert. Genetic restoration lags demographic restoration
in reintroduced river otters. Animal Conservation. This article may be synonymous with the authors’ 2015 publication entitled “Genetics
and the successful reintroduction of the Missouri river otter.” Animal Conservation, 18(2): 196-206. (above)