IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin Volume 37(C) Special Issue (December 2020) Citation: Camp, V.L. (2020). A Bibliography on the Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra . 3rd Edition. IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull. 37 (C): 3 - 95 A Bibliography on the Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra Victor L. Camp 1 1The Water School Department of Ecology and Environmental Studies , Florida Gulf Coast University, Ft. Myers, FL USA. |
While attempting to search for behavior publications on the Eurasian otter (Lutra Lutra), for a comparison with the North America river otter Lontra canadensis and the Neotropical otter Lontra longicaudis, it quickly became apparent an updated bibliography on this species did not exist. Therefore, it was decided to compile this bibliography on the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). The bibliography was compiled for (1) those undergraduates and graduates searching for publications relative to a potential research project on the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), (2) for independent scientists, with an interest in the Eurasian otter, who do not have access to a library at a major university, and (3) for those scientists planning to expand their scientific investigations on the Eurasian otter.
The citations for this bibliography were acquired from numerous sources. The initial citation sources were (1) the Mercier (2007) publication “Bibliographie sur la Lutra d’Europe Lutra lutra and (2) the Lafontaine, et al. (2014) publication “Bibliographie French Otter (Eurasia- Africa-America). Update April 21, 2014-Version #149. Additional citations, for the years 2014 through 2020 , were located on the internet using key words and the year of interest, e.g. “Lutra lutra 2014” or “otter Lutra lutra 2014. Throughout these internet searches an extensive amount of publications were uncovered well prior to 2014. Many of these publications filled the gaps in Mercier’s and Lafontaine’s bibliographies and greatly expanded the number of citations for inclusion in this bibliography. One of the most valuable resources used is the IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin (IUCN OSGB) from 1986-2020. The citations from the volumes and the volume issues of the Otter Specialist Group Bulletin (OSGB) 1986-2020 were reviewed and these citations were included. The “Literature” section of the issues of each of the OSGB volumes was investigated and these citations are included. Publications by Otter Specialist Group, prior to 1986 were also located and included. The literature search was conducted through August 2020.
A conscious decision was made regarding inclusion of articles in this bibliography. The titles of those articles, that did not contain a direct reference to otters or did not include the scientific name or made reference to the Eurasian or European otter, were not included. Those articles containing the common name, in the language of publication, were included. Blogs and hyperlinks, linking the reader to the article, were not included. Blogs are not scientific publications and hyperlinks are unreliable over the long-term. This author has found that internet searches using the entire content of a publication or just the title is a very dependable literature search methodology. Many citations from Lafontaine (2014) are reports to or from governmental agencies or consultants to governmental agencies and were not published in recognized scientific publications. As a result, these publications could not be confirmed through the internet. Each of these particular publications are accompanied by a parenthetical note defining the citation account content(s) that could not be confirmed, interpreted, or translated. Gaining access to these unpublished reports is left to the ingenuity of other investigators.
Many of the publications required translation. Google Translate was used for article translation. All translations are italicized and enclosed within brackets. Other citation contents appearing in italics are scientific names, within or outside of parentheses, titles of books, and the name of the scientific publication.
It is hoped this bibliography will serve as a useful resource for the future.
Lafontaine, et al. (2014). Bibliographie French Otter (Eurasia- Africa-America). Update April 21, 2014-Version #149. Key Contributors: L. Lafontaine, H. Ghyselinck, F. Sane, L. Mercier, C. Lemarchand, F. Rose, B. Jardon, S. Aulagnier, J. Thiriet, A. Bertrand, E. Remy, F. Capber, Ch Rolland, H. Jacques, J.N. Heron, and P. Defontaines. 33 pp.
Mercier, L. (2007). Bibliographie sur la Loutre d’Europe Lutra lutra. Perennis. 37 pp.
A Bibliography on the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra )
Compiled by
Victor L. Camp
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Aaadrean, S., S. Salsabila, A. Rizaldi and M.N. Janra. (2010).Tracks and other signs of otters in rice fields in Padang Pariaman, West Sumatra: A Preliminary Study. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 27(1): 6-11.bdul-Pata, P., H. Sasaki, T. Sekiguchi, M.N. Shukor, N.S. Mohd-Yusof, M.A.B. Abdul-Latiff, and B.M. Md-Zain. (2020). Molecular DNA-based spatial mapping technique predicting diversity and distribution of otters (Lutrinae) in peninsular Malaysia using non-invasive fecal samples. Mammal Research, doi: 10.1007/s13364-020-00532-9.
Adamek Z., D. Kortan, P. Lepic. and J. Andreji. (2003). Impacts of otter (Lutra lutra L.) predation on fishponds: A study of fish remains at ponds in the Czech Republic. Aquaculture International, 11: 389-396.
Adámek, Z., M. Kučerová, and K. Roche. (1999). The role of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the diet of piscivorous predators: Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) and otter (Lutra lutra). Bull. VÚRH Vodňany, Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany, 4: 185-193.
Adamic, M.H. (1998). New threats to continuous viable otter population in Northeastern part of Slovenia. Proceedings VII international Colloquium, March 14-19,1998, Trebon, Czech Republic. pp.120-124.
Adrian, M.I. and M. Delibes. (1987). Food habits of the otter (Lutra lutra) in two habitats of the Donana National Park, SW Spain. Journal of Zoology (London), 212: 399-406.
Adrian M.I. and S. Moreno. (1986). Notas sobre la alimentacion de la Nutria (Lutra lutra ) en el embase de Matacavas (Huelva) [Notes on the feeding of the Otter (Lutra lutra) in the Matacavas reservoir (Huelva)]. Donana Acta Vertebra [Donana Acta Vertebrata], 13: 189-191.
Adrian M.I., W. Wilden, and M. Delibes. (1985). Otter distribution and agriculture in Southwestern Spain. XVIIth Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists, September 17-21,1985, Brussels. pp. 519-526.
Ågren, E.O., C. Bröjer, and A. Roos. (2015). Evidence of shotgun wounded otters in Sweden (Lutra lutra).Poster Session: Proceedings European Otter Workshop. 8-11 June 2015, Stockholm, Sweden. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, Volume 33(A).
Ågren, E.O., A. Roos, C. Bröjer, and G. Hestvik (2015). Screening of Salmonella in Swedish otters (Lutra lutra). Poster Session: Proceedings European Otter Workshop. 8-11 June 2015, Stockholm, Sweden. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, Volume 33(A).
Aguilar, C.M. and A. Gómez-Gayubo. (2008). La nutria en La Rioja. pp. 217-225. In: López- Martín, J.M. and J. Jiménez. (eds.), La nutria en Espana. Veinte anos de seguimiento de un mamífero amenazado [The otter in Spain. Twenty years of monitoring a threatened mammal]. SECEM [Sociedad Espanola para la Conservacion y Estudio de los Mamiferos], Málaga. (unable to confirm publication)
Ahmad, Z., H. Chaudhry, H. Ali, R. Atiq-ur, S.R. Ahmad, U. Ashraf, N. Nisar, and A. Tahir. (2017). Suitable habitat evaluation of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) In Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Transylvanian Review, Vol. 18.
Aimie, E. (2013). Otter is back in New Orleans. La Republique Center [The Republic of the Center]. (unable to locate publication information)
Alderton, E., C. Wicker, C. Sayer, and P. Bradley (2015) The diet of the Malham tarn otters: Understanding the impacts of a native predator. Field Studies, 6 pp.
Alet, B. and P. Rapaport. (1982). The Otter issue: Its survival and protection. Genette, 19: 10-12.
Allen, D., S. >Pemberton, A. >Nobajas, D. >Webb, J. >Davoile, and L. >Wright. (2019). Fenced fisheries, Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) and licenced trapping: An Impact Assessment. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 3(3): 142-156.
Almeida, D., N. Rodolfo, C.C. Sayer, and G.H. Copp. (2013). Seasonal use of ponds as foraging habitat by Eurasian otter with description of an alternative handling technique for common toad predation. Folia Zoologica, 62, 214–221.
Alomar, H., C. Lemarchand, R. Rosoux, et al. (2016). Concentrations of organochlorine compounds (pesticides and PCBs), trace elements (Pb, Cd, Cu, and Hg),134Cs and 137Cs in the livers of the European otter (Lutra lutra), great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), and European catfish (Silurus glanis) collected from the Loire River (France). European Journal of Wildlife Research, 62: 653-661.
Al-Sheikhly. O.F., M.K. Haba, G. Yoxom, B. McLennan, D.B. Zook, K.A. Al-Kanani, and S.A.A. Gafor. (2017). First photographic evidence of smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli) and Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra seistanica) in Iraq since 1950s.Otter (Journal of the Otter Trust), 2017, Vol 3. pp 15-20.
Al-Sheikhly, O.F., M.K. Haba, and F. Barbanera. (2014). Otter Hunting and Trapping: A traditional practice of marsh arabs of Iraq. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 31(2): 80-88.
Al-Sheikhly, O.F. and I.A. Nader. (2013). The status of Iraq smooth-coated otter Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli (Hayman 1956) and Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (Linnaeus 1758) in Iraq. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 30(1): 18-30.
Alyre, L. (2006). Contribution to the study of social perception in reintroduction of predators: Analysis and synthesis from a survey of the European otter ( Lutra lutra ) in the Drôme. Veterinary Thesis, ENV [École Nationale Vétérinaire], University of Lyon. Lyon, France. 128 pp.
Anderson H.M., D.J. Mc Cafferty, I.J. Sacchieri, and A.E. Mc Cluskie. (2006). Non-invasive genetic sampling of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) using hairs. Hystrix, 17(1): 65-77.
Andersen, L.W., B. Sogaard, O.R. Therkildsen, and A.B. Madsen. (2018). Pilotprojekt: Sporing af forekomst af odder Lutra lutra ved anvendelse af eDNA [Pilot Project: Tracking ccurrence of otter Lutra lutra using eDNA]. Notat fra DCE [National Center for Environment and Energy] - Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi [Note from DCE - National Center for Environment and Energy]. 13 pp.
Ando, M., M. Yoshiyuku, S-Y. Han, and H-H. Kim. (2008). The Japanese otter: Lessons learned from its extinction. University of Tokyo, 276. 32 pp. (unable to confirm publisher).
Andrews, E. (1989). Assessment of the value of rivers for otters (Lutra lutra). Regulated Rivers: Research and Management, 4: 199-202.
Andrews, E. and A.K. Crawford.(1986). Otter Survey of Wales 1984-85. Vincent Wildlife Trust.
Andurain, P., A. Bertrand, and P. Médard. (1995). Status of the otter in the Midi-Pyrénées. Cah. Ethol. [Notebooks of Ethology], 15(2-3-4): 239-244.
Andurain, P., A. Bertrand, and P. Médard. (1993). Otters in Midi-Pyrenees. DIREN [Direction Regionale de l’Environnement]s Midi-Pyrenees, AIRESEP, 30 pp. (unable to confirm second acronym definition)
Angst, C. and I. Weinberger. (2020). Status of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Switzerland. Journal of Mountain Ecology, 13.
Anisimova, E.I., V.E. Sidorovich, and V.T. Shimalov. (1996). Helminthofauna of otter (Lutra lutra) in Belarus. Vyestsi Akademii Navuk Belarus Syeryya Biyalahichnykh Navuk 2, [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Sciences, Series 2], pp.103-106.
Anonymous. (2014). Delimitation of areas where the presence of the beaver and otter proved in Maine-et-Loire. Prefecture of Maine-et-Loire (49). (unable to confirm publication information)
Anonymous. (2014). Otter: Public consultation from 23 January to 12 February 2014, on the draft prefectural on the European otter in Corrèze and planning to ban the use of traps killers. Prefecture of Corrèze.
Anonymous. (2013). Auch [Also]. A search of the otter. Dépèche The du Midi [The Mid Dispatch], 01.28.2013.
Anonymous. (2013). Océanopolis soon otters! (unable to confirm publication information)
Anonymous, (2012). Gard. Looking otter. Website Objective Gard, 19/1/2012.
Anonymous. (2011). Otter 2008-2011 Europe: Map collisions otters in Charente-Maritime. Tuesday, January 1, 2008 to Saturday, December 31, 2011, provisional Mapping: seizures in progress (unable to interpret publication information)
Anonymous. (2011). Otter, an expected return: Mountains of Normandy and Maine, Journal of PNR [Parc Naturel Régional] Normandie-Maine, 4: 14.
Anonymous. (2011). Presence of otters attested on the Sevre Nantes and the Yeah. Website Interdepartmental Institution Basin of the Sevre Nantes, April 24
Anonymous. (2010). Otters, welcome to Scotland! & “Kylerhea Otter Haven.” Website Visitor Centres Ltd, tourism
Anonymous. (2010). Study host the European otter potential in Sologne (2009 study). Sologne Nature Environment Diren [Direction Regionale de l’Environnement] Centre, pp. 111. (unable to interpret title)
Anonymous. (2010). Bannalec. Belon, the otter is back. PQR Journal Telegram, November 14, 2010. (unable to confirm acronum definitions)
Anonymous. (2009). Otter is back in the Loiret. Tribune Orleans, 04-06-2009.
Anonymous. (2009). Otter: A very discreet resident. Eastern-Eclair, April 28, 2009.(unable to confirm publisher)
Anonymous. (2008). Marais Poitevin In, otters and automobiles ... possible cohabitation / Otters are appropriate road improvements made by the Interregional Park Marais Poitevin. Website Interregional Park Marais poitevin. (unable to interpret title)
Anonymous. (2007). Otters: Endangered species spawn. Pyrus newspaper to residents of PNR [Parc Naturel Régional] Normandie-Maine, 2nd half of 2007, 6.
Anonymous. (2007). Otter recolonise the banks of the Sianne (Cantal). (unable to confirm publisher
Anonymous. (2006). Otter: Witnessed a kind of quality. Puy-de-Dôme in Motion,( the magazine of the General Council), May 2006, No. 76.
Anonymous. (2004). Distribution of the Eurasian otter in France since 1940. Museum Natural History La Rochelle.
Anonymous. (2004). Otter furs. CITES Instruction for border veterinary service, the Federal Government.
Anonymous. (2003). On the trail of the otter. L'Hermine vagabond, Ed Living Britain, Brest, 29: 16 pp.
Anonymous. (2003). Otter, discreet and mysterious friend. Wafer PNR [Parc Naturel Régional] Brière, CG [Conseil Général] Loire Atlantique, ONCFS [Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage].4.
Anonymous. (2001). Otter moved to more than 2,000 m. (unable to confirm publisher)
Anonymous. (1992). Preliminary study on the presence of otters along the Saar River and its tributaries. Water & Forests, SCN, Oekofonds, Luxembourg. (unable to confirm acronym definition)
Anonymous. (1901). Sus otters Remiremont. Two otters killed in Mont-sur-Meurthe. L'Est Republican of December 22, 1901 and May 13, 1902. (unale to translate title)
Anonymous. (1981). Otter in Picardy. Picardie-Nature, 13: 9.
Anonymous. (1980). Tracking ecology of the A10 motorway impact on otter (the Bramerit Creek). Gerea, Bordeaux, Min. Transportation. 90 pp.
Anonymous. (1978). Survey otter in Lorraine. GECNAL. (unable to confirm acronym definition)
Anonymous (1978). Red List of the Moldavian SSR [Soviet Socialist Republic]. Otter (Lutra lutra).
Anonymous (1978). Red List of the Kasachian SSR [Soviet Socialist Republic]. Otter (Lutra lutra)
Anonymous. (1953). A hunt otters. Plaisirs de la Chasse [Hunting pleasures]. 8.
Anonymous, (1896). Destruction otters Lorraine. Bull. Peach. Piscic. Practice, 9th year. (unable to interpret publisher abbreviations)
Anonymous. (1890). Otters: Manners, hunting, destruction. Imp. Aug. Fonteyn, Leuven (Belgium), 21 p. (unable to interpret publisher abbreviations)
Ansorge, H. (1994). Zur Situation des eurasischen Fischotters Lutra lutra Linne, 1758 im Raum Oberlausitz-Sachsen [On the situation of the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra Linne, 1758 in the Upper Lusatia-Saxony area]. Saugetierkd. Inf. [Mammal Science Information], 18: 617-622.
Ansorge, H. and M. Stubbe. (1995) Nonmetric skull divergence in the otter: Assessing genetic insulation of populations. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 11: 15-24.
Ansorge, H. and M. Striese. (1993). Zum Bestand des Fischotters in der ostlichen Oberlausitz. [On the population of the otter in eastern Upper Lusatia]. Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Gorlitz [Dep. Ber. Natural History. Gorlitz], 67: 13-19.
Ansorge, H. and M. Stubbe. (1992). Populations differenzierung beim Fischotter Lutra lutra (L.) nach nonmetrischen Schadelmerkmalen [Population differentiation in the otter Lutra lutra (L.) according to nonmetric skull features]. Semiaquat. Saugetiere [Semiaquatic Mammals], 1992), Wiss. Beitr. Univ. Halle [Knowledge Contribution, Univeristy of Halle]. pp. 401-415.
Antignac, C. (2006). Influence of the quality of streams and fish biomass on the distribution of the Eurasian otter in Britain. Internship Report, Master 1 in Marine Sciences and Coastal, Mention Sciences Biological Marines IUEM/UBO, 21 p + appendices. (unable to confirm acronym definitions)
Arca, G. and C. Prigioni. (1987). Food of the otter on the Fiora River (central Italy). Acta Theriologica, 31(10): 134-140.
Armen. (1991). Otter: Secret guardian of pure water. ArMen, 32: 35-47.Arnemo, J.M. (1991). Surgical implantation of intraperitoneal radio-telemetry devices in European river otters (Lutra lutra). In: Reuther, C. and R. Röchert. (eds.). Proceedings of the Vth International Otter Colloqium. Habitat, 6: 119-121.
Arnemo, J. M. (1990). Chemical immobilization of the European otter (Lutra lutra).Norsk Vet.[ Norwegian School Veterinary Medicine], 102: 767-770.
Arrendal, J. and M. Johnsson (2015). Comparison of evaluation methods for otter mitigation measures at roads: Simple method as good as labor intensive one. Poster Session: Proceedings European Otter Workshop. 8-11 June 2015, Stockholm, Sweden. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 33(A).
Arrendal J. (2007). Conservation genetics of the Eurasian otter in Sweden. Uppsala University, 278. 62p.
Arrendal, J., C. Vila, and M. Bjorklund. (2007). Reliability of noninvasive genetic census of otters compared to field censuses. Conservation Genetics, 8: 1097-1107.
Arrendal J., C.W. Walker, A.K. Sundqvist, L. Hellborg, and C. Vila. (2004). Genetic evaluation of an otter translocation program. Conservation Genetics, 5: 79-88.
Arrendal J. (2003). Translocated otters made only small contributions to population growth. Poster présenté à la conférence de l'IOSF 2003 [Poster presented at the IOSF 2003 Conference].1 p.
ASF. (1984). A10: Monitoring the operation of crossings for wildlife. Rapp. ASF. 84 pp. (unable to confirm acronym definition)
Audeville, A. (1890). Our enemy otter. Bull. Piscic. Practice, 41 pp (unable to interpret publisher abreviations)
Aughey, H.C. (2004). The ecology and distribution of the American mink (Mustela vison) and the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). Unpublished PhD thesis. Queen’s University, Belfast. pp. 116-142.
Aukes P. (1994). Seepage water of importance in otter habitats. Seil de l'Europe [Threshold of Europe]. Rencontres Environnement [Council of Europe, Environment Meeting], 24: 169-170.
Ayres, C. and P. Garcia. (2011). Features of the predation of the Eurasian otter upon toads in northwestern Spain. Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde [Journal of Mammals]. 76(1): 90-92.
Ayres, C. and P. García. (2009). Abandoned clay mines: An opportunity for Eurasian otters in NW Spain. IUCN Otter Specialist. Group Bulletin, 26(2): 67-72.
Azevedo, O.M., A.M. Correia, A.I. Maglahaes, and M. de Sousa. (2016). How do common otters (Lutra lutra, Linnaeus 1758) Interact: Behavior study on a pair in captivity. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 2(2): 124-131.
Beja, P.R. (1992) Effects of freshwater availability on the summer distribution of otters Lutra lutra in the southwest coast of Portugal. Geography 15: 273-278.
(unable to clarify citation title or confirm publisher information)
Conseil de l'Europe Rencontres environnement [Council of Europe, Environment Meetings], 24:162-164.
Bénard, C. (2001). Impact of roads on the European otter (Lutra lutra) in the Marais Poitevin. Rapp. Internship BTS/GPN, PIMP, 37 pp. + Annexes. (unable to confirm acronym definitions
Bachoffner, P. (2002). Otters and Chartreux. Ann. Soc. Hist. Archaeologists. Molsheim, [Annals of the Society for Historical Archaeology]. Molsheim. pp. 59-60.
Backbier, L.A.M. 2003. De otter en het oeverloze gestuntel met natuurwaarden. [The otter and the endless fumbling with natural values], Natuur en Milieufederatie [Nature and Environment Federation], 17(1): 11-13. (in Dutch).
Backbier, L.A.M., Jansen, S. 2002. Zum Vorkommen des Fischotters (Lutra lutra) in Limburg von 1990 bis 2000 [On the occurrence of the otter (Lutra lutra) in Limburg from 1990 to 2000] Säugetierk. Inform. [Mammal Science Information], 5: 201-209. (in German with English abstract)
Bacot, Flament and Lachenal. (1998). Otters in Alsace. Rapp. ENGEES Strasbourg [Ecole Nationale du Genie de l’Eau et de Environnement de Strassbourg] 38 pp. (unable to confirm first initials of authors)
Bae, I-H, B. Pakhrin, H. Jee, N-S. Shin, and D.Y. Kim. (2007). Hepatocellular adenoma in Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). Journal of Veterinary Science, 8(1): 103-105.
Bailey, M. and J. Rochford. (2006). Otter Survey of Ireland 2004/2005. Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 23. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland
Bailey, M.P. (2000). Otter Lutra lutra predating adult dragonflies. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 17(2): 84-84.
Baker J.R., A.M. Jones, T.P. Jones, and H.C. Watson. (1981). Otter mortality and marine oil pollution. Biological Conservation, 20: 311-32.
Bakhouche, B., M. L. Bendjeddou, and D. Scaravelli. (2015). New sightings of Lutra lutra in Algeria. Poster Session: Proceedings European Otter Workshop. 8-11 June, 2015. Stockholm, Sweden. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, Volume 33 A.
Balčiauskas, L. (2015). Otter (Lutra lutra) in Lithuania. IUCN Red Data Book. 20 pp.
Balciauskas, L. and A. Ulevicius. (1994). Lithuanian otter environment correlates.
Balestrieri A, L. Remonti, and C. Prigioni. (2010). Detectability of the Eurasian otter by standard surveys: an approach using marking intensity to estimate false negative rates. Naturwissenschaften [Natural Sciences] Nov 16.
Balestrieri, A. (2006). Otter Lutra lutra movements assessd by genotyped spraints in Southern Italy. Hystrix, 17(1): 91-96.
Balestrieri, A., >S. Messina, F. Pella, C. Prigioni, N. Saino and M. Fasola. (2016). Eurasian otter Lutra lutra in developing countries: A resurvey of Albania 22 years after the fall of communism. Oryx, 50(2): 368-373.
Balestrieri, A., L. Remonti, and C. Prigioni, (2011). Detectability of the Eurasian otter by standard surveys: An approach using marking intensity to estimate false negative rates. Naturwissenschaften [Natural Sciences], 98(1): 23-31
Balestrieri, A., L. Remonti, C. Prigioni. (2011). Detectability of the Eurasian otter by standard surveys: An approach using marking intensity to estimate false negative rates. Naturwissenschaften[Natural Sciences], 98: 23-31.
Balestrieri, A., L. Remonti, G. Smiroldo, C. Prigioni, and G. Reggiani. (2008). Surveying Otter lutra lutra distribution at the southern limit of its Italian range. Hystrix,19(2): 85-93.
Balestrieri, A., L. Remonti, P. Vezza, C. Prigioni, and G.H. Copp. (2013). Do non-native fish as prey favour the conservation of the threatened indigenous Eurasian otter? Freshwater Biology, 58: 995–1007.
Ball, D. (1985). Otter Lutra lutra (Linnaeus 1758) in Western Europe. Monographic study, preliminary. Thesis Veterinarian, University of Lyon. Lyon, France. No. 065. 90 pp.
Baltrunaite, L., L. Balciaauskas, R. Matulaitis, and V. Stirke. (2009). Otter distribution in Lithuania in 2008 and changes in the last decade. Estonian Journal of Ecology, 58(2): 94-102.
Baltrūnaitė, L., L. Balčiauskas, R. Matulaitis, and and V. Stirkė. (2009). Otter distribution in Lithuania in 2008 and changes in the last decade. Estonian Journal of Ecology, 58(2): 94-102.
Baltrunaite, L. (2006). Seasonal diet of the otter (Lutra lutra L.) in natural river ecosystems of south-eastern Lithuania. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 16(2): 107-114
Baranauskas, K. and E. Mickevičius. (1995). Some factors influencing the habitat use by otter (Lutra lutra) in Vilnius region. Ekologija [Ecology], 2: 49-53.
Baranauskas, K., E. Mickevicius, S.M. Macdonald, and C.F. Mason. (1994). Otter distribution in Lithuania. Oryx, 28: 128-130.
Baranauskas, K., E. Mickevičius, S.M. Macdonald, and C.F. Mason. (1994). Otter distribution in Lithuania. Oryx, 28(2): 128-130.
Baranauskas, K.,and A. Mickus. (1990). The investigation of distribution and abundance of the otter (Lutra lutra L.) and European mink (Mustela lutreola L.). Lithuanian Academy of Science, Institute of Ecology, Theriological Laboratory. Unpublished Report. (in Lithuanian).
Baranauskas. K. and E. Mickevicius. (1995). The new data on the otters in Lithuania. Lutreola, 5:11-25.
Barataud, M. (1993). Otter (Lutra lutra) in Limousin. Report of the Regional Conservatory of Natural Areas Limousin. 29 pp. + Annexes.
Barataud, M. (1993). Otters in Limousin. Distribution of the species, recent developments and future prospects of the people. Period 1990-1993. Epops[European Political Psychology], 4: 16-43.
Barbosa A.M., R. Real, J. Olivero, and J.M. Vargas. (2003). Otter (Lutra lutra) distribution modeling at two resolution scales suited to conservation planning in the Iberian Peninsula. Biological Conservation, 114: 377-387.
Barrientos, R., R. Merino-Aguirre, D.H. Fletcher, et al. (2014). Eurasian otters modify their trophic niche after the introduction of non-native prey in Mediterranean fresh waters. Biological Invasions, 16: 1573-1579.
Bartlett SL, D.M. Imai, J.G. Trnpkiewicz, M.M. Garner, S. Ogasawara, T. M. Stokol, N. Kiupel, N. Abou-Madi, and G.V. Kollias. (2010). Intestinal lymphoma of granular lymphocytes in a fisher (Martes pennanti) and a Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 41(2):309-315.
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Dallas, J. F., K.E. Coxon, T.Sykes, P.R.F. Chanin, F. Marshall, D.N. Carss, P.J. Bacon, S.B. Piertney, and P.A. Racey. (2003). Similar estimates of population genetic composition and sex ratio derived from carcasses and faeces of Eurasian otter Lutra lutra. Molecular Ecology, 12: 275-282.
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De la Gorce, F. (1993). Feasibility of reintroduction of the otter (Lutra lutra) in the geographical area of the Agence de l'Eau Rhin-Meuse Basins of the Moselle and the Meuse, and the Tea Thousand Ponds. Rapp. Agence de l'Eau Rhin-Meuse, Regional Natural Park of Ballons des Vosges, 108 p. + Annexes.
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Delmoitiez, L., L. Grandpierre, and E. and F. Grimbert Guillaud. (2009). Creating a program for the reintroduction of the European otter (Lutra lutra) in the PACA [Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur] region. Step 1: Feasibility study for the reintroduction of the European otter in the PACA region. EEGB Master Report 2 PRO, Paul Cézanne University, Faculty of Science and Technology of St. Jerome, Marseille, 50 pp. (unable to confirm last acronym definition)
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Dimitrova, Z.M., Y. Tzvetkov, and I. Todev. (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria: With a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45(1): 41-47.
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Dovile, N., V. Mazeika, P. Algimantas, R. Irma, and S. Laura. (2018). First data on the parasite fauna of the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758) in Lithuania. p.7. In: Parasites in the Heart of Europe: 13th Slovak and Czech parasitological days, May 21-25, 2018, Košice, Slovakia: Book of Abstracts.
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Dulfer, R., Roche, K. (1996). First phase report of the Trebon Otter Project. Scientific background and recommendations for conservation and managment planning. 91 pp. (unable to confirm publisher information)
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Fanel, M. (2002). Study of the diet of the European otter in Alsace. Rapp. Master BPE, 22 pp. (unable to confirm acronym definition)
Fanel, M. and N. and D. Varanguin Sirugue. (2004). Feasibility of reintroduction of the otter Morvan. SNH Autun, PNR [Parc Naturel Régional] Morvan. 53 pp. + Annexes. (uable to confirm first acronym definition)
Farinha, N. (1996). Distribuição e ecologia da Lontra (Lutra lutra Linnaeus, 1758) na Reserva Natural do Estuário do Tejo. Portugal [Distribution and ecology of the otter (Lutra lutra Linnaeus, 1758) in the Nature Reserve of the Tagus Estuary. Portugal]. ICN/LIFE.(wild)
Farrachi, A. (2001). Draft reintroduction of otters in Haute-Normandie. Rapp. ASPAS. 22 pp. (unable to confirm acronym definition)
Fasano, R. (1993). L'alimentazione della lontra europea (Lutra lutra) sul fiume sele(Campania) [Feeding the European otter (Lutra lutra) on the Sele river (Campania)]. (unable to confirm publication information)
Fasano, R. and G. Maglio. (1995). Otter presence in Lattari mountains (Campania region), Southern Italy. Hystrix, 7(1-2): 243-245.
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